Divine Animals Oracle Review & Guide

Is it possible for a piece of paper to predict the future? Some say so. Others maintain that a crystal ball is necessary for this kind of reading. If you have ever wondered whether this practice is valid, then now is the time to learn the truth. The Divine Animals Oracle is a tool that helps you connect with your soul, allowing your dream to come true. Let’s check the Divine Animals Oracle Review.

Do you want to know what to do to get what you want? Or what your next step should be? Or how to improve your life? Well, you’ve found the right book! The Divine Animals Oracle Card Deck helps you live a more fulfilling life by tapping into the wisdom of the animals. With this sacred deck, you will learn how to connect more personally with the animals on the cards and gain insight into what direction to take in your life. You will also learn why certain animals and constellation signs appear more than others and what you can do to increase your abundance and happiness.

Divine Animals Oracle Meanings:

The Kinga Divine Animals Oracle is a divination deck that uses the animals’ universal truths and sacred wisdom to guide you through the question and answer process.

The Oracle of the Divine Animals is a unique and beautiful book where you will find answers to your questions, and the answers will surprise and guide you to better understanding and clarity.

Divine Animals Oracle: Deep wisdom from the most sacred...
  • Demarco, Stacey (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

About Author

Stacey Demarco (Author) & Kinga Britschgi (Illustrator)

Stacey is one of the highest profiles Pagan Practitioners in Australia. Her achievement is founding  Natureluster, a movement that connects people with the power of nature and green. She has written many books and oracle decks within the span of her long career, which include- ‘Queen of the Moon Oracle,’ the annual ‘Lunar and Seasonal Diary,’ ‘The Elemental Oracle,’ etc. she has her website which displays her work.

Kinga is Hungarian by ethnicity, and she’s an award-winning digital artist and illustrator with a long and successful career. Her interests are surrealism, magical realism, dark whimsy, and these inspirations can be reflected in her works. Her talent is to create story pictures and figurative pictures with seemingly realistic elements but twist that reality into the magical and surrealistic realms with layers of meaning. She lives in the USA with her husband and son.

Let’s check out more on Divine Animals Oracle.

Divine Animals Oracle Review:

The animal kingdom’s divine and pure voice and energy have always been a part of the experience and expressing human emotions. Across culture and time frames, these interpretations and symbols have stayed the same and bloomed into new perspectives and cases. The tales of animals and the stories from gods and goddesses have intertwined and made a new approach to society in a divine form. We can reconnect with this powerful divine energy through this deck.

The oracle deck is richly written and deeply researched, and through it, the readers will be able to discover the rich and luscious myths and tales of animals and eternal deities. Their energy is woven together with synergistic magic, and they can use it personally to benefit their lives. The power within you doubles, and the wisdom increases in double too.

Features and Specifications:

It is available in the paperback version on Amazon in the language of English. It was published on 1st September 2019 by Rockpool Publishing. Moreover, it weighs about 14.4 ounces and has a dimension of about 4 x 1.4 x 5.5 inches.

  • The deck has 44 illustrated cards.
  • A 160-page guidebook accompanies this deck.
  • The deck comes in a sturdy packaging box.

Users’ Experience:

  • The author’s guidebook is beneficial to the readers for navigating their way around the oracle deck.
  • The deck represents fresh new ideas, concepts, and stories to the readers, putting them in a new light.
  • The images are an absolute visual delight.
  • The deck is very well-thought-out.
  • The oracle deck can be a fine addition to your collection too.
  • The deck’s main attraction is the authentic wolf imagery.
  • The guidebook provides additional information and facts about the animals described in the deck.
  • The imagery of each card is surprising and stunning; they leave the users hooked.
  • The depth of research done for this deck is impressive and astronomical.
  • The illustrations are simply gorgeous and very passionate; they capture the spirit of animals perfectly.
  • The design and the color of the cards are very vibrant and colorful.
  • The guidebook and cards have a very impressive amount of information, and it’s well-categorized.
  • The box makes it easy to keep the deck safe.
  • The cards are big in size and easy to shuffle.
  • The font size in the guidebook and the cards are a bit small.


The deck features an amazing amount and criteria of animals and their spirits and energies. This oracle is not only beautiful but also very accurate and precise. It will be a compassionate insight to the readers and help them broaden their horizons of thinking.

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Last update on 2025-02-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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