Aggression In Children: What A Mistake!

Aggression in children plays a vital role in the family uncongenial environment. Civilization and digital signs of progress are rising rapidly. Children have more access to digital advancement. Parents are sometimes being busy maintaining the family. Different psychological issues are arising due to dysfunctional relationships among children and parents.

Teenage aggression towards mothers is high because children spend most of the time with their mother.

Parents and others express” my child is out of control where can I send her?” “Aggression and violent behavior is increasing, how to deal with aggressive behavior?”

Sign of aggressive behavior in children

Sometimes, children in public morals and the accomplishment of the starting point higher than their parents; let us put aside the shelf of the parents. This also makes the generation gap which affects our social life. Children aggression might be express in various forms like:

  • Angry and bad temper
  • beating others
  • kicking
  • destroy assets
  • bullying others
  • conditional posture and gesture
  • controlling others by showing threats.

There have no special supplements of aggression in children which can control it rapidly. First of all, as a father or mother, you have to identify the root signs and causes of aggressive behavior in children.

Prompted the core: Western countries like the United States, Japan, Chinese parents bear mental pressure far greater than other countries; there are 12 kinds of causes of aggressive behavior in children, reflected in the aggression in children This article lists in order to the attention of the parents.

1. Family discard effects on aggression in children

Parents do not understand humility and often blame each other for aggression in children. Both make quarreling, or parents and the elderly and for children in terms of psychological thunder and lightning.

The harmonious family atmosphere for the children grows up, like plenty of sunlight and moisture. Parents’ relationship is the weather of the child, the child’s mind is still immature, bad weather is not only hindering the healthy growth of the child’s physical and mental, and often will leave a lifetime of psychological shadow. To build a warm, caring family, is the responsibility of the parents for children.

2. Parent’s bad habits make aggression in children

anger childBad habits, not only bring the family troubles, more importantly, great harm to children’s bodies. Those habits lasted for many years, or bite the bullet and quit, not powerless to change the habit, only you do not want to change!

3. Suspected of being wronged

Sometimes parents deserve wrongly with their children for example: Getting high marks exam, the child will write an essay appropriately to get high marks, less money than his small brother and sister cried, do good to be related good child.

And their reaction is made without investigation, sometimes children have no right to speak, even if the child is naughty, naive, and a “criminal record”. The taste of being wrong can be painful for children.

So, the behavior of the children can learn distrust and lack of respect

4. Lack of tolerance and understanding make aggression in children

Sometimes parents can not tolerate their children for their issues and children get punished. This happens only for mutual misunderstanding.

Chinese general lack of attempts to spirit, and a big reason is that during childhood, failed attempts to be tolerant and encourage, so did not dare try. Unintentional fault tolerance recommends that parents and friends children, encourage children to try the idea in mind, though not necessarily success, but our children will gain the opportunity to grow.

5. Parents dishonesty make more aggression in children

Sometimes parents’ dishonesty towards children makes aggression in children. Things that admit of promise or greatly reduced or indefinitely delayed, no matter how much hope and hope for how long.

Parents lose trust which makes two significant negative effects:

First, the prestige of parents greatly reduced, and the prestige of the parents is the foundation of education.

Second, the parents of dishonesty set an example of aggressive behavior in children which negatively affects a child’s future mental health condition.

6. Parents desire to get  respect from children

Parents always desire to get respect from children but the child may not show according to. When parents do not get much respect from their children they punished or show aggression towards parents. Most of the time it is seen the child has a lack of skill to show a respectful attitude and also this causes because most of the failed parents do not know how to maintain a child’s self-esteem.

7. Parents conduct towards children

child showing aggersionSometimes parent’s projection towards children hampers their psychological development.

Civilization progress, so that children in public morals and the accomplishment of the starting point higher than their parents, let us put aside the shelf of the parents, to the child to learn. This is the result of the development of the times and trends.

8. Parents do not accompany their play

Games are the favorite ways for Childhood entertainment. Unfortunately, not many have such opportunities. The adults have their world and entertainment. To accompany the children playing has long been considered dispensable.

More than spending time with children, and children with games, watching the children day by day change, grow up, is a wonderful thing. Children enter puberty or the age of bigger, this opportunity still happy to take advantage of a lot to enjoy the heaven-sent.

Dads do not think the wife and kids would lose face, which is the dross of the feudal machismo, the higher the degree of civilization, the social and class, the more attention and their families get along.

9. Cannot be plead

The opportunity there is no complaint, and insist on defense, it was deemed to talk back to make the mistake of certainty of severe punishment make aggression in children.

This is a typical expression of the feudal patriarchal system, equality, democracy, and the spirit of the opposite of harm itself a remarkable achievement! Just think, if the child has been accustomed to adapt injustice, children in addition to seeking permission no idea, we love the children how to deal with their lives?

Develop a rationale and dare to express their views on children than to keep the adults’ faces.

10. Parents arranged

Clothes, schedules, or to make friends, choose to apply for interest classes cannot be complete a child themselves. Parents have to arrange all thing for children and they are correct and important when the child is small.

Making friends, we should give them the guidance of principle, but not to specific interference.

11. Languages 

Some times parents and other family members use various adulty language that hampers a child’s psychological wellbeing. They also use some sentences as “have to, must “do or get punished” etc. Children have less opportunity to experience themself in their way.

12. No privacy

Sometimes parents do not recognize the child’s privacy and they think the child is not mature to take their own decision. They think a child can make any type of mistake so they have to guide. So Parents try to make a higher-level review for the child which make a negative impact on the child’s mental health.

The most effective way is to establish the child’s attitude and values, in short, parents can teach children to choose, rather than monitoring without forcing their children to choose. This can help to manage aggression in children.

Effective ways to control aggression in children:

When you think your child is being aggressive day by day then you need to check the above factors. Most of the time within these 12 factors one or more factors are cause aggression in children. After that, you can take a few effective ways to control your child’s aggression.ways to control aggression in children

Identification of the triggering factor for aggression: As a parent, you need to identify situations thoughts and feeling that trigger your child to be aggressive.

Monitor the child’s behaviors: Monitor your child’s activities and relationships with peers, teachers, and others.

Assessment: Assessment by a psychologist or psychiatrist may necessary. Psychologists or psychiatrists will advise psychotherapy or medication according to intensity, consistency, and duration for your child’s aggression.

Create a positive understanding: Actively listen (maintain proper eye contact) your child’s history and provide unconditional positive regard. This will build a healthy and trustworthy relationship with your child. Remember always encouraged to share his thoughts.

Parental skill training: Parents, you can take positive parenting techniques to know how parent and child behavioral interactions encourage or discourage positive or negative behavior. You can also take parent-child interaction therapy or family therapy.

Open conversation: Discuss with your child and share various interesting matters. This will help you to explore the basic factors of a child’s anger, stress, and frustration.

Spend qualitative time: Enjoy move with family members or go out to spend time together.

Exercise: The whole family can follow a few techniques which bring calmness in mind like: mindfulness meditation, muscle relaxation, breathing exercise, imaginary exercise, yoga, etc.

All in all practicing assertiveness shows compassion, and empathic communication can help to control aggression in children.


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