Supplements to Increase Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) | 10 Best 5-HTP for Boost Mood Naturally

Serotonin, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine, is a hormone that works in brain platelets, pineal glands, and digestive systems. It also works as a neurotransmitter and vasoconstrictor. Most effectively lack of serotonin in the brain can cause depression. Serotonin helps stop cravings and suppress appetite; great for weight loss, anxiety, stress, etc. There are various supplements to increase serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). Now 5 HTP supplements are widely used to get effective natural treatment.

Do you know what products of 5 HTP supplements are the best on the market? You will see price and quality variations if you check online stores or other super shops. Also, you may feel hesitant about the originality of the products. We will help you find the best 5 HTP supplements that fit your needs. For your clear understanding, we keep a FAQ section under this post.

10 Best 5-HTP Supplements to Increase Serotonin:

Here are the 10 best 5-HTP supplements people use to increase their serotonin levels.

1.  5-HTP 100mg Supplement (5-hydroxytryptophan)

supplements to increase serotonin

  • It is from Nested Naturals 120 vegan capsules
  • Natural sources of serotonin boosters work for good sleep, relaxation, mood support, etc. Also, it works to increase the natural level of serotonin and melatonin.
  • This is one of the best 5 HTP brands for weight loss
  • All Free of gluten, milk, peanuts, shellfish, soy, and allergy
  • GMP & NSF standards.

Pros: Comes with a lifetime guarantee, no smell, no after taste, easy to swallow, helps with cravings and appetite suppression, an excellent product for weight loss, don’t get grouchy anymore, great natural sleep helper, anti-depressant, help you find more peace, keep you calm, balance your work stress, making things appear more positive without always feeling overwhelmed.

Cons: According to customer feedback don’t get any cons.

Price:  $18.95 


2. Neuro Peak Brain Support Supplement | Memory, Focus & Clarity Formulasupplements to increase serotonin

  • Highly potent cognitive focus enhancer
  • The patented delivery system for maximum absorption
  • Independent testing quality assured
  • Your money-back guarantee
  • Try it risk-free and experience it for yourself
  • FDA and GMP certified.

Pros: 100% risk-free, it will aid in concentration and memory, the brain seems more awake, increasing attention span and focus levels, the effects come quick and are apparent, good for mood and energy, an outstanding product, gives you the motivation, feeling much more relaxed, make someone smarter or think better, not jittery, feeling so great.

Cons: a bit pricey but has a reasonable discount price.

Price:  $21.04


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3. Jarrow Formulas PS 100-60 Softgels – 100 mg Phosphatidylserine (PS)

  •  5-Hydroxytrophan comes in 2 sizes with 100 caps and 60 caps
  • This item is non-refundable without a specific case
  • Lab Tested for Verification & Guaranteed Purity.

Pros: fast shipping, excellent customer support, great packaging, great pure and clean product, no fillers, no unneeded ingredients, super potent and easy to take, reasonable price, help stop cravings and suppress appetite, great for weight loss and depression, gives a boost to any mood, nervousness, and anxiety are reduced.

Cons: it doesn’t taste pleasant but not that bad.

 Price:  $9.84


4.  5-HTP Supplement | 120 Capsules are vital supplements to increase serotonin

supplements to increase serotonin

  •  Increase the amino acids made from seeds(Griffonia Simplicifolia) of the African planet
  • 5 Hydroxytryptophan 200mg with 120 capsules
  • Naturally Increases Serotonin Levels
  •  FDA and GMP certified
  • Made in the USA.

Pros: Fair price, easy to take, no smell, no aftertaste, no stomach upset, decreases anxiety, sleep more soundly and more deeply, mood lift, better concentration, more confidence, calm feeling overall, excellent appetite suppressant, as advertised.

Cons: let’s try and see.

Price:  $19.95


5. NOW Supplements, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid),  Neurotransmitter Support

supplements to increase serotonin

  • A natural derivative of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
  • Lab-tested for potency and purity
  • It is Kosher, Non-GMO, Halal, Vegan, Soy Free
  • It helps to increase GABA that strong the CNS
  • This is one of the best vitamins for depression
  • Help reduce stress and fatigue, ease nervous tension by promoting relaxation
  • GMP is certified and packaged in the USA.

Pros: Fast shipping, good deal price, good quality, no caffeine jitters, does not taste like chemicals, the description was perfect help with mood and depression, boost serotonin levels, perfect supplement with your daily stressful life, improves your mood gives better outlook in life.

Cons: Someone notices more vivid dreams and weird dreams at night.

Price:  $8.80


6. Doctor’s Best 5-HTP

supplements to increase serotonin

  • Enhanced with Vitamins B6 and C
  • Aids to produce serotonin that helps regular sleep, body temperature, sexual desire, mood, and appetite
  • 5-HTP aids serotonin production
  • Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Soy Free, 120 Veggie caps.

Pros: Speed of delivery, less expensive with a good deal, plump pills and go down easy, it has a few extra vitamins, helps improve energy level, the outstanding balance for mood, especially during PMS, helps get you to sleep and stay asleep, 5 HTP is supposed to help relax you, feeling better, sleeping better, a great alternative to anti-depressants.

Cons: You may feel slight irritation for the first few days.

Price:  $16.50


7. Natrol 5-HTP Mood Enhancer Tablets

supplements to increase serotonin

  • It promotes a positive mood and relaxes the mind
  • It helps to continue a positive outlook, naturally increases serotonin, controls release, improves the highest strength
  • Helps control appetite
  • Brand in the USA and 100% drug-free.

