7 Best Crystals for Root Chakra in 2024

Best Crystals for Root Chakra

From crystals to chakras, quartz crystals are among the most commonly sought-after types of crystals in the metaphysical world. Their vibrational energy is said to purify both the physical and energetic body and be instrumental in clearing old negative emotions and opening up the root chakra. We have provided the 7 Best Crystals for Root Chakra in the article.

What is Root Chakra?

The root chakra is the thirteenth chakra located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with our physical health and a sense of security. It is the chakra that protects us from the outside world. People with root chakra problems have difficulty feeling safe and secure in the world and are either unable to move on or are drawn to the dark side.

Root Chakra crystals can be found on the market in many forms. The most common include rose Quartz, black tourmaline, amethyst, citrine, and calcite. Some of these are more common than others; the best ones will depend on your needs.

The best crystals for balancing your root chakra are the ones that reflect the qualities that you most seek. For example, if you want protection, you should wear anything that reflects protection qualities. However, if you want creativity, you should wear crystals that reflect creativity.

7 Best Crystals for Root Chakra

Inspect the below for additional details.


Rock Paradise 1/2 lb Rough Black Tourmaline Crystals - Raw...
  • WHAT IS IT: This listing is for ½ pound of rough black tourmaline...
  • MOTHER NATURE: Please note that these crystals and healing stones are...

Black Tourmaline is all about protecting and energizing the root chakra. This profoundly healing stone calms your sense of security and helps you feel completely safe from prying eyes that wish to harm you.

Additionally, it protects you from the potentially harmful effects of EMFs on sensitive ones. Black Tourmaline is known for transforming negative energy into positive energy, eliminating negative feelings associated with anxiety, depression, and general despair. It supports the adrenal glands and restores your energy levels as well.

Black Tourmaline Crystals- features and specifications:

Rock Paradise created this product. It comes with a weight of 8 ounces and has a dimension of 4.7*3.5*2.4 inches. It features,

  • They are unpolished and include 1/2 pound of unpolished crystals.
  • Each stone is unique in size and shape because they are natural.
  • They are made of the most delicate stone.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • This Black Tourmaline is available in 15 different sizes.
  • It is the largest stone, measuring approximately the size of an index finger.
  • It is presented in pristine condition and includes a certificate of authenticity.
  • Black Tourmaline is of excellent quality, and the stones are reasonably sized.
  • This Black Tourmaline stone is a perfect tool; each piece is of appropriate size and quality.
  • Numerous black tourmalines contain mica, which adds to the metaphysical properties of this extremely powerful stone.
  • It leaves no dust residue, which is fantastic and easy to maintain.
  • Its energy is effective, causes immediate changes at home, makes us feel lighter, and relaxes and lessens our stress.
  • Some buyers Claimed that they ordered a 12-pound bag of black tourmaline. Unfortunately, almost the entire bag was shattered into minuscule fragments. Only a few pieces were large enough, and the remainder were too small to use.
  • These crystals are stunning, and several contain inclusions.
  • All of the stones arrived in perfect condition and as magnificent specimens.
  • They are genuine stones that vary in shape and size.
  • Some buyers claimed that they were of inferior quality.
  • They arrive in a well-packaged package that is exceptionally securely sealed to prevent damage and is shipped perfectly.
  • Black tourmaline shields the wearer from all forms of negativity.
  • Some buyers claimed they arrive extremely dusty but rinse quickly without much scrubbing and appear shiny and lovely.
  • It’s the ideal product to give as a gift.
  • Black Tourmaline is available in small pieces that fit easily in our bags.
  • They are high-quality crystals that come in attractive sizes and are reasonably priced.
  • The Black tourmaline boosts energy and dispels blockages.
  • Black tourmaline can be utilized to both resist and shield against negativity.
  • It is particularly effective at deflecting electromagnetic radiation.
  • It contributes to the room’s energy grounding, cleanses any negative or toxic energy, and protects the area.
  • Black tourmaline is the best crystal for protection, warding off negative energy.
  • However, they arrive dusty, require washing upon arrival, and some are small.

2. CRYSTAL TEARS Tiger’s Eye Gemstone:

CrystalTears Tiger's Eye Thumb Worry Stone Healing Crystal...
  • Thumb Worry Stones: Natural Tiger's Eye Gemstone
  • Stone size:(approx.) 1.7" in length,1.34" in width,0.24" in thickness....

