Three of Coins is a card in the suit of coins used in European (Spanish & Italian) tarot cards. Commonly known as Three of Pentacles, this card is part of what tarot card readers call Minor Arcana. The tarot is heavily used for divinatory purposes and spirituality.
The “Three of Coins” theory goes like this: All cards are equal in a normal four-card poker hand. In a “Three of Coins” hand, the highest card is worth more than a pair, marked more than a pair, or marked a pair of a different rank.
The importance of this rule was never explored until a few years ago when a man named Benny Binion was accused of cheating at poker. He was accused of cheating because he had a better hand of “Three of Coins” than the other players, but he indeed wasn’t cheating. The cards had been marked by a dealer, who Benny had instructed to do so.
Three of Coins Keywords
Upright Keywords:
We are learning, studying, hard work, teamwork, collaboration, implementation, shared goals, apprenticeship, determination, commitment, dedication, attention to detail, recognition, motivation, achievements, building on success, reward, hard work paying off, quality, growth, effort, pooling energy, focused work, mastery, functioning, coordination, contribution, combining effort.
Reversed Keywords:
Disharmony, misalignment, working alone, lack of teamwork, lack of cohesion, conflict, ego, competition, apathy, poor motivation, unwillingness to learn, avoiding learning from mistakes, lack of growth, lack of commitment, mistakes, no dedication, poor quality work, poor work ethic, no goals, lack of effort, lack of collaboration.
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Three of Coins Description
The card depicts a young Stoneman working on the archway of a cathedral with his tools, and on both sides, two architects stand holding the plans of the design. The itinerary of the card shows soaring ceilings and detailed engravings on the wall, indicating that both parties are profoundly skilled in their craftsmanship.
The picture and silhouette of the image are lively and lifelike. The Stoneman in the picture seems to be discussing the progress in the work so far with the architects. Although he’s a Stoneman and they’re the architect with the design, they value the work ethics and professional knowledge of the Stoneman. His specialist knowledge and opinion are essential to the work.
The body language of the three figures says a lot about the picture. It insinuates that the young Stoneman is also an essential contributor to the cathedral’s completion along with the architects.
The architects also have a relaxed figure which suggests that they believe in the joint effort and the Stoneman to finish the work, so all their contributions are on the same page.
Different depictions of the card interpret the role of the men in different ways. Some tarot readers suggest that the young man is an apprentice, and beside him are a priest of the cathedral and a nobleman of some sort. But all the depictions show distinct discussions about their work and profound, enthusiastic teamwork.
General Interpretation of Three of Coins (Upright & Reversed)
Upright Position:
The picture of the card suggests that the architects needed the Stoneman for his labor, and the Stoneman couldn’t finish the work without the knowledge of the craftsmanship of the architects. It can be said that both parties rely on each other to complete the cathedral.
As they came together as a team for the work, they could conquer something bigger than themselves. So this card depicts the importance of collaborating to achieve significant results by creating synergies and utilizing the power and energy of a team.
Reversed Position:
The Three of Coins card in the reversed position depicts that you might be in a state of quarrel and mismatched opinions with your teammates. That disharmony is affecting your work and hindering its completion.
It also indicates disrespect for others’ values, opinions, and ideas. If the situation resonates with the tarot readers, they should renegotiate the timeline and resources and reorganize their teamwork and goals to finish their work successfully.
Love & Relationship Meaning- Three of Coins
Upright Meaning:
In case of already in a relationship, this card suggests that you’re putting in the effort and collaboration needed with your partner to make things work.
In case of having issues in a relationship, you might be looking forward to seeking the help of a counselor or a guide. You and your partner are growing and learning about each other, which will take time and effort, but you’re on the right path.
If your relationship is relatively new, this card suggests that you’re learning about your partner and sharing your life.
In case you’re single, you can meet someone through your work or studies.
Reversed Meaning:
The reversed meanings warn you about a third party intruding or causing friction in your relationship. This may also indicate a lack of commitment or growth and highly signifies your partner’s lack of effort and worry.
