Parenting Techniques Shortcuts – The Easy Way

Assertive Teenage Parenting,Teenager Developmental Needs,Parenting,teenager

I want first to clear up a significant parenting misconception: Are there any correct ways/parenting techniques to raise a child? Straight up, the answer is there is no one right way to raise a child. Like buying a car, becoming friends with your neighbors, or hanging out your clothes to dry on the clothesline, there is no single correct style to raise a healthy-minded, loving, successful child.

There are four parenting techniques you need to be alert for what parenting techniques are matched for a child. However, how you use the parenting styles is up to your judgment. There is no one right way to use the techniques because there are so many variables in parenting.

Four Parenting Techniques:

The four parenting techniques based on research in parenting are:

  1. Low love/low limits
  2. Low love/high limits
  3. High love/low limits
  4. High love/high limits

Love and limited parenting indicates how a parent disciplines their child. A parent rarely stays in one class as the parenting style changes according to time and aspects like parental understanding, moods, and maturity of the child. Therefore, itnding the appropriate stability of love and limits that suit you and your child’s circumstances is concerning.

Firstly, love is not how much the parent loves the child but the visibility of love during the disciplining process. A father may show a low love parenting style though he might deeply love his son. If you have a high-love parenting style, you will reason, talk, and spend more time with your child.

The second variable, limits, describes the boundaries placed around a child and how these boundaries are enforced. A low-limits style involves little control and few limits for a child, while a high-limits technique involves clear boundaries and limitations without being domineering.

The limits describe whether a parent disciplines passively, assertively, or aggressively discipline. Passive discipline is doing nothing; assertive discipline is a win-win outcome for the child and the parent where the parent establishes the child’s discipline based on their respect for you and your desire for them to follow the rules, In contrast, aggressive discipline is said to be “old school” with techniques such as smacking, using a wooden space, and yelling.

Of the above four parenting techniques, you only exercise the one that feels accurate in your mind. For example, if your parents used a high-limit style on you and you felt this put you in line, you will likely adopt the same disciplining techniques.

On the contrary, if you felt your parents’ high-limit style was overly aggressive and distasteful, you could use a low-limit kind because you hate how your parents told you what you could and could not do. It is common to copy your parents’ style or swing to the opposing extreme. However you were raised, your parents’ parenting style has influenced you to a kind that feels right.

Assertive Teenage Parenting —Teenager Developmental Needs

In Teenage Parenting, understanding teenagers’ developmental needs will help parents to respond appropriately to the situation, and this will help in reducing conflict and defiance. In Teenage Parenting, we will look at other teenager development needs through various parenting techniques.

One of the chief teenager developmental needs is the need to grow to be independent of their parent. It is a self-preservation instinct for a teenager to develop an independent streak. This is when the teenager will test the parent’s limit and break the rules to establish his independence. Here the parent has to figure out where they need to compromise or negotiate and where they need to stand firm.

As teenagers become independent of their parents, they will start defining their identity. This is where it is normal for teenagers to reject their parent’s ideas, opinions, and morals in favor of their friend’s thoughts, ethics, and morals. The parent must accept this fact and not be too emotional about it.

When they want to search for their individuality, they do not want to be seen as weak, particularly by their friends and parents. When in a situation that can lead to a conflict, find a way for your teenager to give in gracefully without the teenager appearing weak or childish.

Teenagers naturally provide their mothers with a more challenging time than their fathers during the developmental need period. This is because the teenager will identify who is the weaker link and will then attack and test that weak link to get what they want.

In our society, the mother has more extensive exposure to the teenager as the mother spends a lot more time with the teenager than the father. The father is usually the authoritative figure in the family. This is why the teenager generally gives the mother a more difficult time. Therefore, the father needs to support the mother and act as a team in dealing with the situation through various parenting techniques.

Friends play a more significant role during teenage development need a stage. This is a stage where the teenager will spend more time with friends than with the parent. The teenager will want to develop closer peer relationships to fulfill a sense of belonging in the group. The parent should play a role in supporting the teenager’s needs but should set negotiable and nonnegotiable boundaries to ensure a safe environment.

In Teenage Parenting, you will discover more than various proven Parenting techniques that can help parents deal with multiple teenage issues.

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