Best Psychiatrist in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Finding psychological help in Dhaka is not a difficult task. However, the problem is that most people go with the first health professional they meet in the streets without knowing which one is right for them. We have compiled a list of the best psychiatrist in Dhaka in no particular order at the end of this post.

The psychology profession in Bangladesh is still in its beginning stages. However, with the expansion of the modern-day education system, the number of people with mental health issues has also increased. With the growing number of people, the need for professionals capable of treating these people has also increased.

Bengali psychiatrists are finding their way into the hearts and minds of Bangladeshis. The country’s ordinary people, who 2010 endured a devastating cyclone, are looking for help to understand the causes of their trauma. At the same time, Bangladeshi psychiatrists are looking for new ways to help their patients cope with their grief and recover from life’s traumas.

Psychological stigma In Bangladesh:

raju akon, counseling psychologist
Raju Akon, Clinical & Counseling Psychologist. He is providing Counseling & other Psychological services at S.I.B.L. Foundation Hospital & Diagnostic Center. Dhaka, Bangladesh. To get his appointment, call: 01715-187832

In most cases, it is seen that Bangladeshi people believe in black magic, jinn, etc. People with any mental illness think these are symptoms of a jinn attack.

Few people do business by propagating themself as they can understand the language of jinn, communicate with jinn, capture the jinn, etc. They always mention that jinn is present worldwide according to Quran and Hadish.

Sometimes they show the artificial jinn fire eyes to create a frightful environment for people with mental illness people.

These types of people always try to show reference to the Quran for black magic.

Some people pretend to show them experts and provide ayurvedic medicine for schizophrenia (I am unsure if it works).

Read: Raju Akon, Clinical & Counseling Psychologist, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Some possible factors for psychological illness:

Different people experience different problems with severe depression, anxiety, or other psychological illnesses. In addition to our own, we must look at the effects of our environment on our mental health.

Certain people may struggle with environmental stresses such as chronic and severe poverty, social stigma, and limited social support.

Additionally, people may experience different problems with low resilience to stress, a condition characterized by a tendency to experience depression, anxiety, or other psychological symptoms when faced with a stressful event.

Read: Best Online Counseling In Bangladesh

Type of psychological illness:

Psychological illness can be divided into primary, mild, and distress.

  1. Major depression, schizophrenia, and autism are examples of significant diseases.
  2. Minor illnesses are milder and more common, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, panic disorder, and social phobia.
  3. Distress illness involves a mild disease that has short-term effects.

Do you know?

  • Most psychological problems are often related to stress in the workplace
  • Experiencing anxiety can lead to depression
  • Depression can also come from outside factors

Depression is widespread in Bangladesh, with about 5.5% of the population suffering. Unfortunately, the traditional methods of treating depression are neither affordable nor effective. These failures can be attributed to the lack of skills among Bangladesh’s medical and psychological communities.

This is why New Hope Psychology provides Bangladesh’s only reliable, effective, and affordable online psychiatric treatment.

What to do when you or a loved one is feeling depressed?

Depressive disorders are common in every age group. They are much more prevalent in women than men and strike up to 12% of the population at some point in their lives (A.P.A.). They are among the most severe diseases, not just because they can be seriously debilitating but because they are also dangerous to the person suffering from the disorder.

Depression is a severe condition and one that affects millions of people. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide. In the U.S., three out of ten people will experience at least one major depressive episode during their lifetime.

The good news is that most people recover from depression without ever needing professional help. But, many people don’t know what to do when they are feeling depressed or how to prevent depression from occurring in the first place.

When someone you love becomes depressed, it can be challenging to know what to do. There may be no obvious way to help, or the best thing to do is just let them be. But when people are depressed, it is not always clear what to say or do.

Initially, you can actively listen to them. When you hear, then they will be able to explore themself. If the depression becomes much more severe, it is essential to seek professional help.

Do you know the child can also suffer from depression? There are valuable child depression rating scales, and school refusal assessment scales to measure and diagnose original causes to make suitable treatment plans.