The Tigers Eye’s big cat vibes help you feel full-bodied and blissful whenever you step out the door. The Tiger’s Eye is a powerful gemstone with earthly gold, black, brown, and orange bands. It strengthens your root chakra by reminding you that you control your destiny.

Tigers Eye improves intuitive body language. It keeps your head up, clears your energy, and keeps you grounded no matter what. Tigers Eye excels at capturing great energy.

Tigers Eye Gemstone- features and specifications:

CrystalTears produced this product. It comes with a weight of 1.12 ounces and has a 3.1*2.1*0.8  inches dimension. It features,

  • They are smooth and oval in appearance.
  • This gem is golden to red-brown chatoyant gemstone with a sky charm.
  • They are 1.7″ long, 1.34″ wide, and 0.24″ thick.
  • Due to their natural origin, they are lightweight and may vary in size.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • They are made of very nice, small, and extremely well-polished stones. It feels good to rub them and is ideal for both men and women.
  • Some buyers claim they are a little pricey for such a small tone, but they work well.
  • The stones are excellent for relaxation.
  • It promotes tranquillity, love, peace, and emotional healing.
  • They come packaged in a sweet little pink box and are ideal gifts.
  • Some buyers claimed they were fragile, had a few scratches in the stone, and some pieces were broken during their initial use.
  • They are nice and smooth stones that are just the right size, but some buyers have complained that they are thin and appear pale.
  • They are lovely stones that are beneficial for anxiety and wiggy people.
  • It assists in alleviating all frustrations.
  • Its color is stunning, the product is smooth, and the size fits comfortably in the palm.
  • They are far too heavy and contain sufficient solidity to make them.
  • Worry stones assist us in relaxing when we are stressed or depressed.
  • It helps us in dispelling negative energies and generating powerful healing vibrations.
  • This stone bestows us with good fortune and safeguards us against evil gazes.
  • It functioned as a protective stone during travel.
  • It aids in concentrating our minds, improves mental clarity, and enables us to solve problems objectively.
  • These stones help to stabilize mood swings, inspire self-control, courage, and self-confidence, and alleviate tension.
  • However, they are too thin and do not appear identical to the photographs.

3. CRYSTAL ALLIES Materials Hematite Stones:

The silvery-blue Hematite stone is all about balancing the negative. This stone sweeps the root chakra, drawing energy from your aura and rebalancing it through the base chakra. Hematite is amazing at bringing you back to reality. This stone anchors those whose minds wander like wild horses over the hills.

Great for reminding you to be in the moment, not the one you think is coming. This mental stone helps you master your mind before it masters you.

Crystal Allies Hematite Stones- features and specifications:

This product was fabricated with Crystal Allies materials. It comes with a weight of 1 pound and has dimensions of 2.7*1.3*4.1  inches. It features,

  • They are large 1″ stones soaked in water to maximize their beauty.
  • Includes an Information Card about the Authentic Crystal Allies Stone and a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Each specimen is one-of-a-kind, and you will receive specimens similar to those shown.
  • It ranges from red to brown to black to gray to silver.
  • It can be found in various forms, including micro, massive, crystalline, botryoidal, fibrous, and oolitic.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • They are reasonably priced and of good quality but a little on the small side.
  • Certain buyers claimed that the stones they received did not shine or appear as described; instead, they seemed dull, cracked, and beaten up.
  • They are extremely well-made, well-polished, and contain no broken pieces.
  • The stones are round, just as they were described.
  • Some buyers claimed they were beautiful and contained larger stones, but the packaging was inadequate.
  • They are colossal, smooth, and possess an ethereal quality.
  • The crystals are designed specifically for grounding and are extremely powerful stones.
  • The description and images displayed are identical to those in the real world.
  • Hematite keeps you energized and connected to nature.
  • A healthy mind, body, and spirit can be obtained.
  • It may assist you in recovering from stress.
  • All types of pain can be relieved with this stone.
  • It can promote mental and physical well-being.
  • This keeps your emotions in check and prevents anxiety.
  • It boosts creativity and inspires you to achieve your goals.
  • The length and weight of the stone are not as described.

4. CIRCUIT OFFICE Smokey Quartz Crystal Point:

CircuitOffice 1 Pc Large Smokey Quartz Crystal Point (1" -...
  • Natural product, size, color and shape may vary
  • Smokey Quartz, also known as Smoky Quartz, gives regular Quartz a...

