The Moon Tarot Meaning, Guide & Review

The Moon is a card of intuition and psychic abilities. It is a card of mystery, secrets, and hidden things. The Moon is also a card of emotions representing your moods and feelings. The Moon is a negative card that can represent your fears and worries. The Moon can also represent your imagination and your dreams.

Major Arcana:– 

The Moon is a card of mystery, magic, and intuition. It is a card of the Major Arcana, representing the astrological sign of Pisces. The Moon is a feminine energy, and it is linked to the element of water. The Moon is a card of psychic ability, dreams, and intuition. It is a card of emotion, and it represents the subconscious mind. The Moon is a card of mystical knowledge, and it is a symbol of the unconscious.

The Moon Description

The Moon tarot card is one of the seventy-eight cards of a regular, common tarot deck’s Major Arcana or trump cards numbered 18, eighteen. In the imagery of The Moon tarot card, there is a big full moon in the night sky. That Moon is positioned between two massive or great towers.

The Moon is an emblem of intuitions, sentiments, dreams, and the unconscious. The moon’s light is obscure, dim, and mystical compared to the Sun. Since this is only slightly enlightening, the path to a higher sense or consciousness is winding between those two towers. In the foreground is a small, tiny pool, indicating the watery and subconscious mind.

A little crayfish is crawling out of that small pool. This shows the early stages or levels of consciousness unfolding. There is also a dog and a wolf. They both are standing in the grassy field. They are howling at the Moon. This indicates both the tame or domestic and, at the same time, the wild prospects in people’s minds.

The Moon Keywords

 Upright Keywords:– Delusion, compassion, doubt, phantom, disorder, restlessness, imprecision, confusion, tangle, complication, unconscious, mystery, unknown.

Reversed Keywords:– Fright, cheat, worry, fraud, apprehension, anxiety, perturbation, vividness, misunderstanding, distorted, misconception, lucidity, visuality, obviousness, understanding.

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The Moon Upright Meaning 

The Moon tarot card Upright side is telling one person reading The Moon tarot card Upright side that he has fright, doubt, and illusion deep inside his heart. Sometimes it comes out when that person is thinking out fright into his present and future, based on that person’s past life experiences.

He may have a memory full of tears, which is the reason for his emotional or sentimental distress. Rather than conducting with all the emotions, he pushed them down deep into his subconscious. Connecting with that person’s subconscious mind and salvation is all kinds of fright and anxiety holding him back.

Some processes like —— hypnosis, shamanic healing, or therapy can give him support. The Moon tarot card Upright side is inviting a period full of illusion or uncertainty at a time when nothing is what it seems. That person should not make a fast choice or decision.

All he needs to do is listen to and also keep faith in his intuition, to see beyond what is in front of his eyes. He should allow his inner intuition to guide him.

All of his dreams, emotions, inner wisdom, and guidance will lead him toward a higher stage of understanding if he listens and uses his judgement to help explain subconscious messages.

When The Moon tarot card Upright side arrives in one person’s tarot card reading, it tells him that he should pay close attention to the lunar cycles and accommodate that heavy power using form or system, tarot card reading, and visualization.

Linked with the Heavenly feminine and open deep intuitional visions and insights about what lies beyond everyday life. The Moon tarot card is honoring his achievements and looking at what he needs to understand so that a new and different perspective of himself can shine.

The Moon Reversed Meaning

The Moon tarot card’s reverse side tells one person reading The Moon tarot card’s reverse side that it is handling or conducting with illusion, fright, and anxiety. Still, the negative energy and influence are precipitating.

Most probably, that person is working through fright and anxiety, understanding the impression they have in his life and how the person can free himself from these kinds of limited trust. This is a real relieving and changing experience. If he wants, that person can drive into these kinds of feelings even deeper within his subconscious; by doing this, he will be able to avoid his dark shadows.

Most probably, he is not even prepared to face his emotions, pushing them to the side and pretending as if nothing is wrong. The Moon tarot card’s reverse side is telling one person that he is receiving intuitional messages and psychic matters, but at the same time, he is struggling to understand what they mean to him.

Their explanation may be different and confusing. The Moon tarot card’s reverse side invites him to listen to his inner spiritual sense, voice, and wisdom. He should concentrate on his dream, goal, motive, and aim.

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The Moon Love Meaning


When it is about a love reading with The Moon tarot card Upright side, then this tarot card is telling one person who is reading The Moon tarot card Upright side that if that person is already in a love relationship then maybe uncertain or insecurity is making him worried from deep inside.

Though his love relationship with his partner looks good and acceptable from the outside, it is not the same in reality. They are facing miscommunication, a lot of arguments, insecurity, and old issues. But still, he should not jump to a conclusion. On the other hand, if the person is single, then The Moon tarot card tells him that there are many frauds around him. He should be careful while choosing a love partner.


When it is about a love reading with The Moon tarot card reverse side, then this tarot card is telling one person who is reading The Moon tarot card reverse side that if that person is already in a love relationship with his partner, then lies and deception are uncovered. It can be like an affair being exposed.

This also can indicate the reality and the truth of his relationship coming to light. On the other hand, if the person is single, then The Moon tarot card’s reverse side indicates that after a long period of uncertainty, he will be able to regain his self-confidence and composure. Most probably, that person ignores the hints, signs, or presence that a potential partner is unsuitable for his love relationship.

The Moon Career Meaning


When it is about a career reading with The Moon tarot card Upright side, then this tarot card is telling one person who is reading The Moon tarot card Upright side that he is not clear and very confused or even anxious about the direction of his career.

There is also misunderstanding, miscommunication, and many arguments with his colleagues or business partner. He needs to be wary of undertaking appointments, depositing, or investing as he may not have all the facts he needs to make an informed decision.


When it is about a career reading with The Moon tarot card reverse side, then this tarot card is telling one person who is reading The Moon tarot card reverse side that if that person is working in a creative or artistic field, then he will face obstacles and blocks.

But if it is about a general, normal career, then whatever unstable or uncertain situation he has experienced will be stable soon. Things will get much better, clear. He will feel more comfortable and confident since this tarot card is also an indicator of deception and is about to expose his gut instincts and tell him not to invest or commit money.

In conclusion, The Moon Tarot card is about balance, passion, and security. In life, The Moon Tarot is about keeping your morals and feelings in check. It’s as simple as choosing the right path instead of choosing what’s easy. It’s admitting when something is wrong and needing to make a change. The Moon Tarot card shows a Goddess with her arms spread wide. She is on a crescent moon with her legs crossed and is sitting on clouds. Rays of light surround her.

Last update on 2025-03-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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