The Three of Wands is about aggressively producing what we are most enthusiastic about, even if we don’t know the end result. The seeds have been sown, and the ships have been dispatched. Some may even sail to port, but there is still much to do. Right now, the best strategy to accomplish achievement is to be true to your idea while allowing others to participate.
Before going deeper into the significance of the Three of Wands card, both erect and reversing, and its relationship to romance, career, and existence, here’s a quick rundown of the key phrases associated with this Wands card.
Upright: Travelling and adventure, authority, ambition, progress, and pleasant consequences
Reversed: Lack of foresight, clinging to the previous, ego, remorse, and a fear of inadequacy.
Meaning of Three of Wands (Upright and Reversed)
The Three of Wands, when upright, foretells success in all domains. There is, however, one stipulation: a good mix between management and risk. Opportunities are available, but are you ready to step off your doorstep to take advantage of companions? If this is the case, you should expect major benefits regarding your income, profession, love, and overall well-being.
When the Three of Wands appears backward, it represents a blockage of some sort.
This isn’t to suggest you shouldn’t set out on your adventure, but you should be prepared for obstacles along the route. Set aside your ego and sorrow. Ignore the past and focus solely on the potential. It’s all about expressing your innermost imagination with the Three of Wands. Consider the type of journey the Three of Wands may be urging you to embark on.
If you are in a partnership, the Three of Wands is a positive omen in a love Tarot spread since it represents progress, achievement, and being content with your decisions. Your partnership should be progressing well when it emerges. When it occurs, it may also signify moving abroad or traveling to distant areas. Thus you and your spouse may be traveling or relocating overseas altogether. It can also be used to describe a strong partnership.
In a love Tarot spread, the Three of Wands reversed is not a great sign if you are in a relationship since it represents a lack of action, development, or dissatisfaction with your decisions. Thus your partnership may not be doing well when it emerges. It can also mean that you sense your wings have been clipped, so if you or your partner want to travel, you might feel as if the other is confining or weighing you down. It could also indicate the end of a long-distance romance.
Professional Life
The Three of Wands symbolize traveling overseas for work or seeking employment abroad in a business Tarot spread. You could merely be pondering working overseas or various nations in which you could operate, or you could be sent on a professional overseas trip. If you own a business, you may be looking at expanding internationally. It could be a symbol of international trade or expansion. It could also suggest that you need to change things up and broaden your professional views.
The reversed Three of Wands in a professional Tarot spread can imply a canceled chance to leave overseas for work or decline an employment offer abroad. When it occurs, you may be disappointed by a lack of opportunities to advance in your current career. If you’re a business owner, you may have passed up the chance to expand your firm internationally or be irritated by the lack of opportunities. It could be a sign of a failing international business or expansion. When it arises, you may feel trapped in one spot, unable to change things up.
The Three of Wands in a health Tarot reading can indicate healing after an illness or accident and going on after a time of health problems. It could represent going overseas for therapy or becoming immunized for a trip abroad because it is a travel Tarot card.
The reversed Three of Wands in a health Tarot reading can symbolize acquiring a sickness while traveling overseas, so ensure you have travel coverage and take adequate measures, including getting the vaccine and applying repellents in high-risk nations. It can also signify dissatisfaction with how quickly you’re recovering from an ailment; be calm with your health; it’ll get back to full vigor at its own pace.
The Three of Wands, in a special manner, implies that you are currently satisfied with your spiritual growth. You should feel fortunate and daring when it occurs in your mystical Tarot spread. As it denotes clairvoyance, it is a positive omen for psychic growth.
The Three of Wands reversed mainly implies that you are currently dissatisfied with your absence of spiritual growth. When this Minor Arcana card shows reversed in your spiritual Tarot spread, you may be battling with your memory or being plagued by it. It is bad for spiritual growth since it denotes a lack of forethought.
Here you can work on your spiritual traditions. Declare your objectives to Nature and ask for its assistance. Invoke your instincts. Make a magic stick if you want to! Recognize that everything is interconnected and that your activities constitute a form of power transfer between you and the rest of the planet. Find methods to pay homage to that bond.
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