Best Psychotherapy For Bipolar Disorder

Psychotherapy,bipolar disorder,Psychotherapy for bipolar Disorder

Various psychotherapeutic techniques exist in treating bipolar disorder; at first, it will be best to understand what psychotherapy is and how it works.

Psychotherapists use psychotherapy as part of the treatment plan for patients with mental health issues.

There are many varying techniques used in psychotherapy that employ relationship building, simple dialogue, learning communication, and behaviors that improve the symptoms of bipolar disorder and help the patient deal with relationships.

Most forms of psychotherapy use only spoken conversation. Some also use other forms of communication, such as written, therapeutic touch, art, etc. Psychotherapy occurs within a structured encounter between a trained therapist and the patient(s).

There are five well-tested and widely used psychotherapy techniques for bipolar disorder. Their benefit is increased when used in tandem with medications. The approaches are:

Psychotherapy for Prodrome Detection

In this form of psychotherapy, the psychologist meets with the patient regularly over a certain period. During sessions, they discuss the patient’s personal experience and signs preceding manic and depressive episodes in the past. They then create a plan of action should these symptoms reappear.

The therapist helps the patient maintain a weekly diary on the disorder, increasing it to a daily journal if symptoms appear regularly. Though simplistic, this form of psychotherapy is very effective for understanding the triggers and symptoms of bipolar disorder and goes a long way in educating the patient about the disease.


Psycho-education is a person’s education in areas that serve the goals of treatment and rehabilitation. It involves teaching the patient about their problem, how to treat it, and how to recognize signs of relapse so they can get treatment before their problem worsens or recurs. In this form of therapy, the patient is educated about the following:

  • Bipolar disorder basics
  • Triggering factors
  • Symptoms of onset
  • Forms of treatment
  • Risks associated with treatment

This form of psychotherapy helps the patient understand the disorder and helps them avoid things or situations which may aggravate their condition.

Cognitive Psychotherapy

Cognitive therapy works on the premise that some of the psychological distress is due to distorted thoughts and stimuli that can cause emotional stress. T

his theory has been well-researched and is known to be an effective defense against bipolar disorder.

It is especially effective psychotherapy in patients who experience disruptive negative thoughts. Cognitive therapy helps the patient recognize thought distortions and techniques for correcting them.

The treatment does not aim to change the patient’s outlook on everything but to deal with the ones that cause stress and lead to relapses.

Communication is critical to ensuring the patient and therapist are clear on the negative thoughts, disruptive assumptions, and stressful inferences. As a result, the patient learns to check their reviews and realize the reality of the situation.

Interpersonal/Social Rhythm Psychotherapy

Beneficial psychotherapy for bipolar disorder, this dealing stresses maintaining a day-to-day to-do list and constancy in individual relationships.

Social Rhythm is based on the idea that disruptions in daily routines and problems in interpersonal relationships can cause a recurrence of the manic and depressive episodes that characterize bipolar disorder.

The therapist’s job is to help patients understand how their social relationships and roles are affected by their routines and how their moods can be affected by changes in these routines.

The therapist helps identify what stimuli cause relapse and teaches the patient how to manage stressful events and maintain positive relationships.

Family-Focused Therapy

Family-Focused Therapy (FFT) combines two forms of psychotherapy: psycho-education and family therapy. They focus on family dynamics and relationships and use them to determine how they contribute to changes in bipolar illnesses.

Sometimes called ecological therapies, this form of treatment is used to identify problems and conflicts solely in the family circle that contribute to the patient’s stress and illness, and problems in the family that crop up because of the disease.

They focus on these conflicts and teach the family how to resolve them. In addition, all family members learn about the illness, treatment, and support measures.


Research has proved that these psychotherapy techniques go a long way in treating bipolar disorder and are usually used with medications explicitly designed to tackle bipolar disorder.

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