Psychological Questions and Answers About Psychotherapy

Various Psychological Questions ask mental help seekers to get psychological support. Such as how to start the first session. How long does therapy take? How to take medicine through psychotherapy? Does psychotherapy include medication? What is CBT? etc. I want to show some common inquiries:

Most Common Psychological Questions

What will happen during my first counseling session?

Before starting the counseling session, this is a psychological question frequently faced. If you have never had a session with a psychologist, your initial visit may feel a little daunting. Usually, what will happen is that the psychologist will want to get to know you better and will be informally assessing your situation. They will like to learn about your condition or the issues between yourself and your partner in the case of relationship counseling.

Sometimes, they may ask you to complete paperwork, including an intake form that outlines basic information about you. Alternatively, they may ask you to complete one or two assessment forms that will provide them with some objective information about you and what is happening in your life right now.

online psychological counseling

My experience..!

In our practice, we like to understand the main problem that is bothering you, learn a little about your family of origin (the family you grew up in), and then focus on your strengths and how best to apply these to what is happening right now.

Often, a psychologist will offer to teach you skills that may help you deal differently with the situation bothering you, such as assertiveness, conflict resolution, anger management, or skills explicitly focused on improving your relationship with your partner.

You must feel comfortable talking to your psychologist openly and honestly, as they need to get to know you well to help you. If you don’t feel safe with your psychologist, you probably need to find another one, although keep in mind that it can take a little time to develop a trusting relationship with any psychologist.

In almost every case, clients who have entered our clinic as counseling ‘virgins’ leave feeling supported, cared about, and as though a weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

One of the most common psychological questions: How long does therapy take?

Initially, your first session with a psychologist will probably only last for an hour.

How many sessions you will require after this depends on what is happening to cause your distress. Generally, it is helpful to approach treatment with the view that you will probably benefit from investing in at least six sessions, and given that you will be making changes that you want to last.

You would be best advised to consider at least 10-20 sessions spread out over 12 months. You may find that your psychologist initially wants to see you weekly, fortnightly, and then maybe monthly before you are asked to get in touch for a six-month maintenance session.

How do I access a psychologist through Medicare?

This is not a psychological question; instead, it is a psychiatric question that a psychiatrist can answer. Because a psychiatrist is a medical specialist who can prescribe medicine, you may qualify to access a rebate on your psychology fees through Medicare. To determine if this is the case, ask your doctor at your next visit whether they can provide you with a referral and a Mental Health Care Plan to enable you to see a psychologist.

While some psychologists will ‘bulk bill’ you, which means that Medicare will cover the full fee, many will ask you to pay a ‘gap,’ which is the difference between the fee they usually charge and the costs covered by Medicare.

What is meant by Cognitive Psychology?

Cognitive Psychology involves the way we think about things since cognition means thinking. Dr. Arnold Lazurus, who developed Multi-modal Therapy, says we can react in all five ways or modes as human beings. These modes are described by the acronym “BASIC.”

In this acronym, the B stands for feelings, the A for effect or emotions, the S for sensations (such as headaches or a lump in the throat), I stand for images, and the C relates to cognition or thoughts.

I believe the two most important of these five modes are feelings or effects and thoughts or cognition.

An example of the use of Cognitive Psychology is the following. A person may come into therapy and say that all the persons they could date are either exciting but cannot provide security or are boring.

After being encouraged to date, the person usually concludes that things are not so “black or white,” but there are many shades of grey. That’s Cognitive Psychology.

How do you deal in therapy with persons who have to deal with a loved one’s recent death?

In my type of therapy, called “Dynamic Psychotherapy,” it is usually essential to help people take appropriate actions to move toward their goals. However, after losing a loved one, it is necessary to experience a mourning period to discuss this loss’s feelings. This talking can be carried out with friends, relatives, and a therapist if necessary.

The feelings of grief that occur during this time are also accompanied by a general lethargy or desire for inactivity. Taking appropriate actions to move on with one’s life is very difficult.

After some time, however, usually weeks, the person in mourning should be encouraged to begin taking on some of the activities necessary to continue with one’s life in a productive and growthful manner.

At first, carrying out these actions may be tricky, but the person should try to do so despite the lingering feelings of a desire for inactivity. After a time, carrying out these actions becomes more accessible. Being involved in activities in line with one’s goals helps a person get over the feelings of loss and move away from the period of mourning.

Is profuse sweating a sign of psychological problems?

The answer to this question is maybe yes and maybe no. Some persons breaking out into sweat may result from a rapid change in blood sugar level, which is more of a physical problem than a psychological one. To test for this possibility, a person should consult a physician and get a glucose tolerance test.

If the glucose tolerance test is negative, a psychologist may be contacted to determine whether profuse sweating results from psychological problems. One example of psychological pain associated with breaking out into a sweat is called panic disorder.

If a psychologist assesses that a person has a panic disorder, it is essential to deal with this problem because it is likely to worsen over time if it is not dealt with.

What if I have a concession card?

At East old Counseling & Psychology, we will bulk bill you for psychological treatment if you are receiving Centrelink assistance and have a concession card along with a mental health care plan from your doctor and are experiencing genuine hardship.

Will my private health insurance cover any of my costs?

Depending on your cover level, you may find that your private health insurance will allow you to claim a rebate for any psychological services. Generally, private health insurance does not cover the entire fee the psychologist charges, and you will still need to make up the difference by paying a ‘gap.’ You may have more psychological questions that we could not cover in this short article, so we request you to comment from the below box.

You can read more about: When should we go to a psychologist or psychiatrist?


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