Best Parenting Books According to School Psychologists Recommendation

Here is a list of some of the best parenting books that will provide essential tips and tricks for better parenting. Also, all of these books are suggested by school psychologists for kids’ proper growth.

Parents exert massive influence over their children’s lives. Whether encouraging schoolwork, sports, or moral values, it is hard to deny parents’ role in every child’s development. Children mostly learn whatever their parents do in front of them. They try to imitate their parents. But it should also be remembered that parents are not the only influencers in a child’s life. They start going to school, surrounded by teachers, classmates, and other parents as they grow up.

Most parents work hard to raise their children. They want their children to have the best things in the world. But parents must realize children would not understand their efforts at a tender age. They crave their parents’ love, affection, and, most importantly, attention.

Parents should always find time for their kids, no matter how busy they are. They should also remember that they cannot force everything on their children. Parents can choose a path they think will prepare their children for the ultimate world. But they also have to give importance to their child’s independent decisions.

Parenting can be harsh sometimes, and with the rapidly changing world, it is hard for parents to cope with their children. Sometimes, parents search for age-appropriate books for their kids. We have a complete guide for children’s books. You can also check these articles for your kid’s educational, physical, and mental development.

Best Parenting Books For Child Development

Effective child development depends on good parenting practices. A good parenting practice can be effective with proper guidelines and resources. According to psychologists, these all are the best child development parenting books:

1. Parenting With Love And Logic, by Foster Cline et al.

Foster Cline is a child psychiatrist, physician, international speaker, and author of many parenting books. He is the co-founder of the Love and Logic Institute with Jim Fay.

Parenting With Love And Logic is one of the best parenting books. This book demonstrates how to raise a child to be self-confident and motivated. These two things are significant for children to deal with the natural and changing world. This book will find pro tips and techniques to raise children effectively with proper guidance. Do not only love your children but also be logical to them. This book explains how to teach a child responsibly and help them develop their character. Besides, parents will learn to establish healthy control over their children without anger, threats, or nagging. This is one of the best baby books for expectant parents.

Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition)
Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition)
Hardcover Book; Cline, Foster (Author); English (Publication Language); 272 Pages - 05/03/2006 (Publication Date) - NavPress Publishing (Publisher)
$24.99 −$4.99 $20.00 Amazon Prime

2. How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen, by Joanna Faber et al.

Joanna Faber is an education and parenting expert. She contributed to her mother, Adele Faber’s award-winning book “How to Talk So Kids Can Learn.”

How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen gives readers the solution to their unending problems with raising children. Faber and King share their experiences talking to parents, teachers, and pediatricians from various workshops. They provide vital tips and tools with storytelling, cartoons, and observations in this book. With multiple communication strategies, parents can reduce the gap with their children. They will build up a positive relationship with their little ones. Moreover, children will cooperate when their parents, teachers, or caregivers connect more. It is one of the best parenting books for toddlers.

How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to...
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to...
Faber, Joanna (Author); English (Publication Language); 448 Pages - 01/10/2017 (Publication Date) - Scribner (Publisher)
$18.00 −$6.51 $11.49 Amazon Prime

3. How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids, by Carla Naumburg

Carla Naumburg is a clinical social worker, public speaker, and author. Her writings, including Psychology Today and The New York Times, have been published online.

Based on real-life experiences, How to Stop Losing Sh*t with Your Kids offers readers plenty of parenting strategies. With this book’s help, parents will learn to control their breakdowns while caring for their children. Moreover, the empathetic and rational approach will develop a fantastic relationship between parents and kids. With a combination of humor and practical experiences, this book helps parents stay calm and focused. Besides, parents will also gain self-compassion by reading this one of the best books for new parents.

How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids: A Practical...
How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids: A Practical...
Naumburg, Carla (Author); English (Publication Language); 192 Pages - 08/20/2019 (Publication Date) - Workman Publishing Company (Publisher)
$17.99 −$8.10 $9.89 Amazon Prime

4. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kid, by Dr. Laura Markham

Dr. Laura Markham is a Clinically trained psychologist from Columbia University. She is the founding editor of “Aha! Parenting,” which has helped thousands of parents and children solve problems among themselves.

