11 signs and symptoms of adult ADD

signs of adult ADD adult ADD symptoms of adult ADD

If you remember, you were easily distracted when you were a kid. Maybe you had trouble paying attention in class or completing your homework. Perhaps you daydreamed a lot or fidgeted a lot. For most of us, these behaviors are just a normal part of growing up. But for some people, they never go away.

If you’re an adult who still struggles with focus and attention, you may have adult ADD. ADD is a natural, diagnosable condition that can cause problems in all areas of life, from work to relationships. But the good news is that there are effective treatments available.

If you think you might have ADD, the first step is to talk to your doctor. They can complete an evaluation to determine other potential causes of your symptoms and make a diagnosis. Once you have a diagnosis, you can work with your doctor to find the proper treatment.

Do you think you have adult ADD? Diagnosis is essential as attention deficit negatively affects many areas of your life. Here are 11 signs that you may have ADD or attention deficit disorder as an adult.

If you had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a child, you also have it as an adult. About half of the children who had ADHD still have it in adulthood. Around 4% of adults have ADD or some attention deficit disorder, and many go undiagnosed.

Symptoms of adult add:

Now I will inform you of adults’ most vital and common signs and symptoms with add. These symptoms checklist may vary from person to person. But I am mentioning the diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM–5) criteria.

1. Difficulty organizing your life

Adulthood comes with many extra responsibilities: bills, jobs, committed relationships, and children. Adults with ADD find it challenging to juggle all their duties, and an inability to prioritize or organize leaves them feeling overwhelmed.

2. Restlessness

A hallmark of childhood ADD is an abundance of energy, often not channeled into the right areas. People with adult ADD usually feel edgy or restless. If you were hyperactive as a child and had ADD, you likely grew up to be calmer –but your restlessness is still a sign of adult ADD.

I am suggesting a book titled “The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD.” You will get 8 simple steps to dealing with ADD. This book is very much practical for dealing with adult ADD. I also keep this book with me to treat my clients. You can get it on amazon. I noticed they are providing discounts on this book. Click here to get the book on Amazon.

3. Poor listening skills

Do you have trouble concentrating during long business meetings? Do you forget to pick up the milk no matter how often your wife reminds you? Problems with attention lead to poor listening skills, which means those with adult ADD are prone to have listening-related misunderstandings.

4. Relationship trouble

While the beginning stages of the relationship are exhilarating, often, adults with ADHD struggle with transitioning into a more committed relationship. Their tendency to be easily distracted makes their significant others think they’re inattentive or self-centered, causing relationship trouble.

5. Chronic lateness

Adults with ADD are late for two reasons: they underestimate how long a task will take and are likely to get distracted on the way to an event.

When you’re late for the fiftieth time in a row, your friend isn’t want to hear any more excuses.

If you find yourself doing several unimportant tasks that make you late or constantly starting a new project inconveniently, you may have adult ADD.

6. Procrastination is your forte

Unfortunately, anxiety often helps adults with ADD focus. Instead of completing a task promptly, they procrastinate until the deadline is upon them. Living in a state of extreme anxiety is unhealthy, and the inability to start jobs wears on their relationships at work and home.

7. Extreme risk-taking

People with ADD often seek out activities that are stimulating. Activities like gambling, driving fast cars, skydiving, and extramarital affairs can all appeal to adults with ADD. The key is to channel that energy into less potentially risky endeavors.

8. Constantly losing things

Being easily distracted and lacking organizational skills leads to constantly losing things. If you find yourself continually searching for your keys, phone, and wallet, you may want to designate an area in your home where you always put those items.

9. Prone the angry outburst

ADD often leads to problems controlling emotions, so those with adult ADD are prone to angry outbursts over minor issues.

Often people with ADD feel like they have no control over their negative emotions, and their anger leaves as quickly as it came. However, this doesn’t stop the damage it does to others in the relationship.

10. Impulsive behavior

Everyone has moments when they act on impulse, but if you regularly make significant decisions without considering the consequences, you may have ADD.

Quitting your job suddenly, blurting out whatever’s on your mind, or having unprotected sex are all indications of the impulsiveness that characterizes adult ADD.

11. Easily distracted

Being easily distracted causes a lot of other problems. It can mean that you can’t concentrate on work, are often late, and have trouble finishing tasks. If you find your mind constantly wandering, you may have adult ADD.

I suggest that people who suspect they or their children have ADHD should seek qualified and professional help. With the correct information, a considerable difference can be made.

You Can Also Collect This Book: Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D

1 thought on “11 signs and symptoms of adult ADD”

  1. You use the good quality raw material to help make a perfect product. Why is it that these people quickly become the core of attention at any event or social gathering? Again I ask the reason for trying to kill my routine.

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