The Lovers Tarot Meaning & Guide

The Lovers tarot is one of the most intriguing cards in a reading. Its meaning can be interpreted in many ways, but it always signifies a strong connection between two people. This connection can be romantic or platonic, but it is always a deep and meaningful bond. The Lovers card can also indicate a choice that must be made and the outcome of that choice. In a reading, the Lovers tarot can be a very positive card or a warning of potential heartache.

Major Arcana:– 

The Lovers Tarot and Major Arcana is a powerful and revealing guide to help you understand your relationship and partner much deeper. This guide will help you identify and interpret the Major Arcana cards in your reading and offer advice on improving your relationship.

The Lovers Description

The Lovers tarot card is a card of a regular, common tarot deck’s Major Arcana or trump cards numbered 6(six). In the imagery of The Lovers tarot card, there is a man and a woman. They are standing naked in the underworld as angels, or even Raphael, whose name means one kind of God’s healing power.

It also shows the emotional condition and physical health cure or recovery. It indicates that the angel is welfare and benediction to not only that man but also that woman and, at the same time, calls up their union with heaven. The couple in the imagery of The Lovers tarot card stands in a wonderful and fructose landscape as a memorial of The Garden of Eden. Behind the woman of the imagery of The Lovers tarot card stands, a tall big apple tree stands.

There is also a snake winding its way up the trunk. That snake and the apple tree show temptation and enticement of passionate Pleasure, which may take one person’s focus away from heaven.

On the other hand, behind the man of The Lovers tarot card’s imagery is a flames tree. The flame tree indicates passion, which is man’s primary and basic concern. In this way, twelve flames represent twelve zodiac signs, a symbol or sign of time and eternity.

As that man stares at the woman of The Lovers tarot card, who is watching, the angel shows a way or path of consciousness to the subconscious and superconscious. Sometimes this way or path is from physical will and Pleasure to emotional necessity and spiritual concerns.

In the imagery of The Lovers tarot card, there is also a volcanic mountain in their background, which is rather phallic. This indicates a passion like the emission of fire that happens by meeting a man and a woman in full frontal nudity.

The Lovers Keywords

 Upright Keywords:– Love, romance, coalescence, poise, symmetry, partnership, oneness, integrity, desire, Pleasure, affection, relationship, relevance, familiarity.

Reversed Keywords:– Bad choice or desire, opponency, contrariety, repugnancy, incompatibility, disagreement, impingement, rivalry, controversy, demerit, separation, dislodgement.

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The Lover’s Upright Meaning


When it is The Lovers tarot card Upright side for the person reading, then The Lovers will be the purest form. The Lovers tarot card will show some conscious connection, link, and relationship with meaning. The appearance of The Lovers tarot card indicates that the person has a beautiful, soul-dignity type connection with a loved person by him.

However, the sexual energy between the person and the partner he loves is way beyond trice, important contentment, and satisfaction. It is right that the desire for something is surely spiritual. When this tarot card mentions a close relationship with affiliates, it can also indicate a close friendship or family relevance.

There is flowing love, compassion, and respect. The Lovers tarot card always shows clear and manifest communication and natural honesty. Given it, the man and the woman in The Lovers tarot card’s imagery are naked; both intend to be in their most permeable states and have to learn about opening their hearts to one another and revenue the most authentic feelings and emotions. They make their trust and confidence arise, creating a powerful and important bond.

Harmonious, trustworthy, respectful, and fulfilling, The Lovers tarot card Upright side will make deep romantic love relationships. If it is about one step onward intimate level, The Lovers tarot card shows evidence of his values and beliefs.

The Lovers tarot card is only about choice when it is about The Lovers tarot card’s heart. At this time, he has to decide between love —– it can be love for himself, his partner, and others. The Lovers tarot card always encourages one person to assemble dual power. When one accepts these dualities, he can make the integrity from which the love will flow.

The Lovers Reversed Meaning

The Lovers tarot card’s reverse side is when he is out of sync with those surrounding him, specifically, the one he loves. Most probably, his relationship will turn into a challenging and brunt communication. Maybe this is the high time and best chance to do best for one person’s love partner and bring much more love, feelings, and grace to this condition.

If the person realizes that he has just grown apart, it is a sign that he must move on. If his relationship has no respect and many arguments, he should let it all go because he must first respect himself. The Lovers tarot card’s reverse side reverberates the feelings and sentiments of a relationship that is not mutual.

The person hesitates to open his heart to his relationship of apprehension and fright. This tarot card also tells its readers to respect themselves and give importance. Self-love, care, and respect are really important. If The Lovers tarot card appears in a reading, the person reading will make tough decisions with serious consequences.

The person should not make those serious decisions based on his values. The Lovers tarot card reverse side indicates inner importance and being at work with his self than with external concentration.

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The Lovers Love Meaning

This tarot card is the most suitable choice for love reading the Upright side. Because it is a card of a soul mate. The Lovers tarot card’s Upright side shows the kindred spirit and a severe bond or connection between two people. If he is single, then he will get love. This is more undiluted infatuation.

There will be a great attraction, sexual passion, mutual understanding, romantic and deep relationship, and connection. The connection and relevance of the person reading with his partner will increase and improve quickly.


When it is a love reading with The Lovers tarot card reverse side, then if the person reading is in a relationship, this card is telling him that when sexual perspectives of things are great, he and his partner will not be in the same opinion, decision.

Most probably, the issues about trust, confidence, and fright are stopping him though these are the important and necessary things for a good romantic love relationship. Since one partner is investing more in their relationship than him, since the value is a matter of future hope, the person reading The Lovers tarot card reverse side should be more careful.

The Lovers Career Meaning


When it is about a career reading with The Lovers tarot card Upright side, this card will indicate a partnership in one person’s career, working life, or business between him and one other person. It will be a good partnership and mutually favorable. The Lovers tarot card’s Upright side is always about positive, reasonable changes.

Most probably, they will be helpful and supportive of each other. The person reading The Lovers tarot card can make good decisions by discussing them clearly with the business partner. Maybe something big or change is coming. So the person should not let his guard down. He must be more confident, focused, and ready for any consequences.


When it is about a career reading with The Lovers tarot card reverse side, this card shows controversy and imbalance in the person reading The Lovers tarot card reverse side, with his partner’s partnership in his working project, business, or career. But this card also represents a chance to bring some romance and turn a business partnership into a love relationship that will come with an actual warning. So that person has to be careful because this romance will bring various problems in that person’s career.

In conclusion, The Lovers Tarot card essentially shows a love that has come to a point where it is for the highest good. That love may be platonic or romantic, but whatever, it is a form of love that is good for both people.

Last update on 2025-03-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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