E-Counseling | Online Psychological Service

If you are visiting this site, you are no stranger to the world of the Internet. You know the number of products and services that you can access through this technology. Online counseling or E-counseling is only one of the many services to join this trend.

At the same time that it would take to make an appointment, travel to the counselor’s office and get the session started, using the efficiency of E-counseling will have you much closer to problem resolution.

When you could search E-counseling:

  • Has your heart been broken by the woman or men of your dreams?
  • Are you thinking that your relationship is over, but you don’t know how to leave?
  • Does it seem that you care more about your partner than she cares for you?
  • Are you in a verbally or physically abusive relationship?
  • Are you struggling with coming out?
  • Are you feeling the need to talk to someone other than your friends or family?

What E-Counselor want to form clients:

  • To gain more choice and freedom in your life.
  • To gain a deep appreciation of who and what you are.
  • To strengthen your ability to deal with the inevitable changes and obstacles of life.

Here is an objective summary of the pros and cons of E-counseling:

The advantages of E-Counseling:

  • With the email format, there are no set appointment times. There is no travel time involved. Your counseling is conducted at the time most convenient and comfortable in your life.
  • You have all the time you want to write your thoughts and your questions. Depending on your computer availability, you can access our counselor discussions from your home or office at any time, day or night.
  • The internet lends a new dimension to maintaining confidentiality. You won’t be seen entering a therapy office. You won’t need to take time off from work to go to an appointment.
  • There will be no claims submitted to your insurance company or your employer because this is paid directly by you.

The disadvantage of E-Counseling:

The main disadvantage of E-Counseling is the lack of nonverbal communication. I won’t be able to “see” your posture or facial expressions, just as you won’t be able to see mine. The way we handle that is the same way you handle email correspondence from friends.

We write with as much clarity as possible. We check with each other to see if we are being understood. If we are not certain of meaning or an emotion, we ask the other person to explain what was meant.

When is E-Counseling useful?

  • While I’m sure that your situation may have you feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed, these are what would be referred to as “normal” problems. E-Counseling is great when you are seeking a counselor in order to have a professional, objective person help you put the problem into perspective and provide guidance in determining answers.
  • When you are an individual who is very comfortable using writing to express yourself.
  • When your time, your location, or other restrictions in your life do not allow for the more traditional in-person counseling.

You are not an appropriate client for E-counseling:

I will offer to make a referral if any of these are the case.

Crisis situations

E-Counseling is not appropriate for crisis situations. Internet technology and your counselor’s schedule cannot be relied upon for any sort of immediate response. Please do not rely on this or any other website for emergency services.

If you are thinking of harming yourself or others, your response should be to contact the nearest hospital emergency room or crisis center. If neither is available, you may call your National Suicide Hotline.

The expectation of counselor and client from E-counseling

What an E- counselor expect from you:

  • Be truthful with yourself and with client
  • Make time in your life for the work we do, giving your full and thoughtful consideration to discussions

What you can expect from E- counselor:

  • To be unconditionally constructive and supportive
  • To be straightforward and caring
  • Challenge you and offer different perspectives for your consideration
  • Co-create and partner with you for positive and solution-focused plans of action.

One last Important note for E-Counseling

If E-Counseling accepts you as a client, be aware that you take any mention of suicidal ideation or other violence very seriously. You may equate it to making jokes about bombs when you’re in an airport. Neither one is a wise thing to do, because, by law, action must be taken. In counseling, it means that E-Counseling required to call the authorities in your location in commitment to protect you and others.

If you want to get more reliable information about psychological counseling you can check the book titled “Counseling: How To Counsel Biblically”. This book is written by John MacArthur. From this book, you would be able to know the various counseling and psychotherapy related effective methods.

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