Read: Best Psychological Support Providers in Dhaka, Bangladesh

People feel more who stress are living in Dhaka.

A stressful life is a common experience; for many Bangladeshis, the word “stress” is often synonymous with “trauma.” Unstable mental and physical health is a common side effect of living in a disaster zone like the Bangladeshi capital city.

Start with a story: A client, a banker some years ago, was married to a woman with an explosive temper.

Constantly arguing over trivialities, they had each other convinced that the other was the culprit for all the problems in their lives. For months, they had been trying to handle the issues they had with each other calmly, but nothing seemed to work.

Finally, my client had enough and decided to undergo Counseling. After going through various counselors, his wife agreed to take Counseling from me.

When we started the sessions, the first thing she held against her husband was that he had been too hard on her when she did something wrong. He would say, “It’s not your fault.

So, why does this happen? When I took individual Counseling from the husband, he explained overload and pressure from his office work, regular traffic jam, and other daily home activities.

online psychological counseling

You can get the best online treatment from our new Hope psychology service from mental health professionals. So what will you get from us?
  1. Our psychiatrists and psychologist are fully trained to diagnose and treat mental and emotional problems.
  2. Our professionals will take the time to listen to your problems for a suitable treatment plan.
  3. You can discuss any psychological issue creating problems in your daily life.
  4. You will be allowed to discuss the different options available to you
  5. Our psychiatrists will work to identify the underlying psychological cause of your problem with the collaboration of other psychological and mental health professionals
  6. You will receive regular contact from our psychiatrists and psychologists
  7. You will be given a full assessment conducted by a psychiatrist and psychologist
  8. We can connect immediately when you want to get the treatment
  9. We will provide a full written review and prescription
  10. You will get international-level psychiatric treatment which will help you to avoid going outside Bangladesh
  11. You can make doctor appointments through our website if you search for a Bangladeshi psychotherapist or psychiatric medicine doctor online.

If you want the best psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist, you can contact the following psychiatrist to get your proper mental health care.

Following is a list of some psychiatrists in Dhaka. For personal security, we can not expose unique numbers without their permission. So, we hide all of our phone numbers. Moreover, please comment from the below comment section or message us from HERE to get their number.

Contact Address:

 Md. Asadujjaman Raju Akon, Clinical and Counseling psychologist, C.E.O. of Online New Hope Psychology Service, Secretary & Psychologist at O.C.D. Clinic & Research Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Learn More about him.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +8801521437270 (For Online/offline Counseling appointments)
  • Place of Counseling: “S.I.B.L. Foundation Hospital & Diagnostic Center” and “Dhanmondi Hospital (PVT) L.T.D.”

Top 6 List Of Best Organizations & Hospitals for Mental Health Treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh:

1. S.I.B.L. Foundation Hospital & Diagnostic Center

  • GREEN ROAD, DHANMONDI Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Appointment: +880 1991-150900.
  • Visiting Time: 10–9 pm. We are closed on Fridays and Government Holidays.

2. BIRDEM General Hospital

  • Specialist Chamber Complex (1st Floor), 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka 1000.
  • Tel: +88-02-9661551-60, Ext: 2576.
  • Visiting Time: 3–7 pm. Closed on Fridays and Government Holidays.

3. Sheba House

Plot No: 34 (4th Floor), Road No: 46, Gulshan 2 Residential Area, Dhaka 1212.

  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (B.S.M.M.U.).
  • Chamber: Green Life Hospital
  • Address: 32 Green Road, Dhaka
  • For Serial: 01304 022771

4. Modern Psychiatric Hospital Ltd.

  • Address: 113/a, Monipuripara, Gate No. 1 Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215.
  • Phone: 02-9131958 (Office).

5. Organization: National Institute of Mental Health

  • Chamber: Medinova Medical Services Ltd.
  • Location: House No: 71/A, Road No: 5/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka.

