Over the years, I have had a lot of decks to mention here, but I am currently using and enjoying them and will make a few lists I will use for my client reading.
While it’s fun to play with tarot decks, the truth is that they aren’t just for kids and party supplies. As a new tarot enthusiast, you may wonder what type of decks the ones to have are.
Tarot decks, or packs of cards, are an interactive tool to help you understand yourself. They are a divination method where the cards help readers interpret the symbols and messages in them. However, tarot decks are more than just for fortune telling. The cards can also be used for self-care, meditation, and self-exploration. When seeking to learn Tarot, there are several types of decks you can select from.
Trying out a new deck of tarot cards can be exciting, but it can also be daunting. There are so many different ones out there, and how do you know which one to start with? A deck of tarot cards is a unique addition to any divination practice. The cards can unlock your inner wisdom, or there can be something powerful about holding and flipping through a deck. The colorful decks or the sparkly symbols may tempt you. So what are the best tarot decks for beginners?
Some of the best tarot card decks for beginners.
- Rider-Wet Tarot Deck.
- Radiant rider-weight tarot deck.
- Robin wooden tarot deck.
- Llewellyn’s classic tarot deck.
- Daily Tarot Mini Tarot Deck.
- Easy Tarot Deck.
- Wild unknown tarot deck.
- Gaian Tarot Deck.
What are tarot decks used for?
“Tarot reading helps a person understand and know what they need to know about a particular situation.
Decks have always been best used as tools of internal knowledge and direction. This is because reading lessons for a person gives insights into past, present, and future events based on that person’s current path.
What are the different meanings of different tarot decks?
Yes, depending on the situation, there are different types of tarot decks. Even though the varieties of each card, suits, and meanings are the same, the images vary widely and express different meanings. And there are no standard cards across all decks. While reading the decks, it can be realized that they are based on various themes such as nature, animals, imagination, dragons, etc.
Here are the top 10 popular tarot decks:
- Rider Wet Tarot Deck
- Thoth Tarot Deck
- Tarot of Marseilles deck
- Deviation Moon Tarot Deck
- Wildwood Tarot Deck
- Druidcraft Tarot Deck.
- Morgan Greer Tarot Deck.
- Gilded Tarot Deck
- Steampunk Tarot Deck.
- Shadowscapes Tarot Deck.
# | Preview | Product | Rating | Price | |
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![]() | Light Seer's Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook |
$17.81 | Buy on Amazon | |
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![]() | Tarot of the Divine: A Deck and Guidebook Inspired by... |
$11.95 | Buy on Amazon | |
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![]() | The Guardian of the Night Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and... |
$20.46 | Buy on Amazon |
I’ve been collecting tarot card decks for almost three decades.
I’ve bought a few decks I’ve also used and gotten rid of because they don’t resonate with me. Because not every deck I have is “alive” and not as I expected from those decks. I was somewhat disappointed, so I let them go for release.
The decks I own now and have held for decades have some “life” in them. However, when I open these and start randomizing them, the cards fly in many directions !!
This is my test of whether I keep a “bond” with the deck: my decks have magic and are brought to me by the universe. As a result, they feel strong from the moment I open them, and if your new deck doesn’t feel magical and wild, it’s not your deck.
I bought the scattering decks because of the cheap card stock: I won’t mention the name here, but with some “buyer beware.”
Some middle decks have inferior images and card stock, so you have to spend some cash to find your true “answer.” You are a novice or mature “pro.”
My tops are as follows:
Golden Tarot of Cat Black.
I can’t say enough about this deck based on the “assigned” images from medieval art. The deck has stiff and heavy card stock and lasts more than ten years of use and reading.
It always feels good to have a table for your clients. A sturdy deck and beautiful to look at.
I use this deck every day.
I have two “mitigation” decks:
The first “quenching tarot” is so thick and powerful that I can only pull it out and try to absorb the cards once or twice a year.
And the second:
“The Il Goliath Shed Medicine Deck”
The new stock is taking the world by selling the storm on Amazon in the next few days. But, unfortunately, they can’t print it fast enough.
I must reveal the LL Goliath deck created and hand painted by my close friend and colleague Lucas. I interviewed her on my cable TV show about this innovative medicine deck filled with genuinely inspiring animal medicine and mitigation ideas. According to Lu Cass, this deck is not for newbies and was intended.
