Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle Review & Guide

The 2018 Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle brings Gothic horror movie vibes to the tarot card reading experience. The Gothic deck features images of skulls, spiders, ominous clouds, and other gothic imagery. This tarot deck is for witches who like darker colors and imagery.

Gothic oracles are divination tools, or tools like tarot cards or palm reading, that attempt to divine answers to a question by studying a person’s features. Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle cards are printed on heavy cardstock and come with an accompanying instructional pamphlet.


This deck is created by the authors Victoria Frances and Lo Scarabeo.

Victoria Frances is a Spanish artist who created groundbreaking dark romantic art books Favoli and Misty Circus.

Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle
  • Frances, Victoria (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle Review

This oracle discovers an unrivaled dreamlike beauty from Spanish artist Victoria Frances, the groundbreaker behind the dark romantic art books Favoli and Misty Circus. This oracle deck offers you gothic wisdom and answers to your deepest, most dilemmas by reveling in the macabre, masterfully using shadowed details, and capturing the spirit of the night.

Victoria Frances Gothic Oracle- features and specifications

Llewellyn publications; TCR Cards edition manufactured this on 8 September 2015. It weighs 10.4 ounces and has 4*1.25*5.75 dimensions of inches.

It features,

  • It included a total of 36 cards along with a guidebook.
  • The deck is formed with a gothic theme.

Previous Buyers’ Experience

  • The deck is well made along with the box and booklet.
  • It is very accurate for describing the present and near future.
  • The booklet is super easy to read.
  • The images are dark and gothic.
  • Some buyers claimed that they provided shallow descriptions.
  • A powerful deck with strong energy and messages.


  • A great deck for shadow work.
  • Included book provided instructions in it.
  • Beautiful and meaningful positive cards.


  • There are no card names on the card fronts.

Read: Good Fortune Tarot Card For Luck & Ideas 

In conclusion, Victoria Frances offers the most stylish Gothic oracle cards on the market, all at very affordable prices. Plus, the high-quality magnetic ink makes them easily readable. They’re something to be seen, and a great conversation starter.

Last update on 2025-03-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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