Smoky Quartz sparkles with silver mists and magic. This stone clears and connects the root chakra and the crown chakra.

Smoky Quartz has a strong connection to the earth and is a mega amplifier and cosmic messenger. It motivates us to let go of what no longer assists us and to see our aspired paths. Its gentle energy dissolves blocks without causing emotional distress.

Smokey Quartz Crystal- features and specifications:

The CircuitOffice produced this product which first came out on January 06, 2019. It weighs 1.9 ounces and has dimensions of 3.85*3.45*0.8 inches. It features,

  • Smokey Quartz, alternatively referred to as Smoky Quartz, imbues regular Quartz with a celestial vibration.
  • It is a sheer brownish-gray variety of Quartz that varies in transparency from nearly transparent to nearly opaque brownish-gray or black crystals.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • The stones are a nice size, solid, and will not break.
  • They are a good size, have good clarity, are beautiful, and are reasonably priced.
  • However, some buyers claimed that the stones appeared to be coated in something.
  • Certain purchasers asserted that they were worthless. In addition, several of the stones were severely scratched and appeared fake.
  • They are excellent prayer stones, and each one resembles a bell.
  • Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone that concentrates energy.
  • Its Stone aids in overcoming negative emotions such as stress, fear, and envy.
  • It aids in the purification and clearing of negative energy.
  • Additionally, it serves as the foundation for transmuting negative energy and enabling you to accomplish tasks in the physical world.
  • Smoky Quartz is the stone of endurance in nature. Bring a smoky quartz gemstone with you if you require an additional boost.
  • It fosters personal pride and happiness in life and business creativity while paving the way for understanding and learning.
  • They are unpolished stones with a rough surface.

5. RED JASPER Rough Stones:

FORBY 1 lb Bulk Red Jasper Rough Stones - Large 1" Natural...
  • Quantity: 1lb (Raw Red Jasper)
  • Size: range from 1" to 2 ", average : 1.25" (Rough Red Jasper)

Red Jasper is a nurturing stone that can clear your root and sacral chakras. This chi-rousing stone is ablaze with heat and vigor. It is also known as the stone of endurance and is known to boost motivation and help overcome obstacles. As a result, you gain inner strength and confidence to take life by the horns.

Red Jasper boosts vitality, connects you to your true power, and can ignite passion. This vibrant gem is said to awaken your Kundalini serpent.

FORBY Red Jasper Raw Stone- features and specifications:

FORBY produced this product that weighs 1.08 pounds and has a dimension of 6.02*4.88*1.77  inches. It was first available on January 06, 2021. It features,

  • Each rough stone ranges in size from 1″ to 2′, with an average of 1.25″.
  • Each stone is unique, unfinished, and rough; the quantity varies according to size and weight.
  • They are used in energy work, acrobatics, decoration, jewelry design, chakra balancing, reiki, and other metaphysical techniques.
  • Ideal for beginners or collectors of crystals.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • They have varying shades of purple when rinsed.
  • However, they’re a reasonably priced set.
  • Although some buyers claimed the crystal was poor quality, they received several stunning pieces.
  • They include a small bag of quartz chips along with the raw crystal.
  • The rocks arrive in good condition, and the color is more visible after rinsing with water.
  • It arrived in a well-protected package with an additional gift.
  • They are exactly as pictured and come packaged in a small gift bag with clear crystals.
  • The crystal is extremely effective, functional, and attractive.
  • Some buyers claimed that the item did not match the photograph and the packaging was subpar.
  • Red jasper may help you overcome hopelessness and rekindle your passion for life.
  • It sparks new ideas, inspires creative endeavors, and instills a desire to experiment and explore the unknown.
  • Red jasper is believed to intensify emotional endurance, self-confidence, self-trust, strength, resolution, stability, calm, and relaxation.
  • Red Jasper can be used to aid in the recall of dreams.
  • Its packaging is not attractive, but the product itself is high quality.

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6. BLACK OBSIDIAN Crystal Stones:

Bulk Rough Black Obsidian Crystal Large 1" Natural Raw...
  • Quantity: 1lb (Between 8-12 Pieces Black Obsidian Quartz). This...
  • Size: range from 1" to 2 ", average : 1.25" (Rough Black Obsidian...

