Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards-100% Real Reviews(Pros & Cons)

The Talking to Heaven Mediumship Tarot Cards is a set of Tarot cards that utilize a spiritual reading, or so-called spirit contact, with the help of a medium, who is a person who can communicate with spirits.

Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards Meanings

The cards are referred to as Tarot cards because they use cards, which are believed to hold certain information and symbols. But, the word “tarot” gave rise to some misunderstandings. People tend to think the tarot cards are just used for fortune-telling.

The Talking to Heaven Mediumship Deck is a modern-day Tarot Deck created by the Talking to Heaven Team of Tarot Readers. It is a tarot deck that uses the traditional tarot card images of a man and woman on a swing, two hands, a green and a red rose, a series of swords, an elaborate pentagram, a cross, a crown, a halo, an angel, a unicorn, a castle, a heart, a spade, a circle, a cup, a wreath, a star, keyrings, a pineapple, a feather, and a crow.

History of Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards

During the late 1800s, several Spiritualist mediums began to channel the spirit of a young girl named Catherine. During these sessions, the medium would hold a series of tarot cards with the message of Catherine’s life being read from the cards.

The medium would then state the name of the person the cards were spelling, and the name of the person would then be told from the cards.

The Talking to Heaven Mediumship Tarot Cards is the most famous tarot deck in existence. They were created by the famous spiritualist Harry Hayford in 1925 after his death. The deck contains the most elaborate and accurate information on spiritualism and the afterlife.

Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook full review.

To reassure the grieving relatives of a person who’s passed away, the Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards can help heal their pain. Their loved one’s thoughts can be delivered by these cards.

Here’s how it works; the relative or friend of a departed may ask a question for the departed soul and they’ll get their answers through these 44 magnificent cards. They can also get help from the provided guidebook.

Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards: A 44-Card Deck and...
  • Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards
  • Virtue, Doreen (Author)

These cards work as the tool of healing for the grieving ones of the departed souls and they can be used to hold a clear conversation with their loved ones in heaven.

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and James Van Praagh are the dedicated and experience author of this book. Combining their vast experience of spiritual and psychological counseling work, they brought forth this healing tool of heart for the depressed and aggrieved ones of a departed soul.

The Tarot Deck Provides-

  • 44 high-quality cards for conversing with the departed loved one’s soul in heaven.
  • A guidebook on how to properly use the cards and how to converse through them.
  • The cards provide specified and definite answers for your questions as it is a direct converse line to heaven to your loved ones.

Hay House Inc published this book on 29 May 2018. It is available in the English language only. It has about 120 pages and 44 cards. Moreover, it weighs about 315 grams and has an area of 9.86 x 3.56 x 13.82 cm. It is categorized in Health, Family and Personal Development and Reincarnation in Amazon.

  • The cards are of very good quality with golden edges and they are very easy and comfortable to shuffle with.
  • The cards bear beautiful and heartwarming messages from heaven and one who did a card reading for someone who’d lost loved ones claimed that the cards were very helpful for easing her grief and gave her uplifting messages.
  • These cards are just perfect for mediumship too.
  • These cards can also be marked as very helpful and intuitive for card reading and connecting to heaven; it’s also praised the card contents.
  • The cards are very precise and hold very similar meanings and very accurately describe one’s thoughts.
  • The cards are very calming, pleasing and the messages conveyed in the cards fit with peoples’ ways of life.
  • These cards are recommended by users for personal use and guide any other grieving person towards their loved ones and serenity.
  • The cards are very useful and easy to use once one gets the hang of it. A customer one Goodreads claims that she’s been using it for a while and is pleased with the product. Overall, she was very impressed.
  • The box in which the cards are delivered is weak to hold but the cards inside are kept intact.


The loss of a loved one is a whole new challenge on its own and it can be even very difficult to pass the day by without missing them. This much grief can have a very bad and even devastating effect on an individual’s life. To prevent that psychological crisis, these cards are proven useful by the words of many users worldwide.

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Last update on 2025-03-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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