Pros: great price for 150 pills, the pills are small and easy to swallow, it significantly enhance your mood, help with sleep, beautiful dreams, feel happy, energetic, overall upbeat, recommend this to anybody with anxiety problems, definitely reduces stress, appetite control for emotional eaters.

Cons: Anyone who notices you should never take these if you have severe gastrointestinal problems because they will worsen them.

Price:  $14.99


8. Natural Balance HTP Calm

supplements to increase serotonin

  • St John’s Wort has been used for centuries for healthy mood support
  • 5-HTP supports serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter
  • Kava Kava, Passion Flower, and Gotu Kola help support healthy emotional balance and clarity
  • All-natural and effective supplements to increase serotonin, Vegetarian.

Pros: Good price, easy to swallow, helps to keep moods on the sunny side, stay calm, sleep better, feel rest in the morning, feel more energetic, great for occasional anxiety and mood swings, works great without the side effects, non-drowsy, perfect for anyone who is stressed out.

Cons: Someone gets a mild headache for only the first few days.

Price:  $17.25


9. NOW Foods 5-HTP VCaps

supplements to increase serotonin

  • NOW Foods 5-HTP 100mg, 120 Vcaps
  • Help to support positive mood neurotransmitters
  • Vcaps are essential supplements to increase serotonin.

Pros: Low prices, timely delivery, a very effective natural antidepressant, aids in helping sleep, aids in increasing serotonin levels which in turn increases melatonin, much more restful sleep, very relaxing, improves your positive mood, lessen anxiety, great for carb control, without any of the side effects, happy pills.

Cons: taking too much maybe leave you feeling spacey and tired.

Price:  $15.66


10. Nature’s Bounty Natural 5-HTP Pills

supplements to increase serotonin

  • Dietary Supplement
  • Coated for ease of swallowing
  • It supports a calm and relaxed mood
  • It helps to maintain a positive outlook and produce serotonin.

Pros: The price is reasonable, works excellent for insomnia, has more sweet dreams, helps you stay calm and upbeat, feels happier without getting overwhelmed, has less anxiety, and enables you to keep a positive attitude and a smile on your face.

Cons: let’s try it.

Price:  $11.99

Related Post: How to beat anxiety and depression without medication 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. What are the 5-hydroxytryptophan benefits?

The most benefits of 5-hydroxytryptophan supplements are:

  • It naturally works without any side effects
  • You can get weight loss by increasing the feeling of fullness
  • It helps to reduce depression by improving serotonin levels
  • 5-HTP helps to relieve muscular pain, bone pain, and weakness
  • It significantly reduces headache and migraine frequency
  • Reduce sleep problems by increasing melatonin production.
2. What are the 5-hydroxytryptophan uses?

  5 hydroxytryptophan(5-HTP) importantly uses in 2 ways:

Primary uses of 5-HTTP: Depression and mood disorder, weight loss, stress, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and reduced nervousness. Some research also shows it works better for Down Syndrome, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, CNS, menopausal symptoms, migraine or headache, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, tension headache, drug withdrawal symptoms, etc.

Secondary uses of 5-HTTP: It increases concentration, memory, energy, etc.

3. What is the 5-hydroxytryptophan dosage?

When taking 5-HTP supplements or vitamins, you may need to consult a nutritionist for proper dosage. The dosage depends on your physical health like weight, height, blood pressure, mental health diagnosis, etc. So it is better to take 5-HTP supplements after consultations with the experts.

4. Have any 5-hydroxytryptophan side effects?

Most of the time, 5 hydroxytryptophan supplements or vitamins are safe and work without any side affect. But sometimes, it complains of muscle tenderness, blood abnormalities, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, etc. But there has no scientific evidence.

5. What are the trusted brands of 5 HTP?

I already mentioned 8 supplements, vitamins, capsules, and food from the best 5 HTP brands. You can choose according to your requirements. The better way to get the best brand, I will suggest you check the previous customer’s feedback and rating. You can get their input from the wholesaler’s products page (It stays the below the page).

6. Explain the 5-hydroxytryptophan vs. L-tryptophan:

5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP is a substance manufactured from the amino acid, tryptophan, etc. 5-HTP is used for depression, sleep disorder, weight loss, headache, bulimia nervosa, etc.

On the other hand, L-tryptophan is also an essential substance among the nine amino acids. It cannot be manufactured but can be gained through a proper diet. It helps to make neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, which are important for proper brain functioning.

7. In short, what might be the 5-hydroxytryptophan reviews?

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that naturally blocks L-tryptophan. 5 HTTP increases serotonin production by balancing the brain and CNS. A serotonin imbalance can cause a lack of sleep, sexual behaviors, or insomnia. It is naturally from African seeds. It helps to manage insomnia, anxiety, depression, child ADHD or ADD, migraine, obesity, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, seizure disorder, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

8. Why will you buy 5-hydroxytryptophan from Amazon?

5-hydroxytryptophan supplements work naturally for various purposes, as I mentioned above. Consequently, you can get the original product with a comparative prize from Amazon. You can also get high-quality customer support before or after buying the products. So, 5 HTP near you from the Amazon online shop.

All the supplements or vitamins are widely used to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs. Without any hesitation, you can use these supplements to increase serotonin levels.

So, anything more..! Have you any idea or feedback? Please let us know in the bellow comment section.

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Last update on 2025-03-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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