Mental Health Test For Depression and Anxiety

Mental Health Test,Test For Depression,Test For Anxiety

The mental health test given below is a brief look at symptoms you may have. I have been helping people deal with symptoms for many years. It is critical to feeling better, and to do that, looking at what is working in your life and building on that is just as important as dealing with things that are bothering you.

Mental Health Test Anxiety Self-Screener

Are you troubled by:

Yes No: Excessive worrying at least 50% of the time?

Yes No: Difficulty controlling your worrying?

Yes No: Constant worrying for at least the last six months?

If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then continue to answer the questions below.

Have you been bothered by any of the following for at least six months?

Yes No: Restlessness, feeling keyed-up or on edge?

Yes No: Being quickly tired?

Yes No: Problems concentrating?

Yes No: Irritability?

Yes No: Muscle tension?

Yes No: difficulty in asleep, or restless and unsatisfying sleep?

Yes No: Anxiety interfering with your daily life?

If you answered “Yes” to at least 3 of these six questions, then you may have An Anxiety Disorder, a treatable medical condition.

Mental Health Test Depression Self-Screener

Yes No: I eat more/less than I used to

Yes No: I have to push myself to do even the simplest of things.

Yes No: I stay to myself a lot.

Yes No: My sleep patterns have changed. (more, less, or disrupted).

Yes No: I cry more than I used to.

Yes No: Decisions have been more difficult to make lately

Yes No: I’m tired a lot.

If you answered “Yes” to at least 3 of these six questions, then you may have depression, a treatable medical condition.

Dr. David says…

“Tim’s support has truly helped the patients I have referred to move on with their lives and have better mental health. I appreciate all he has done for them.” Using Tim’s phone support, she says, “Tim’s positive approach is always upbeat. He has truly helped me with my anxiety and depression. His advice has helped me move on with my life. I now have more money and am running my own business. He knows how to connect me to community supports that are free and extremely helpful.”

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