How to Diagnosis ADD or ADHD Properly?


If you have recently been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, you’re probably trying to take everything in. You may still have a lot of questions that need answers. Questions such as:

  • What are my options?
  • How can I get back to my past golden life?
  • How and where to start managing my ADHD?

Although there is no cure for ADHD, many ways exist to help manage this condition and improve your concentration and quality of life.

To get to that point, you’ll need the help of a few trained professionals to help people with ADHD. Having a support system of experts is the best way to control your condition instead of controlling you.

Like most people, you probably think that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are two different things. And, you’re probably also assuming there’s no way to treat them both effectively. I’m here to tell you you might be wrong on both counts.

ADD and ADHD are the same, and very effective treatment exists for them. The key to understanding and treating ADD/ADHD is to understand that it’s not a disorder of attention but a disorder of regulation. In other words, people with ADD/ADHD have difficulty regulating their engagement. They can’t control when or how they pay attention, so they often miss important information or get easily distracted.

The good news is that there are some very effective treatments for ADD/ADHD. One of the most effective is something called neurofeedback.

Effective Ways:

If you suspect your child may have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it’s important to consult a professional. A number of factors can contribute to these conditions, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis.

A few key signs may indicate that your child has ADD or ADHD. If your child has difficulty paying attention or is easily distracted, this could be a sign. Additionally, if your child is constantly fidgeting or has difficulty sitting still, this could also indicate ADD or ADHD.

If you suspect your child may have ADD or ADHD, the best action is to consult with a professional. A qualified mental health professional can administer tests and evaluations to determine whether or not your child has these conditions.

Find a Psychiatrist Specializing in ADD/ADHD

A psychiatrist specializes in diagnosing and treating people who have disorders that affect the mind. They can administer tests, perform evaluations, and prescribe medicine.

Suppose your regular doctor has suggested that you might benefit from medication for your ADHD, a psychiatrist, especially one specializing in adult ADD/ADHD. Is the person who can perform the most significant and help you make that decision?

While you are on medication, your psychiatrist will regularly meet with you to monitor your condition.

Your dosage can be changed as needed by your psychiatrist, or you can be prescribed a different medication if one is not helping or if you have side effects.

Enlist a Life Coach Specializing in ADD/ADHD

As helpful as having a psychiatrist will be if you are on medication, monitoring your prescription will be their main function in your care.

You would also benefit from learning new skills in time management, goal setting, and staying focused. Those tasks are best suited to a life coach.

Life coaches that specialize in guiding people with ADHD understand the unique challenges that you face. They know coping methods that are specifically tailored to people with attention disorders.

Sessions with one of these coaches will help you to identify your biggest problem areas and create a system to work with them that is right for you. Your concentration will improve, along with your time management skills.

Hire a Psychologist or Psychiatrist

Life coaches will be a valuable asset in dealing with specific problem areas, but that still leaves you needing an outlet for your emotions.

Dealing with the anger, depression, guilt, confusion, and low self-esteem that can come with adult ADHD is not something you should try to do independently. A psychologist is the perfect sounding board for you to express all these feelings too.

Psychologists are trained in helping people deal with emotional problems stemming from attention disorders.

Weekly or bi-monthly sessions offer you a safe, confidential environment to discuss the good and bad. You will learn emotional coping skills and how to let go of negative emotions while building positive ones.

ADHD changes your life. However, that does not mean you can’t learn how to manage it. A trusted support group of professionals will help you deal with everything from realistic goals to overcoming anger.

The most important thing to remember is that you can learn to control your ADHD instead of it controlling you with some time and assistance. You may check this article-Living with ADHD is easier by maintaining self-management techniques.

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