Therapy | Most Beneficial Psychotherapies

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Therapy or psychotherapy is the procedure of dealing with a certified therapist to build up optimistic thoughts and coping skills and treat mental health issues such as mental illness and suffering.

There has various psychological therapy which helps people to heal from psychologically upset. Most beneficial psychotherapies are including:

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback – also called neurofeedback – trains the brain to function more effectively and efficiently. In a study done on addicts in a conventional treatment program, the recovery rate doubled for those who received neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback TherapyThrough a computer software program, an assessment is taken to identify any imbalances or areas of ineffectiveness.

Once the specific areas requiring treatment are identified, neurofeedback provides visual and audio feedback that responds instantaneously anytime brain activity changes.

This type of feedback provides brain information to function more effectively and efficiently. Neurotherapy is used to help ADHD, seizures, addiction, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities.

Via neuro-biofeedback the brain has the opportunity to retrain itself to function in a healthier way so that emotional and cognitive states will be improved.

People have utilized neurofeedback in a less sophisticated manner for years. For example, mirrors provide feedback on appearance and can inspire action one may get a haircut, buy different clothing, begin a healthier lifestyle, improve posture, etc.

Video cameras have been utilized to capture sporting events on film so that players can re-watch their movements and learn to improve their play.

With the most cutting-edge neuro-biofeedback systems instant information is fed directly back to the brain.

This feedback helps improve brain imbalances, which assists the brain in its ability to make healthier decisions, to enforce boundaries, to manage ADHD/ADD, to keep a strict sleep schedule, and much more.

Neurofeedback trains the brain to learn more functional patterns. It’s like riding a bike: Once one master how to ride, it becomes a learned skill that’s not forgotten. As more functional patterns emerge they start to become long-term skills.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga can be an important component of a recovery program because it offers physical, emotional and spiritual healing benefits.

Originating in ancient India, yoga is a philosophy that focuses on integrating the mind, body, and spirit to achieve a sense of well-being.

The term “yoga” indicates to connect or join. The practice of yoga involves safely placing the body in stressful positions to achieve a sense of calmness while maintaining a slow, steady, relaxing breathing pattern.

Yoga may be practiced at a variety of levels that can be customized to the individual client. You may prefer a slower, more soothing practice or one that is more vigorous and physically demanding.

A number of yoga postures may be used that require sitting, standing or the body being reclined or inverted, depending on your experience level.

One posture can be held for a length of time or various postures can be sequenced together in a manner that is timed to the rhythm of the breath.

Physical Benefits of Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy

From a physical standpoint, yoga can play an essential role in the detoxification process. Yoga massages the muscles, organs, ligaments, and circulatory system while increasing the blood flow throughout the body, helping to purge toxins from your system.

Strength, balance, and endurance will also improve through regular yoga practice. Yoga can assist clients who are looking to achieve weight loss, improve flexibility and muscle form, and improve overall health and well-being.

Emotional and Mental Health Benefits of Yoga

As your body heals and strengthens through the practice of yoga, your emotional and mental health will also improve.

The renewed physical energy you experience will help you combat the negative emotions that go hand-in-hand with addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Yoga can be emotionally empowering, as it provides an outlet or release for a variety of emotions you are feeling.

Yoga also improves concentration and promotes a sense of calmness, contentment and emotional balance. The therapy will enable you to make healthier decisions as your recovery progresses.

If you are a dual-diagnosis client who suffers from a mental illness as well as addiction, yoga can help to combat a variety of afflictions. Studies have shown that yoga helps to relieve symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and attention-deficit disorder.

Spiritual Benefits of Yoga

Yoga does not require a specific religious or spiritual affiliation, so you are able to engage in the practice regardless of your belief system.

Yoga will help your mind and body reach and attain a state of complete stillness, which provides a pathway to spiritual renewal. You will be free to use the time for meditation, prayer or quiet reflection.

Many of our clients find yoga helps them reconnect with and rebuild a spirit that has been broken as a result of their addictive lifestyle. Ultimately, they develop a heightened sense of self-realization and insight that is of great value in the healing process.

