Stress Effects | The Silent Danger

Stress,Stress Effect,coping with stress,reducing stress,stress reaction

The human body has a wonderful system to deal with extreme stress effects. The body prepares itself by increasing the heart rate, dilating the lungs, redirection the blood flow from the digestive organs to the larger muscles. This is supposed to be short-lived and pass as soon as the danger is over.

It is unfortunate that in today’s “hurly-burly” society, we are constantly bombarded with stress, and this system springs forth, never relaxing completely. Thus, even when we aren’t aware of it, stress is putting pressure on all our organs.

How stress affects the body?

Stress can hamper our daily mental and physical wellness. Stress negative effects are the following:

  • headaches
  • feeling wound up all the time
  • fearful without knowing why
  • always on edge
  • responding to a sudden stimulus in an angry manner
  • dreading common tasks
  • palpitations and shortness of breath
  • easily fatigued and without appetite
  • diarrhea
  • hyperventilation
  • insomnia
  • heartburn
  • chest pain
  • unable to concentrate
  • increase in frustration
  • sexual issues.

If any of these, or the following, has happened to you, there is a good chance that you are suffering from stress. Ask yourself:

Stress effects in the workplace

Do I wake in the morning hating to face the day? At work, do I have friction with any co-workers? Is my work satisfactory and fulfilling? Is there anything in the workplace that upsets me?

Stress effects at home

Is there a constant conflict with someone in my household? Is there a problem with money, or the lack of it? When I get home can I relax, are there demands on my time?

Stress effects in general

Am I tired, sad, disturbed most of the time? Do I wonder if the “rat race” is worth it?

There are factors to stress reaction, environment, your reaction to everyday happening, and how you evaluate occurrences. Three of the ways you may cope with these issues are:

(a) Medication

(b) Meditation

(c) Relaxation and

(d) Other stress-relieving techniques and changing your assumptions and the way you approach life.

Each person must choose how and why they choose to deal with the problem. The important thing is for you to create an “oasis of tranquility” where your mind and body can readjust and turn away life-threatening stress.

After recognizing the symptoms of stress it is important that you take steps to understand how it works and begin to avoid stress-producing stimuli. You can do this by finding new ways to work, change jobs or your attitude to the job, recognizing forces that are beyond your control and accepting that which cannot be changed.

Some suggestions for reducing or coping with stress

Understanding what is behind the pressure, knowing how long it will last, and talking to a friend about the issue. It is always helpful to ask for and get help.

Don’t be afraid to loaf a little if you are tired, make sure you can ear and get enough sleep. It would pay to balance your work time with playtime. Don’t put pressure on those around you but you can ask for help if needed.

Very important is learning deep relaxation techniques. You can start for an hour daily and learn to do some guided imagery meditation. This can be done at home, perhaps twice a day. After you learn the techniques it is possible you can relax anywhere, at home, at work, whenever you feel stress. It can be only two or three minutes of deep meditation and you will be ready for the important meeting, that presentation, for the daily grind. If you could do the relaxation on your lunch hour it will renew your energy and mental well being for the rest of the workday.

There have been many tapes and books written on this subject. It is important that you choose the one that will work for you. Perhaps you could combine two types, but it is important to start today, stress will only get worse, and along with it, your quality of life.

Some of your choices are:

Meditation: Taking time to tune into yourself, to relax completely from stress effects.

Bio-feedback: This tunes into your sub-conscious allowing your mind to heal your body.

Self-hypnosis: Much like biofeedback, but adding your ability to change your outlook on life, to convince yourself you can have a good quality of life.

Yoga:  A form of relaxation and exercise that tunes in to your inner self.

Exercise: Running, walking, stretching

Thus, even when we aren’t aware of it, stress is putting pressure on all our organs. The results of this are often misdiagnosed and the symptoms instead of the cause are treated. Some of these can be life-altering.

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