Bullying Facts of Children- Preventive Way

No parent wants to believe their child is a cyberbully. Who can blame them? The truth is that more than half of all American kids experience cyber bullying either as a participant, victim, or bully. If you believe your child may be a cyberbully there are some steps you can take to find out.

Ways to Assess Child Bullying:

1) Look for Common Warning Signs of Cyber Bullying:

The Illinois Attorney General’s Office published a checklist of warning signs to look for if you think your child may be a cyberbully.

Some of the most common warning signs include your child:

  • minimizing the computer screen whenever an adult enters the room
  • refusing to talk about their social interactions
  • owning multiple accounts, and altering someone else’s photo

They may also show a few psychological issues like depression, anxiety, stress, etc.

2) Ask Your Child:

Direct and simple. If you think your child is being cyberbullied, one of the easiest ways to find out is to ask them openly. Hopefully, they will tell you the truth, but if not it shouldn’t be too tough to read their reaction to the question. Explain to your child what a cyberbully is and ask if they have ever participated in those types of actions.

3) Talk To Other Teachers and Parents:

If you suspect that your child is involved in online bullying contact other parents or your child’s teachers to ask if they are aware of any incidents involving bullying. Asking this question may seem a bit awkward or embarrassing at first but it is especially important that parents are proactive with regard to their child’s online activities.

4) Log In to Your Child’s Account (With Their Permission):

Unless you feel the need to take immediate drastic measures you could ask your son or daughter if he or she would feel comfortable letting you ‘snoop’ for a bit. If they agree, let them sit next to you while you browse their profiles, messages, and pictures.

Not all kids will agree to this request (especially the older teens) so do not let their disapproval automatically make you believe they are guilty. Everyone values their privacy.

5) Install Internet Monitoring Software on Your Computer:

Personally, I am not a fan of Internet monitoring software but I know there are many valid reasons to use it.

Parents and schools frequently use this type of software to monitor kids’ Internet actions and social interactions. I have two good friends that both use Internet monitoring software called PC Tattletale and they’re very happy with its results.

I would probably use this method as a last resort.

Hopefully, we have provided you with some useful guidelines to find out if your child is a cyberbully. Take the time to talk to your child about cyberbullying and explain to him or her the effect that it has on their peers. Check out another of our useful articles Ways to Prevent Cyberbullying.

How to Prevent Cyber Bullying?

Cyberbullying is prevalent in society and is increasing at an alarming rate. There are several steps that adults can take to limit and even prevent cyberbullying. There are also steps that children can take to prevent cyberbullying. These are outlined below:

Firstly, children must learn never to pass on a message that can be harmful or cruel. Also, it must be taught to children to never pass along photos that can be harmful or cruel.

The second thing that children can do is tell the person doing the cyberbullying to stop. If that does not work, then the child needs to tell a trusted adult.

Children who are allowed in chat rooms or on social media sites need to learn how to block someone. Blocking others is one of the most popular ways to prevent cyberbullying.

Children should learn never to post identifying information online and that information they would not give a stranger they should also not post online.

Children also need to work with the school community and community groups to organize campaigns to stop cyberbullying.

Parents need to recognize that cyberbullying is a fact, and learn how to prevent cyberbullying. Teach the child that if they would not want it said about them, then it is not acceptable to post it about someone else.

Secondly, monitor the child’s computer use. Keep a laptop or computer in a common room where everybody can get access easily, for instance, the living room. Set up a schedule for when the computer will be used. Also, establish what sites the child can visit.

Be sure and listen to the child. Watch for signs that the child is becoming withdrawn. This can signal that cyberbullying is occurring.

Be sure and listen to the child. Watch for signs that the child is becoming withdrawn. This can signal that cyberbullying is occurring.

Be involved in a child’s life. Take time to be the child’s friend. Make sure the parent is open to listening to the child. Open communication is key.

Parents need to be involved in school groups and community groups about cyberbullying. If none exists, make sure and start one.

The truth is cyber bullying facts are scary. Both children and parents must be proactive in stopping it.


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