Career, Finance, and Money Meaning- Three Coins
Upright Meaning:
This indicates a great work ethic, dedication, and commitment to your work and career. You may also be very successful in teamwork and collaboration with others in your workplace,e which proves beneficial.
You work hard and pay the utmost attention to detail which is praise-worthy. The card also indicates the completion of a project or the possibility of receiving recognition or a reward for your work.
Reversed Meaning:
Three of Coins is not that great of an omen regarding financial matters. This card indicates that you’ve lost your motivation and will to work hard, and as a result, the quality of your work and degenerated, and you no longer feel any dedication or commitment to your work. This also includes the lack of effort, the refusal to accept active criticism, and the habit of giving up. Lack of growth and problems collaborating with others may add to the meaning.
Health & Spirituality Meaning- Three of Coins
Upright Meaning:
If you’ve been trying to improve your health and lifestyle, this card suggests that all your hard work will eventually begin to pay off nicely.
Reversed Meaning:
In health issues, the card suggests that you must put in some form of effort to see results. The card indicates you are proactive in achieving your health and lifestyle goals.
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Three of Coins- Yes or No
In the case of depicting the answers’ yes’ or ‘no,’ this card is ‘yesses’ for the readers, especially regarding education and career. When asked with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, this card suggests a positive tone and pushes the reader through the endeavors they seek.
Questions like- learning to trade, searching for a mentor so that you can go to the next level, or considering a different career path.
Numerology, Symbolism & Astrology of Three Coins
Three of Coins or Three of Pentacles depict and indicate the number 3 in many ways. First, the card depicts three people and the connection with the work among the trio.
The archway in the center also includes connected disc-shaped pentacles embodying the men’s partnership and integration. This symbolism is because the number 3 is considered holy in many religions and the number of completion.
The card is often connected to structures, foundations, and frameworks for its imagery.
The description of the Three of Coins card easily fits onto the aspect of the Earth sign. However, as portrayed in the various version of the card, some will associate the solid pillars with detailed craftsmanship and connect them with the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Capricorns are diligent and hardworking and masters of perseverance.
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Three of Coins & Some Important Card Combination
Three of the Pentacles have an extreme interpretation of teamwork, focused effort, growth, and learning. The meaning and interpretations of the card can change depending on the surrounding cards, and that’s why it’s essential to know how the meanings change of Three of Pentacles when paired with other cards of the suit.
Three of Coins & Temperance:
Temperance’s card suggests someone who can be your ‘partner in crime’ and find balance alongside them. At the same time, the Three of Coins is all about getting the job done.
The combination of these two suggests that your time has come to shake hands with someone else to accomplish the greater good.
If a goal is too big and too hard for you to fulfill, you might want to seek a suitable partner who’ll be of help.
Three of Coins & The Lovers:
This pair tells you that a new romance awaits you not far away from you. Matched with the lover’s card, Three of Coins indicate that your mate is near you, especially in your workplace.
Although it is frowned upon to mix business with pleasure in society, this combination of cards suggests that it mightn’t be such a bad idea to take this chance in this case.
Three of Coins & The World:
This combination suggests the obvious with a twist. Traveling the world is one possibility, not for pleasure but for a job opportunity overseas.
The cards also hint at the possibility of finding a new place in your field, which will help you shine, and this pair suggests you take the leap of faith.
Three of Coins and Three of Wands:
This card indicates that you need not wait to set your plans in motion. This pair dedicated to the number 3 gives off one clear message to stop contemplating the past and get moving to prepare for what is yet to come in the future.
Three of Coins & Eight of Swords:
This pair indicates your dire need for a boost of motivation. It suggests that your confidence is running low, or perhaps you lack direction or feel the heart to do the job. As Three of Coins indicate cooperation, the reader should look for a mentor to guide them through this time.
To know about the benefits of teamwork, collaboration, alignment, and the effects of its support, the Three of Coins card can provide it with all. This card is essential as our daily lives and activities are relevant to it. Knowing about the meanings, interpretations, and this card came to be can only add depth to one’s knowledge of tarot.
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