Reduce Stress by 7 Ways In The Morning

Have you been looking for ways on how to reduce stress in the morning? You are in the right place because I have some helpful ideas for you.

To me, the morning is the most crucial time of the day. It sets your mood. If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you could pretty much expect untoward events that can grate on your nerves later that day. You see, it is your mindset in the morning that sets the ball rolling.

If you want your whole day to go on smoothly, you have to reduce stress in the morning.

7 Stress Relief Tips You Should Try

1. Prepare all the stuff you will need in the morning before you go to bed at night to reduce stress

This will help you to spend time and a lot of problems. Preparation is the key, so your morning will go on smoothly. Make sure you prepare the bag you will need the next morning and put all the things you need in there.

The next thing you will need to prepare is your outfit for the next day. If you are a mood dresser like me and you tend to change your mind on what you will wear, you can try preparing two outfits to choose from.

2. Wake up 5-10 minutes earlier than usual

This will give you enough time to do a morning stretch. Open windows and let fresh morning air come into your room. Try the sun salutation yoga pose. Take breathing exercises in the morning in a proper way.

3. Focus your mind on positive things to reduce stress

If you have a presentation or have something important to do for the day, do not entertain negative thoughts. Do not anticipate failures and negative things. Make sure you keep a positive attitude and anticipate success so it will really happen.

4. Place encouraging signs all over your house

I understand that it is sometimes impossible to stay positive all the time to reduce stress. But stress management is not only a one-time big-time task. Just like bathing, it has to be done daily. Having said that, you have to frequently remind yourself to take things easy and do not focus on stressful things.

To reduce stress, try placing positive signs all over your house. You can put a small blackboard in your kitchen and write encouraging quotes or words. It also helps to put an inspiration board on the back of your bedroom door. This way, you will be reminded of positive things before going out of your room.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast to reduce stress for the whole day

Don’t go anywhere without filling your tummy with food. Hunger can make a person irritable and edgy. Stress management in the morning is easy.

A simple healthy sandwich coupled with a mug of good coffee should already do the trick. If you don’t have time to whip up something good in the morning, prepare the things you need at night, and then assemble everything in the morning.

6. Wear perfume with an uplifting scent

Scents actually trigger memories. If you feel a bit down in the morning (hey, it happens to the best of us!), put on a clean scent that will remind you of good and happy days. This will immediately reduce stress.

Perfumes with lavender and chamomile scents can encourage relaxation, while those with tropical scents can improve your mood.

7. Never do things in a hurry

Act like the way that you have enough time to finish all your work in the world. Take a bath leisurely, listen to music while on the bus, talk to your neighbor tending the garden, and take a photo of kids going to school, and so on.

Just enjoy the morning and go over the dozen or so reasons why it is a good morning.

Recommended Resource: Anxiety Relief Essential Oil Roll-On 10ml, Pre-Diluted, Ready to Use Roller for Stress Relief, Relaxation, Boost Mood, Uplifting, Calming


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