Those who practice yoga often find that they become more compassionate toward their fellow human beings as well, an ability that often becomes lost while in the midst of addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Marriage & Family Therapy

Family Involvement can be an incredibly important component of anyone’s treatment process.

Whether it serves as an opportunity to address issues that clients and loved ones have previously been unable to deal with or to simply start a conversation between loved ones, family therapy is an effective and important way to begin communicating again.

Statistically speaking, family support can be instrumental in helping one to maintain sobriety, especially in the first year post-treatment. For this support to be effective, however, it needs to be strong and healthy.

Often times, family dynamics are skewed due to what has been occurring and family therapy allows everyone involved the opportunity to address the issues and determine positive, healthy solutions with which to move forward.

Therapy Encourages the Healing Process

Marriage and Family Therapy is a critical part of the process encourages that involvement, provided the client is at a point where he or she is ready to begin engaging in Marriage or Family Therapy.

Clients often need to address issues prevalent within their interpersonal relationships that have contributed to or been exacerbated by their addiction.

Addiction does not just affect the addict, it affects the entire family unit and it’s important for all involved to work together to begin and continue the healing process.

Therapy Helps to Discover the Path for Recovery

Inpatient rehabilitation provides the opportunity for clients to begin addressing family issues and a safe forum for all involved to share concerns, hopes and develop plans for moving forward as a family.

It also works as an opportunity for relationships and expectations to be defined from all parties involved, both clients and their loved ones, as well as to establish firm boundaries and plans for maintaining them. Becoming emotionally healthy is not an overnight process, but one that takes time and works from all involved.

To start this process while a client is in treatment and to begin practicing and implementing healthy styles of communication amongst loved ones helps to increase chances of success moving forward and establishes healthier interpersonal interactions and relationships.

Marriage Therapy, Family TherapyMarriage and Family Therapy is often an emotional process and it takes clients some time to get to the point where they can begin addressing these issues.

In life, we often hurt the ones we love the most because we trust that they’ll continue to be there for us, regardless of our hurtful actions.

The same can be attributed to those struggling with addiction and often loved ones, out of frustration, fear, and anger, as well as love, will respond and react in-kind because everyone involved is suffering such tremendous pain.

Through Marriage and Family Therapy, everyone has the opportunity to begin healing from addiction and to find their path to recovery.

Music Therapy

Drug Rehab Using Music Therapy

Music is by its nature is a means of self-expression, socializing activity, a format through introspection, and an appropriate healthy outlet for a person.

Specific music therapy interventions include songwriting, music improvisation, lyric analysis and relaxation to music techniques.

music therapyThe music therapist is trained in all of these techniques and will work with a person’s strengths and musical comfort to assess which techniques will be most beneficial for each person.

In drug rehab sessions using music therapy, the therapist utilizes both live music as performed by the therapist and or the client and recorded music that can be listened to and interacted with a therapeutic setting.

Music is utilized because it may be easier for some people to process things musically when verbal processing is more difficult. Incorporating music therapy into a drug rehab program gives clients a musical vehicle that provides a safe container for the client where it is non-judgmental and provides support for the client.

Art Therapy

Drug Rehab Using Art Therapy

Incorporating Art therapy into a drug rehab program gives clients the opportunity to utilize art materials in order to explore issues, stressors, and emotions that have played a part in their addiction.

Art therapy can be healing through the actual process of art-making, as well as through exploring the image or product made during the session with an art therapist.

art therapistThe entire art therapy spectrum is utilized to find a form of art therapy that can be both beneficial and comfortable for the client.

A large part of an art therapist’s role is to assist the clients in choosing which modality to utilize that will best achieve their goals and keep the process from being too intimidating or frustrating.

One of the continuous goals this therapeutic form of drug rehab is to have each client participate in art therapy on some level; all clients that participate in art therapy benefit in some form.

Art therapy does not require the client to have any specific art skills or talents at all. The expression occurs at any level, and an art therapist is responsible to help the client in choosing materials and themes that are best suited for recovery and growth.

