Archetype Cards Vs. Tarot Cards- Which is Best?

Are you getting confused between the Archetype cards and Tarot Cards? We have provided the differences between both decks in the article.

Archetypes are ancient, universal patterns of behaviors known as “collective ignorance” by Carl Jung. It helps connect with sacred parts and gives you more significant insights into your life.

In the context of tarot, an archetype is a recurring societal theme seen in all human groups and societies. For example, a mother archetype we commonly see reflected in humans, in the form of a mother figure, the goddess archetype, the god archetype, and so on, are all archetypal concepts.

Tarot cards are a divination tool used since the mid-15th century in most European countries. It helps us to gain insight into our past and present life by questioning, drawing, and interpreting cards.

Archetype Cards Vs. Tarot Cards

Have a look below for further information.

Archetype Cards

Archetypal cards are based on the work of Carl G Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist most famous for his theory of the collective unconscious. Jung believed all human beings possess some psychic energy or “archetype” passed down from generation to generation.

Archetype Cards
  • Archetype Cards
  • Myss PhD, Caroline (Author)

When people encounter an archetype, their psyche transfers this information to them and helps them make sense of the world. With this in mind, archetypal cards are usually seen as a tool for self-reflection and warning rather than fortune-telling.

Archetypes Cards Meaning:

The archetype comes from the Greek word arches, meaning “first, original, or elementary.” It refers to the image, character, or story of the template or pattern from which something is formed. For example, in psychology, an archetype is a deeply ingrained thought or feeling that influences our behavior and reactions to specific experiences. For instance, the idea of the mother figure, often associated with the mother archetype, may influence how a woman reacts to being pregnant even more than the experience of having a child.

Archetype comes with an original pattern and has a primitive image that was inherited from the earliest ancestors. These cards are created by the author Caroline Myss. It is an Oracle deck. It comes with 80 archetype cards. Each card is illustrated to provide essential light and shadows. The deck also has six extra blank cards to create your archetypes. The deck has a guidebook with instructions and information to gain insight into your life.

Tarot Cards

The tarot deck is a card deck that depicts images representing different possible future outcomes. The cards are based on the Roman pagans’ oracle, each with a symbolic meaning denoting a possible future outcome.

Da Brigh The Original Tarot, Deck of 78 Cards, Alternative...
  • Made from 350 gsm art paper with “linen” finish
  • Includes 86-page guidebook with upright and reversed card meanings,...

Tarot Cards Meaning:

Tarot cards are often used as a tool to assist in decision-making and help guide you through life. The cards are often used for money, love, career, etc. Many people do not understand the meaning of tarot cards. They are used to give the reader the true meaning of the tarot cards. Tarot cards are fortune-telling cards also used as playing cards.

Nowadays, it has become trendy and is used all over the world. Tarot cards come with 78 cards divided into two groups Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Tarot card has many decks. Each of the decks has individual functions. All the decks convey messages through images. One can get clear guidance through tarot reading. It is a type of cartomancy. Tarot cards come with a guidebook, too, that provides all the details.

Review of the Differences Between the Archetypes Cards and Tarot Cards

Archetype cards are one type of oracle card that provides the message of what is going on, whereas tarot cards provide messages by providing more details.

Archetype cards come with a different number of cards, whereas tarot cards come with 78 cards.

Also, Archetypes cards have an extra card, whereas tarot cards don’t come with an extra card; 78 cards fix it.

Archetype cards are independent; they don’t have any rules, whereas tarot cards come with rules.

Archetype cards provide positive messages, whereas tarot cards provide positive and negative messages.

Again, Archetype cards help connect in the sacred part of our life, whereas tarot cards help give insight into our life journey.

Archetype cards may contain messages through goddesses, whereas tarot cards don’t provide messages from gods or goddesses.

Archetype cards have their functions, whereas most tarot cards are based on the Rider Waite deck.

We have all seen Tarot cards in-game stores, bookstores, and strange places. The cards themselves have a very distinct appearance to them. They are different than your typical playing cards, as they generally contain a pentacle instead of a picture of a king and are often dark in color. More often than not, Archetypal images are found in the background, and most of them are found in the center of the card.

Despite having different functions, both the decks help insight through occult practices.


So, we hope you have the differences between the Archetype cards and Tarot cards. Both the decks are used for divination purposes. Both cards are perfect following their functions. You can choose anyone according to your wishes.

Feel free to choose. Happy Shopping.

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Last update on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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