Parenting Styles and Effects on Children

effective parenting styles,baumrind parenting styles

Parenting styles provide a construct for parents, to achieve their specific goals with their child. Parenting a child requires wisdom, patience, understanding and the ability to love.

Most of the time it is seen children want much time to get together that also helps to make intimacy among the family members. On average, parents give 8 minutes, working moms give 11 minutes, and stay-at-home mothers give less than 30 minutes of conversation to their kids every day.

Nearly 20 percent of children in grades 6 through 12 reports that they have not had a 10-minute conversation with at least one of their parents in more than a month.

When it’s been a long, hard-working day, are you still going to make the effort to read a bedtime story? When your child wakes up in the morning, too sick to go to school, are you going to stay home from work?

We first give you some information about the various parenting styles and the impact of each style. We will also give you all you need to improve the relationship with your child, have good feelings about your child and yourself. You will learn how to easily invest in your own development. Hello! YOUR development. Because to be a good mam or dad, you have to take care of yourself! Focus on yourself and not only on your child and child development.

One of the best-known theories was developed by Diana Baumrind. She uses the next parameters: Responsiveness/unresponsiveness (the extent to which the parent responds to the child’s needs) and demandingness/undemandingness (the degree that the parent expects more mature and responsible behavior from a child).

Types of Parenting Styles

Baumrind identified four basic parenting styles in early child development:

Too Hard Parenting Style:

This is characterized by high demandingness with low responsiveness. This means a lot of rules and directions, but little explanations.

Too Soft Parenting Style:

This is characterized by low demandingness with high responsiveness. Parents are nurturing and accepting, but non-demanding. Also, it is called indulgent parenting.

Just Right Parenting Style:

This is characterized by moderate demandingness with moderate responsiveness. So compliance to parental rules and directions is expected, but always in an open dialogue about those rules and behaviors, and a child-centered approach.

This parenting style is also known as nonconformist parenting. These parents don’t give enough concentration to their children. The parents will provide basic needs for the child, but are not really involved.

These three styles are authoritarian, permissive and democratic.

Democratic Parenting Style:

This is a mixture of authoritarian and permissive styles. A democratic parent will be clear about the rules that are necessary and enforce them. Punishment is discussed with the child.

Democratic parents are most interested in making sure their child understands why rules are in place and why some behavior is not accepted.

What is your real priority and what do you really do in daily life, especially in relation to job, career, friends, personal interests, finances, demands on time and increased energy needed? So whatever family structure or family life; the right amount of communication and interaction between you and your children are so important!

Family life; different situations, different effects on children

Roughly 68% of the (American) children live a family life with both parents present; 28% live with one parent; 4% live with someone other than a parent.

The family is the most fundamental of society’s institutions for children. It is within the family life that character, responsibility, morality, ability, and wisdom are nurtured best.

There is a certain connection between a family based on an ultimate wedding and short incidences of offense, habit, neglect, disease, and low self-esteem. Sometimes these factors may affect on child’s mental health like they may suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, social phobia, etc.

There is no doubt, statistically seen, that children raised in a household with both biological parents have an advantage. Parents, relatives, make interaction in a different way with kids. For example

A Father’s Parenting Styles:

  1. Roughhouses with children; he plays louder
  2. Encourages competition
  3. Doesn’t modify language for the child’s sake
  4. Talk is brief, direct, and to the point, with subtle body language and facial expressions
  5. Helps children to prepare for harshness and reality of the real world
  6. Model traits of men and how to treat women
  7. Encourages children to take chances, push limits
  8. Stresses justice, duty, and fairness more
  9. Teaches a sense of right and wrong with discipline

Whereas Mother’s Parenting Styles:

  1. Gentle with children; plays quieter
  2. Encourage equity
  3. Simplifies words and talks on child’s level
  4. Talk is more descriptive, personal, expressive of feelings, and verbally encouraging
  5. Help protect children from the harshness and reality of the real world
  6. Model traits of women and how to treat men
  7. Encourages caution and protection of self
  8. Stress sympathy, help and care
  9. Teaches a sense of hopefulness with discipline

This information can help families and family life in all situations to improve their relationship with the children. Also very important is the high amount of conversation and the level of interaction between parents and children. Both have an enormous, positive impact on a child’s development.

What you could do to enable effective parenting styles and improve family life:

  1. Be more curious about your child. Take the time to find out what is going on in your child’s life.
  2. Be aware of your own part in miscommunications. Are you clear enough? What is your own mood? Is there a conflict of interest (e.g. a time issue; you are in a hurry, your child isn’t).
  3. Be very clear about your expectations and rules. And stick to them if they are good!
  4. Own Your Feelings and Take Responsibility. This means you are in charge of your feelings, your child doesn’t make you mad or sad.
  5. Look for solutions. Whatever your child wants, always make sure you are there to make it better for him.

These tools will help you in whatever situation you are as a family.

Resource book:Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive: 10th Anniversary Edition

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