Muslim Marriage Counseling Process & Benefits

Muslim Marriage Counseling is a kind of couple’s therapy, also a sort of psychotherapy. Guidance helps couples of all kinds recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships with other family members. Through guidance, you can make the right decisions about strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.

Marriage counseling is usually provided by licensed therapists referred to as marriage and family therapists. These therapists have approved graduate or postgraduate degrees on it. Marriage counseling is usually short-term. Guidance typically includes both partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to figure with a therapist alone. The precise treatment plan depends on things.

On the surface, this looks like an appointment which will work. But there are a variety of considerations Muslims must confine in mind before seeking the assistance of a wedding counselor who doesn’t have an Islamic orientation, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

How Muslim guidance differs from the others?

According to Muslims, Marriage is that the system that Allah (SWT) chose for the copy and continuation of life. Islam has instructed and encouraged the believers to marry and remain lawful to every other as long as they’re alive and to point out the importance of that Islam has made marriage half the deen of a Muslim (Maharani).

Also, marriage is about a relationship between two people, all with enormous responsibility that the person will be asked about within the Day of Judgment by Allah (SWT).

There is a 70-80 percent success rate in traditional Muslim marriage counseling. However, some research shows that 38 percent of couples get divorced within  4 years of taking marriage therapy.

Examples of marriage counseling goals:

Islam has guided and provided specific goals to the way to eliminate the responsibilities from both the Quran and Sunnah and made them the sole way to success, happiness, and peace of mind.

There are a few stages and goals for Muslim marriage counseling. All types of Muslim counseling follows by Quran and Sunnah. Raju Akon, a professional Muslim counseling psychologist. He is one of the best counseling psychologists in Asian countries. He follows Quran and the scientific goals for couple and marriage counseling.

Included in its charter/articles is guiding Muslim couples living within the metro Atlanta and beyond.

The middle efficiently provides counseling sessions to disturbed marriages confidentially and professionally using the Quran and, therefore, the sunnah as guidance.

Muslim Guidance counseling:

On the opposite hand, consistent with other guidance, guidance can help couples sort intimate relationships no matter sexual orientation or marital status.

Some couples seek guidance to strengthen their partnership and gain a far better understanding of every other.

The guidance also can help couples who decide to marry. Premarital counseling can help them carry on their relationship after marriage, and they can build up their proper understanding.

In other cases, couples seek guidance to enhance a troubled relationship. You’ll use guidance to assist with any specific issues, including:

  • Communication problems
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Conflicts about child rearing or blended families
  • Substance abuse
  • Anger
  • Infidelity Marriage

Counseling may additionally be helpful in cases of domestic abuse. However, if violence has escalated to the purpose that you’re afraid of, counseling alone isn’t adequate. In any kind of crisis, you should contact with police or local safety service provider.

Muslim counseling book

Marriage counseling for Muslims is different from general counseling as they follow Muslim rules and regulation which provided Allah and other prophets. There are various books to provide psychotherapy or counseling for Muslim families or couples. The top 5 Books are listed below. All of these books are suitable for professionals and clients as self-help books.

  1.  Handbook for Mental Health Issue for Muslim counseling by Sameera Ahmed (Editor), Mona M. Amer (Editor)
  2. Culturally Sensitive Counseling and Psychotherapy with Arabs & Muslims by Marwan Dwairy (Author) 
  3. Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage by Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera (Author)
  4. Counseling American Muslims with Faith by Ahmed Kobeisy (Author)
  5.  Islamic Counselling: Theory and Practice by G. Hussein Rassool (Author) 

Muslim Marriage Counseling Process

During a session, if the counselor sees the couple’s marriage as salvageable, and both the husband and therefore the wife want to plan to make it work, the counselor will continue the counseling, moving on to subsequent steps.

If, however, the husband or the wife shows indifference and s/he doesn’t care if the wedding lasts, the counselor will drop the case and can make no further attempt at counseling. If the couple both agree, counseling starts.