6. Modern Psychiatric Hospital Ltd.

  • Address: 113/a, Monipuripara, Gate No. 1 Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215.
  • Phone: 02-9131958 (chamber), Mob: 01730-351728
  • Website:

Top 30 List of Best Psychiatrists for Mental Health Treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh:

1. Dr. Rashidul Haque MBBS

  • Qualification: (D.M.C.), F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry), Chairman at O.C.D. Clinic & Research Foundation
  • Designation: Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatric, Midfoot Hospital
  • Chamber: “S.I.B.L. Foundation Hospital & Diagnostic Center 5-9 pm” and “Dhanmondi Hospital (PVT) L.T.D. 3-5 pm.”
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

2. Professor Dr. M S I Mullick

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., Ph.D., F.C.P.S., M.R.C. Psychology (London), D.C.A.P.
  • Designation: Professor & Chairman, Department of Psychiatric
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

3. Dr. Anwara Begum

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S., M.R.C.P. psych. (London),
  • Designation: Professor of Psychiatry, Chief Consultant,
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

4. Professor Dr. Dewan Abdur Rahim

Ph.D., D.P.M., M.C.P.S. (Psych), M.B.B.S. Fellow WHO (India), Fellow J.I.C.A. (Japan). Psychiatrist, Ex. Head of Dept. Psychiatry S.S.M.C. Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.

  • Chamber: Sandhani Diagnostic Complex. Green Super Market (3rd Floor), Farmgate, Dhaka.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

5. Professor Dr. Jhunu Shamsun Nahar

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psych)
  • Designation: Professor, Department of Psychiatry
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (B.S.M.M.U.)
  • Chamber: Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Imaging Center
  • Location: House No: 48, Road No: 9/A, Dhanmondi, Shat masjid Road, Dhaka – 1209, Bangladesh

6. Dr. Mahmood Hasan

M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psy.). F.C.P.S. (Pak), FIPS (India), F.W.A.S.D. (Canada).

  • Bangladesh Medical College and Hospital.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Chamber: IBN Sina Medical Imaging Center.
  • Road No. 2/A, House No. 58, Dhanmondi R/A Dhaka-1209.

7. Farzana Rabin

M.B.B.S., M.Phil (Psychiatry), Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor

  • Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka
  • Chamber: Hi-Tech
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

8. Professor Dr. Saroj Kumar Das

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: National Institute of Mental Health
  • Chamber: Medinova Medical Services Ltd.
  • Location: House No: 71/A, Road No: 5/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka.

9. Professor Dr. A.A. Quoreshi

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., P.G.T. (U.S.A.)
  • Designation: Consultant, Chief & Managing Director
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Location: House No: 2, Road No: 49, Gulshan 2, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh

10. Brig. Gen. Dr. Md. Sajjadur Rahman

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry).
  • Designation: Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: Armed Forces Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
  • Chamber: Aysha Memorial Specialised Hospital.
  • Location: 74/G/ 75, Payra Chottor, New Airport Road, Mohakhali, Dhaka -1215.

11. Professor Dr. Md. Enayet Karim

M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry), Psychiatrist

  • Chamber: Hi-Tech
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Modern Psychiatric Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
  • 113/A, Monipuripara, 1 no gate, Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215.

12. Professor Dr. Md. Golam Rabbani

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry

13. Professor Dr. Mahmood Hasan

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry)
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: Apollo Hospitals Dhaka
  • Chamber: Apollo Hospitals Dhaka

14. Professor Dr. Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry). Who Fellowship (N.I.M.H.A.N.S.).
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: SQUARE Hospitals Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Chamber: SQUARE Hospitals Ltd.
  • Location: 18/F, West Panthapath. Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.

15. M A Mohit Kamal

  • Qualification: M Phil (Psyc.), Ph.D. (Psyc.), F.W.P.A. (U.S.A.), F.W.H.O., Psychotherapy (N.I.M.H.A.N.S.).
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Chamber: Labaid Specialized Hospital.
  • Location: House No: 1, Road # 4, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205.

16. Md. Shabbir Rahman

M.B.B.S., D.P.M. (D.U.)., Associate Prof.  & Head of Dept. (Psychiatry Dept.). Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.

