Hyperactivity Disorder Signs in Children Checklist

Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or only hyperactivity disorder, is sometimes difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are largely influenced by the patient’s environment and resemble other disorders.

The situation is further complicated among children because the symptoms checklist of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be difficult to distinguish from normal childhood behavior, such as occasional hyperactivity or inattention.

Thus, diagnosis may be based on clinical symptoms combined with a patient’s overall classroom performance or another particular environment.

If academic performance is notably below average or an individual’s social life is taking a beating, a daydreaming student may merit closer scrutiny.

Parents and teachers may play a major role in diagnosing ADHD compared to other maladies. However, only competent medical officials should be trusted to make a final diagnosis.

The principal characteristics of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which appear early in a child’s life. A thorough examination by a professional can help determine if such symptoms afflict many normal children caused by another disorder.

Symptoms of ADHD appear over the course of many months. Symptoms checklist of impulsiveness and hyperactivity often appear first, with inattention emerging a year or more later. Inattentive daydreamers are more likely to be overlooked than hyperactive students who repeatedly disrupt the class.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), there are three types of behavior that indicate ADHD:

  1. Consistent inattentiveness
  2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity that is more than a normal behavior
  3. All three types of behavior

Thus, professionals recognize three subtypes of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder based on the above symptoms. Sometimes, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms may appear in other combined disorders like anxiety, depression, etc.

“Hyperactivity” and “Impulsivity” are the Common Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Hyperactive children constantly fidget, squirming in their seats, wiggling their feet, tapping their pencils, roaming around the room, or displaying similar behavior. Hyperactive teenagers or adults may feel internally restless. They repeatedly want to do many things at once.

Impulsive patients lack self-restraint or discipline. They are likely to act before they think, speak out inappropriately or display their emotions with abandon. Their impulsivity may translate into an impatience that causes them to grab toys from other children or hit them when they’re upset. Their impatience may persist into adulthood.

Below are some specific symptoms of hyperactivity disorder:

  • Restlessness while seated (squirming, fidgeting, tapping feet, etc.)
  • Running, jumping, or leaving a seat in situations where sitting or quiet behavior is expected.
  • Response before hearing the complete question
  • Having difficulty waiting in line or taking turns.


Inattentive children may focus on things they enjoy, but more mundane tasks may be challenging. Within a few minutes, they may get bored with a task. Thus, they may be constantly left behind in the classroom.

The DSM-V-TR gives these symptoms of inattention:

  • Frequently become diverted by irrelevant sights and sounds
  • Frequently fail to pay concentration to details and make careless mistakes
  • Rarely follow instructions cautiously and entirely lose or forget equipment like toys, pencils, books, and tools required for a task
  • Habitually skipping from one unfinished task to another.

Homework is particularly hard for these children—especially if they forget to write down an assignment or leave their assignment or book at school. When they finish their homework, they may be full of errors and erasures. Obviously, homework isn’t a fun experience for the child or parent.

Unfortunately, children manifesting the Predominantly Inattentive Type of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are hard to diagnose. They are frequently overlooked because they don’t draw attention to themselves like hyperactive or impulsive children.

An inattentive child may sit quietly and even appear to be working, even though the child has difficulty understanding a teacher’s instructions.

Inattentive children may not even have the same social problems. They are generally characterized as lethargic or “spacey” rather than hyperactive or disruptive.


In conclusion, when infants show signs of hyperactivity, parents should seek help from a pediatrician. Parents can rule out other medical disorders like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Medications, medical treatment, and therapy can help treat ADHD.

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