In stages of guidance, there are three main steps in marriage counseling.
  1. Within the first five to 6 weekly sessions, the couple openly expresses all negative feelings about one another. They will sometimes be very hostile to every other. This can be shocking for one or both partners since they never realized the opposite felt so negatively.
  2. The subsequent stage is challenging. Because the couple has openly conveyed negative feelings to every other, they’re usually very angry with each other. During several cases, they’ll completely end coming to counseling.
  3. If the couple survives the second stage and remains in counseling, the counselor asks each of them if they’re still committed to maintaining their marriage. If they’re, the remainder of the sessions (about 10 to 15) is focused thereon. Muslim couples face problems when seeking guidance within the mainstream. One major problem for Muslims who seek this sort of counseling is its immediate emphasis on divorce.

Marriage counseling is generally provided jointly with the couple. Following your therapist, you can go for a proper decision in your relationship, such as:

  • Open communication
  • Problem-solving
  • The way to discuss differences rationally

You’ll mention the great and bad parts of your relationship. Together you’ll find out how to spot problems without blame and instead examine how things are often improved.

As a client, you will need to collaborate with a muslim marriage counselor

Here are some of the important tips to stay in mind when considering marriage counseling:
  • It’d be hard to speak about your problems with the counselor. Sessions might pass in silence as you and your partner remain angry over perceived wrongs; otherwise, you might yell or argue during sessions. Both are OK. Your therapist can act as a referee and assist you in dealing with the resulting emotions.
  • You’ll pass yourself. If your partner refuses to attend guidance sessions, you’ll still attend. It’s tougher to fix a relationship this manner, but you’ll benefit by learning more about your reactions and behavior.
  • Therapy is usually short-term. Some people need only a couple of sessions of guidance, while others need it for several months. The precise treatment plan will depend upon your situation. Sometimes, guidance helps couples discover that their differences truly are irreconcilable, which is best to finish the connection. Sessions can then specialize in skills for ending the connection on good terms.
  • You would possibly have homework. Your counselor might suggest communication exercises reception assist you to practice what you’ve learned during your session. For instance, talk face-to-face together with your partner for a couple of minutes a day about non-stressful things — with no interruptions from TVs, phones, or children.
  • Both of you need proper care. If one among you is dealing with mental disease, drug abuse, or other issues, your therapist might work with other health care providers to supply complete treatment.

Choosing to travel to guidance is often tough. However, if you’ve got a troubled relationship, seeking assistance is simpler than ignoring your problems or hoping they recover on their own. Sometimes taking the primary step by admitting the connection needs assistance is the toughest part. Most people find the experience to be insightful and empowering.

Why did Muslim Marriage Counselor get to be appointed?

Muslim Marriage counseling service and pre-marital counseling that has helped many Muslim couples, a number of the connection issues:

  • On the verge of divorce
  • Misunderstandings
  • Tensions resulting from differences
  • Feelings of resentment, anger, and anxiety
  • Mistrust
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Infidelity
  • Repeating/constant arguments
  • Difficulties with other family member’s in-laws
  • Abuse
  • Religiosity
  • Mental health

Many Muslim Couples tend to return to us as a final means of getting their relationship back on target. A part of the couple counselor’s role is to assist the couple in communicating with one another in meaningful ways by providing techniques that help to try this.

In couple counseling, there are complex influences from the past that affect how people act within a few relationships. Our couple counselors are conscious of these influences and may help people understand them.


A marriage counselor guides couples by showing the right path in the relationship. Counselors help them compute their problems by encouraging them to debate and believe their problems. They also undertake to seek out solutions that will help the couples affect their problems.

Marriage may be a cherished bond. Although divorce is permitted in Islam, it’s considered a final option. Couples are encouraged to be proactive in establishing and maintaining a healthy and powerful relationship and to explore all possible remedies before pursuing a divorce. A well-trained counselor will never recommend divorce. S/he will only present it together of the many options.

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Last update on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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