Men Over 40 Can Get More Out Of Their Lives

The hormone that gives one their drive and is the fanatical Means for athletes to grow even more muscles; the reason is ok with that Fat people become thicker. So what do you need about 40 to keep their testosterone levels at the right level and keep them?

Research On Testosterone And Prosperity Diseases

  • Scientific research has shown that not only your libido to low testosterone but also that it has to do with:
  • Higher risk (death due to) cardiovascular diseases
  • Non-alcohol-related fatty liver
  • Obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Aware of your blood pressure

It is not true of your Testosterone levels: the higher and better. The hormone provides a natural competitive drive and a good libido. With little testosterone will perform less. On the other hand, a high level is often associated with aggressive behavior, violence, and a low IQ. The average is high in prison populations, such as martial artists. So, for a medium to a high level: suitable for your body and not a threat to derail. One over 40 should do their best extra here.

So, They Keep Over 40 Their Testosterone Hormone Levels To:

1 – Regular Strength

This is the best and most natural way to increase your testosterone levels. Every good gym will also be told that it is unnecessary to resort to all kinds of resources if you want to grow your muscles. Fat testosterone into estrogen, but not power. Grow your muscles, then a self-reinforcing spiral in motion.

2 – Healthy Lifestyle And Enough Water

Less fat, more testosterone hormone. Simple as that. So, keep your weight down by lower-calorie food and exercising more. Limit intake of caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. Drink plenty of water. Like all other processes, your body promotes testosterone production when adequately hydrated. Ordinary tap water or green tea is fine.

3 – Sleeping

When you lack sleep, your adrenal glands produce extra cortisol and cannot create testosterone. When there is enough sleep, this is precisely the reverse. Deep sleep or eight hours does wonder. Sleepiness may cause stress or anxiety. Do you have sex before you go to sleep? That’s an extra incentive for testosterone production.

4 – Oily Fish

Testosterone is made from cholesterol in the testes (Leydig cells). HD, L, and LDL cholesterol levels are well balanced for good production. Oily fish or extra fish oil is an excellent way to promote products. Do you have excessive levels of testosterone? Then the fatty acids from fish (oil) sure are optimal for processing by the liver.

5 – Sufficient Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that we all, consciously or not, recognize the (alleged) potency enhancing the effect. It seems to have a high concentration in oysters; it is the aphrodisiac of choice. Train your lot? Then you run the risk that the level is somewhat low. Result: testosterone production is challenging. Then the necessary addition. Good sources include the oysters above and all kinds of meat, chicken, cheese, legumes, seeds, nuts, or a zinc supplement.

Testosterone (Deficit) Affects:

Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Epidemiological studies have shown that people with an average high testosterone level suffer from cardiovascular disease more than men with low levels. The search is processed in the body of the sex in the body. Scientists from the University of Sheffield have studied this in mice with testosterone deficiency. The liver and muscles of these mice could be found in the liver and bloodstream. In arteries leading to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which is a risk for cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular events.

Non-Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver

When less testosterone is present, the fatty deposits in the liver take. Testosterone likely protects against steatosis because it affects the enzymes that break down fat. The burning of fats can be increased by working to develop muscle. Move so. This will also increase your testosterone levels without supplementation. After all, adipose tissue is converted into estrogen under the enzyme aromatase testosterone. By reducing your fat, so does the conversion.

Blood Pressure

In a Japanese study, 44 people with overweight or high blood pressure were subjected to a 12-week program consisting of calorie restriction and three times a week or moderate-intensity exercise. At the end of that period, the blood pressure in all the men had dropped a lot and increased testosterone levels.


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