This dark stone is a natural force. Because it is believed to have mirror-like qualities, it can reveal the truth of your soul.

In the light of knowledge, wisdom, and authenticity, it is a beautiful grounding companion that does not hesitate to help you see through illusion. Knowing that you have a stone that enables you to trust your gut instincts, your root chakra feels stronger and more stable.

Obsidian heals old wounds, keeps you safe from hidden psychic attacks, and helps you grow deep roots.

UFEEL Black Obsidian Crystal- features and specifications:

UFEEL contrived this product and first reached out on April 28, 2019. It weighs 1 pound and has a 4.8*3.2*1 dimension of inches. It features,

  • This item comes in an assortment of between 8 and 12 pieces.
  • Its sizes range from 1″ to 2″.
  • They are irregular in shape, unpolished, and coarse and come in various sizes and weights.
  • They are ideal for both beginners and crystal collectors.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • Black Obsidian is an exquisite product that is exactly as described.
  • The packaging is adequate, and the product is accurately weighed.
  • Some buyers claimed they were missing a color only available in black.
  • They are stunning, large, and plentiful.
  • They are straightforward, appealing, well-packaged, and arrived in perfect condition.
  • The stones are exquisite and flawless.
  • They are the perfect size for gifts and feature an array of stunning stones and other vibrant pieces.
  • It is beneficial to eliminate negative or excessive energy by focusing on the earth and absorbing or neutralizing it.
  • It aids in the resolution of our problems and the burning of emotional burdens.
  • Black obsidian shields and protects the aura.
  • It assists us in making sound judgments and releasing excess energy from our bodies.
  • It has the potential to assist us in expanding our minds to higher realms while also keeping us grounded and safe.
  • They are rough and dusty. Therefore you must wash them after use.

7. BLOODSTONE Worry Stones:

Loveliome Natural Africa Bloodstone Oval Polished Worry...
  • Anxiety Relief Items- Our oval-shaped hand stone fits comfortably in...
  • About 80g/piece;Approx:2.3x1.5x0.7"(60mmx40mmx20mm).Nice size to fit...

The warrior stone, a dark silvery green and red flecked gem, was carried by samurai, soldiers, and warriors. It’s easy to feel invincible when this powerful stone clears your root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras.

This gem’s emotional balance will not drag down your emotions. Instead, it calms the heart and mind, relieves anxiety, and guards against evil.

Loveliome Bloodstone Worry Stone- features and specifications:

Loveliome created this product. It comes with a weight of 2.68 ounces and has a dimension of 3.42*3.11*0.63 inches. It features,

  • Each stone is smooth and polished and promotes relaxation, and alleviates anxiety.
  • Due to the irregular nature of the stones, their size and color may vary.
  • They weigh approximately 80g per piece and measure approximately 2.3*1.5*0.7″, or 60mm*40mm*20mm.
  • They are simple to use and fit comfortably in hand.

Previous Buyers’ Experience:

  • They are lovely stones, large and smooth, with flecks of gold.
  • Some buyers claimed they are slightly less vibrant but still a lovely little stone that feels nice.
  • The shipping was prompt, and the item was the perfect size for any hand, smooth and attractive on both sides.
  • Some buyers claimed that the colors were disappointing; they expected vibrant green and red but received muted green and gray hues with no species of red.
  • The stone is perfectly shaped and polished.
  • It arrived promptly, but the color is not identical to the image.
  • Some buyers claimed that they were significantly smaller than anticipated.
  • The stone arrived promptly and as advertised.
  • The colors are vibrant, and the stone is flawlessly smooth.
  • Bloodstone enhances meditation and mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
  • These oval bloodstone worry stones also bring luck and stability.
  • Bloodstone is a courageous stone that aids in rebirthing love and friendship.
  • Bloodstone can aid in mind-clearing before meditation.
  • Enhances awareness, intuition, psychic abilities, positive moods, and the ability to let go of negative emotions.
  • It assists in raising energy vibrations and chakra cleansing.
  • The crystal is not as colorful or bright as shown.

Finale Thoughts:

So, we hope you have all the products on the Best crystal for Root chakra we have provided in the article. The above is the best, most useful, and most powerful root chakra. So, buy any of the above crystals. They are going to be beneficial for you.

Feel free to choose them. Happy Shopping.

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Last update on 2025-03-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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