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kid is a revolutionary manual for bringing up capable, fit, and happy children. Dr. Markham’s relationship-based parenting model is as essential as it is powerful. She asks all the parents to encourage enthusiastic association with kids, which will bring enduring change. This surprising guide will assist parents in comprehending their feelings better. As a result, they can parent with sound compassion and clear communication to bring up a well-ordered youngster. If you are tired of power struggles and looking for a solution, this book is a perfect choice. It can be the best parenting book for dads and moms.

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start...
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start...
Markham, Dr. Laura (Author); English (Publication Language); 304 Pages - 11/28/2012 (Publication Date) - TarcherPerigee (Publisher)
$18.00 −$8.01 $9.99 Amazon Prime

5. Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, by American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics is an association of professional pediatricians. The academy was founded in 1930, headquartered in Itasca, Illinois.

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child is one of the best books on parenting. Every parent makes sure that their children get the best of everything. The American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends this book for parents. This fundamental asset covers everything, including childbirth, potty training, breastfeeding, and nurturing a child’s self-esteem. Also, this book provides information on real childhood problems and emergency medical situations. In short, this book has become the parenting Bible for all new parents.

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5
The most up-to-date, expert advice for mothers, fathers, and care providers.; A review of necessary basic care from infancy through age five
$22.00 −$5.10 $16.90 Amazon Prime

6. The Danish Way of Parenting, by Jessica Joelle Alexander et al.

Jessica Joelle Alexander is an author, journalist, international speaker, and cultural researcher. She is also a Danish parenting expert.

Discover the parenting secrets of the happiest people in the world with the help of The Danish Way of Parenting. Denmark is considered the happiest country in the world. This book will teach why Denmark is the happiest country and how Danish parents raise confident and booming kids. These are explained with six essential principles, spelled as P-A-R-E-N-T. Danish parents bring up their children following these principles, which results in a beautiful new generation. Readers will learn crucial but straightforward parenting strategies through examples and powerful advice. This is one of the best parenting books for newborn babies.

The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the...
The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the...
Alexander, Jessica Joelle (Author); English (Publication Language); 208 Pages - 08/09/2016 (Publication Date) - TarcherPerigee (Publisher)
$18.00 −$8.61 $9.39 Amazon Prime

7. Raising Good Humans, Hunter Clarke-Fields MSAE

Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE, is a mindfulness mentor, coach, and host of the Mindful Mama podcast. She aims to help mothers bring peace daily to cooperate more with their families.

Raising Good Humans is one of the best books on parenting. Specifically designed for mothers, this book provides essential and handy methodologies to raise kind, helpful, and confident kids. Many times, parents react out of stress without even thinking. This book will find incredible care aptitudes to cope with your stressful situations. Likewise, you will find ways to develop conscious communication, conflict resolution, and reflective listening. When kids experience a parent responding with thoughtfulness and persistence, they figure out how to be kind. With this introductory guide, you’ll learn how changing your own “autopilot responses” can have an enduring positive effect on your children.

Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle...
Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle...
Clarke-Fields MSAE, Hunter (Author); English (Publication Language); 184 Pages - 12/01/2019 (Publication Date) - New Harbinger Publications (Publisher)
$16.95 −$4.99 $11.96 Amazon Prime

8. Simplicity Parenting, by Kim John Payne

Kim John Payne is a counselor, consultant, and educator of children and adults. He has 24 years of experience helping families, children, and adolescents cope with various social difficulties.

In a busy modern society, children can get on edge and experience difficulty with friends and school. They can even be diagnosed to have behavioral problems and other social issues. In this book, Payne helps parents recover every child’s opportunity to thrive in their individuality. Simplicity Parenting provides parents with inspirational ideas, thoughts, and outlines that will bring change in parenting. As a platform for securing childhood charm, this book is a persuasive manual for using new rhythms to influence kids’ development.

Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less...
Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less...
Payne, Kim John (Author); English (Publication Language); 400 Pages - 08/31/2010 (Publication Date) - Ballantine Books (Publisher)
$20.00 −$7.01 $12.99 Amazon Prime

9. We’re Parents!, by Adrian Kulp

Adrian Kulp founded ‘Dad or Alive: Confessions of an Unexpected Stay-at-home Dad.’ This parenting blog provides resources to parents taking experience from the fatherhood perspective.

“We’re Parents” is one of the best child development parenting books to help new dads become the best dad and partners ever. This book will find basic techniques like burping your baby or giving them solid food. Kulp offers quick, fun, and straightforward advice to step up and do your part as a pristine father. This book provides you with real-life experiences from dads and tells you what you should be doing. Meanwhile, essential childcare tips are broken into short, simple, helpful guides to help you care for your baby. Besides, you can track the development of your newborn with charts included in this book.

We're Parents! The First-Time Dad's Guide to Baby's First...
We're Parents! The First-Time Dad's Guide to Baby's First...
Kulp, Adrian (Author); English (Publication Language); 220 Pages - 08/06/2019 (Publication Date) - Callisto (Publisher)
$15.99 −$6.38 $9.61 Amazon Prime

10. Raising Your Spirited Child, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Mary Sheedy Kurcinka is a licensed parent educator, behavior and sleep consultant, and author. She coined the term “spirited child” for highly energetic, sensitive, passionate, but stubborn.

Do you ever get baffled and feel like you’re pushed beyond your limits? If you are, then Raising Your Spirited Child is the perfect option. In this book, Kurcinka offers all parents a brief look into what causes their ‘spirited’ children to act how they do. Spirited children are more extreme, diligent, and sensitive than other children. They feel awkward at the slightest change in their life. This significant guide offers passionate help to such children’s parents with brilliant examples and a positive perspective. Also, demonstrated methodologies will help parents handle the most challenging occasions. This is a perfect book on child behavior management.

Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child...
Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child...
New; Mint Condition; Dispatch same day for order received before 12 noon; Guaranteed packaging
$16.99 −$4.09 $12.90 Amazon Prime

Parenting can be difficult because toddlers and kids are always very active. New parents and even current parents struggle to cope with the never-ending trouble of their children. But this will be only for a short period. As kids gradually grow up, they learn to become organized with help from their parents, teachers, and friends. In short, parenting is both divine and troublesome at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is good parenting?

Good parenting includes a lot of uniformity and schedule, which gives children a feeling of control. It emphasizes creating freedom in children so that parents do not always have to care for everything. Parenting styles also undergo similar changes with a child’s age and development.

What are the types of parenting?

There are four types of parenting such as –

      • Authoritarian / Disciplinarian: They are rigorous parents with strict discipline and one-way communication – parent to child. They are less caring, but expectations are high.
      • Permissive / Indulgent: These parents are the exact opposite of authoritarian parents. They have little or no restrictions and let their children make decisions independently. They are warming, and the expectation is minimal.
      • Uninvolved: These parents do not bother about what is happening with their children. There is a lack of communication between the two. They don’t have any discipline style or expectations from their children.
      • Authoritative: Parents of this group are nurturing and realistic. They set high and clear expectations with proper communication. Generally, children of these parents tend to be self-disciplined.

What are the signs of bad parenting?

Here are some signs that will help you identify lousy parenting –

      • Scolding child excessively
      • Punishing them in front of everyone
      • No encouragement or motivation
      • Showing less affection
      • Not setting up boundaries
      • Compared with other children
      • Not showing interest or pride in their achievements
      • Constantly criticizing or talking in that tone
      • Not letting them have any choice
      • Pampering way too much.

How bad parenting affects a child?

Bad parenting can rest a long-lasting impact on children, which can be very harmful. Children exposed to lousy parenting are more prone to criminal behaviors. When parents neglect or abuse their children too much, they indulge in illegal activities. As a result, they are prosecuted for juvenile delinquency. Bad parenting can also withhold children’s physical and mental growth, causing severe damage to their lives. So, the parenting mentioned above books can be a valuable resource to avoid lousy parenting.

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Last update on 2025-03-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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