Self-Exploration Through Art Therapy

Art therapy is a beneficial component of the drug rehab treatment program due to its ability to explore both the emotions as well as the underlying issues which likely fueled clients’ experiences with addiction.

By incorporating art therapy in a drug rehab program, clients are able to reflect on certain issues (i.e. trauma, family-of-origin), because art can elicit emotions and often discloses feelings that may not arise in more conventional types of therapy or that the client may not be able to verbally express.

Through identified materials and directives, clients have an opportunity to explore their addiction, the impact it’s had on their life as well as their journey towards healing and recovery.

By the end of each client’s treatment, clients will have a portfolio of artwork documenting intangible and visual formats the progress that each has experienced throughout the journey of healing from addiction to recovery.

Life Purpose Coaching

Life Purpose Coaching is a medium that helps clients identify set and achieve personal goals.

Goals will vary depending upon the individual, but are vitally important, as achieving them provides clients self-worth and self-fulfillment because they’ve accomplished something they set out to do.

So often while in the throes of addiction one does not identify, set or achieve any goals and this leads to increased depression, lack of self-esteem and lack of fulfillment with one’s life.

These issues occur as a result of addiction and also contribute to the addiction initially – often it’s difficult for those struggling (pre-addiction or during addiction) to deal with life’s basic day to day tasks.

Being overwhelmed by these tasks can push many toward using substances or increased use of substances, which can easily lead to substance abuse.

PsychotherapyPsychotherapy offers exclusive alcohol and drug counseling programs using a holistic, multi-sensory and multi-disciplinary approach.

We work with you one-on-one to develop an individualized, custom-tailored treatment program that focuses on your interests and goals.

Alcohol counseling includes a variety of opportunities to experience mental, physical, spiritual and social well being.

You’ll have access to a life purpose coach who can help you discover your purpose and vision for the future.

Working with the life purpose coach, you’ll develop a strong sense of knowing who you are while developing the tools to make positive decisions in your life.

In addition to a life purpose coach, exclusive alcohol counseling includes daily meditation with the opportunity to incorporate yoga, Pilates, and IntenSati into your physical regime.

With the help of a physical trainer, you’ll develop your physical strength, honoring your body, while experiencing mental well being.

In recovery programs, psychologists work with clients to identify areas they need to work on, whether they are personal or professional.

Interpersonal relationships often need some work and professional goals need to be set for clients to move forward. Many lose their jobs, struggle in their professions or if in school, don’t do well/drop out as a result of everything they’re going through.

Life Purpose Coaching helps each client identify the areas he or she needs to address and implement a plan of action for that particular area.

For example, a client may need to look at getting back into higher education and what that looks like for them, or a parent may need to learn to re-engage with his or her children on a level in which they understand, or a business professional may need to set specific goals for getting his or her career back on track.

These goals can be small or large, but all include actionable steps that clients can achieve, one at a time.

Achieving Personal Goals Fosters Success

TherapyLife Purpose Coaching is an essential part of treatment for each client – it may include setting a schedule for oneself and learning to keep it, learning how to apply for appropriate jobs and successfully interview for them or even setting a planned time to spend with one’s family.

It could also include learning how families can re-connect and what activities they can enjoy together, as well as learning how to pass the wine list while at dinner, or how to deal with holiday dinners, parties, etc.

The overall purpose is for clients to learn how to identify areas of need, set goals for themselves in these areas and create actionable objectives through which to achieve these goals – all in ways that they can process and make sense of.

Every person’s brain and processing works differently, so it has to make sense to the person carrying out the plan for the plan to be successful.

One-on-one sessions are effective at helping clients to succeed in their identified areas, as in a group setting the objectives may make sense in general, but clients often don’t know how to relate those objectives to their own situations.

To work through these issues one–on–one helps clients to learn how to address them in ways that will work for their situation.

It’s crucial to a client’s success that he or she develops goals to work toward, both during and post-treatment. To have goals gives one a sense of purpose, especially as he or she achieves those goals, and Life Purpose Coach assists clients with a variety of goals and areas of need, including life skills, social skills, business coaching and more.

Recommended Book: Adult Psychotherapy

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