  • Chamber: L.A.B. Science Diagnostic Ltd.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Panthapath Green Road Circle, 153/1, Green Road. Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.

17. Abdullah Al-Mamun

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psychiatry)
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
  • Chamber: Comfort Diagnostic Centre & Comfort Nursing Home.
  • Location: Comfort Tower. 167/B, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

18. Shahida Chowdhury

M.B.B.S., D.P.M., Fellow WHO, Psychiatrist, Associate Professor, National Institute of Mental Health, Sher-e Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Chamber: Health and Hope Ltd.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • 152/1 – H Green Road, Panthapath. Dhaka-1205.

19. Md. Faruq Alam

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: National Institute of Mental Health, Dhaka.
  • Chamber: Labaid Specialized Hospital.
  • Location: House No: 6, Road No: 4, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205.

20. Fahmid-Ur-Rahman

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., MPhil, F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: National Institute of Mental Health & Hospital.
  • Chamber: Islami Bank Central Hospital.
  • Location: 30, Anjuman Mofidul Islam Road, Kakrail, Dhaka – 1000.

21. Maj (Retd.) Abdul Wahab

M.B.B.S., D.P.M. (D.U.), F.C.P.S. (Psych), Asst. Professor Psychiatrist National Institute of Mental Health, Dhaka.

  • Chamber: Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • 113/A, Monipuripara, Gate No. 1 Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215.

22. Professor Dr. Md. Ahsanul Habib

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Psych)
  • Designation: Professor, Ex-Director, Mental Hospital, Pabna
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Chamber: Northern International Medical College & Hospital
  • Location: House No: 48, Road No: 9/A, Shatmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209, Bangladesh
  • Chamber: Hi-Tech

23. Md. Nurul Hoque

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., MAMS (Vienna), F.R.S.H. (London)
  • Designation: Director, Medical
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Chamber: MUKTI (Manashik & Madakashati Niramoy Kendra Ltd.).
  • Location: House No: 2, Road No: 49, Gulshan 2, Dhaka – 1212.

24. Md. Tarikul Alam (Sumon)

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: National Institute of Mental Health, Dhaka.
  • Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. – Shyamoli Branch.
  • Location: House No: (22/7)29, Bir Uttam A.N.M. Nuruzzaman Sorak, Block # B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.

25. S. Abdullah Al Farooq

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Assistant professor
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: Jahurul Islam medical college & Hospital, Kishoreganj.
  • Chamber: Cosmetic Surgery Centre Ltd.
  • Location: 72 Sat masjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka

26. Nigar Sultana

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., MD (U.S.A.)
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: Apollo Hospitals Dhaka.
  • Chamber: Apollo Hospitals Dhaka.

27. Md. Abdus Sobhan

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., D.P.M. Fellow WHO
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: M.U.K.T.I.
  • Chamber: Mukti.
  • Location: House No: 2, Road: 49, Gulshan-2. Dhaka 1212.

28. Captain Dr. A. S. M. Anisuzzaman

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., D-Psych, F-Psych (Viena)
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Chamber: Northern International Medical College & Hospital.
  • Location: House No: 48, Road: 9/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

29. Col. Dr. Md. Azizul Islam

  • Qualification: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.
  • Designation: Consultant
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Organization: C.M.H.
  • Chamber: Medinova Medical Services Ltd.
  • Location: House No: 71/A, Road No: 5/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1209.

30. Dr. Akhtaruzzaman

  • Residential Psychiatrist
  • Central Drug Addict Treatment & Rehabilitation Center, Tejgaon, Dhaka.
  • Expertise: Psychiatry
  • Chamber: Monojagot Center.
  • Road No. 4, House No. 5 (1st Floor), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

In conclusion, we believe that many Psychiatrists in Dhaka are good enough to be considered the best Psychiatrists in Dhaka. Most of the Psychiatrists in Dhaka have a good academic background. Some also have excellent experience in medical practice. They have a good reputation among the people of Dhaka, and they are well-known among the patients of Dhaka. They also have a good reputation in psychology, and their profession is well-known and recognized in Bangladesh and other countries.

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