The deck is full of magic, transformative ideas, and inspirational images. They burn deep in your mind, and you will love this deck whenever you open it.
I know I did. And I was honored with the first printing of it.
This deck witch for the people of medicine. Taking care of old spirits and advanced readers and shamans and planets. A true gift to the community.
My first reading for a magical friend achieved a prophetic vision that came true in reality and was verified by another person watching the lesson.
If you want details, let me know. J El Goliath had decades of making decks, and it shows. Each card contains love and magic.
Then we have:
Large card rider Wet Coleman Smith:
My daily favorite deck is the standard rider Wet Coleman Smith deck.
However, it is a larger card with a heavier stock. When I first got it, I was accustomed to small standard cards that fit easily in your hand, but after I got used to the big cards, I started to go for them. They order attendance at a reading that shows your clients more detailed images. This will impress your client, without a doubt.
I have and have, and especially C Ro Marchetti, will have several decks:
- Its limited collector decks:
- Dream Tarot and
- Uber gold and high-end.
- “tarot decorative”
“These decks are exciting to me. Even sometimes, these decks encouraged me, and I enjoyed it very much; I jumped at the gate even when they were standing. I was thrilled. Ciro releases a limited edition, and these 2 are my favorites.
Top drawer stuff.
I had decks I didn’t like and couldn’t “bond” with them, so I tossed them into an expensive store and sent them back into the universe for someone else.
I also have a tarot deck and a “Gothic” aesthetic based on vampires, and it’s called: Gothic Tarot.
I have my deck, which is not the standard tarot deck, but I use it and like the OSHO Jane Tarot deck.
This deck takes a more “twist” approach and is closer to an oracle deck but no less effective.
Penny scary deck below:
Ultimately, my most valuable tarot deck, which I like, is the collector version of the “Penny Dreadful” from the series that left the title network with minimal qualities.
This is the deck used in the series and a tarot deck full of dark, dense, and surprisingly sharp images.
And finally: “lovers Tarot Deck.”
A high premium collector version which is very rare.
I hadn’t seen it in a long time, and when I bought it, I didn’t realize how valuable it would become. But, unfortunately, it has been hard to find this deck valuable; for over 20 years.
I have been collecting decks and reading tarot cards for clients for 25+ years, and my lessons focus on your soul journey.
It takes about three months to absorb my readings and will change your life: or let my clients know.
I enjoyed the help of my deck today to answer the great question.
With the blessings of all
I will also mention my five friends, experts, and tarot readers. Then how many decks of them?
Idomus Filmas, Master Medium Hypnotist Shaman Mentor.
I’ve only been reading for seven years, but I have 100+ decks (55 trot, 55 playing cards, 25 Lenarmonds, and 25 different Sibylla and fortune decks).
I became addicted to collecting decks. I must admit that I fell into the deck collection craze. I felt like I had to have decks. It seemed that if I didn’t own the deck, a terrible FOMO would come.
At this point, I’m starting to feel like I probably can’t consume so many decks. It’s a significant expense, and honestly, I feel more guilty than happy when I buy one (to say I bought one).
When it comes to “connecting to the deck,” I prefer decks that are “neutral,” classical, wine, or old, depending on my mood, but I use most:
- “Rider Weight”
- “Morgan Greer”
- “Golden Tarot”
- “Tarot de Marseille”
- “Druid Craft Tarot”
I also use it to play cards (including Rider Weight), and sometimes I “don’t like any picture” because my mind feels “clean,” so I can practically live with one call from a mall with cheap play cards.
Why do you have so many decks?
I think I have so many decks because of my greed and wonderfully beautiful art and designs + these art and techniques can be changed and used “practically” and not just hung on a wall.
Have you made any new goals in your life with Tarot?
My new goal in life is to find a kind of “peace” with the desire to buy better, new better, and better decks that can be published, apparently, every day, and my old deck, which I am passionately involved with (for me, the deck as much as possible). I like it as much as it gets older because of “spending our time”)” So to respect and pay attention to my old decks, I want to stop buying, but then “it’s not the fault of the new decks,” I’m afraid to miss some good new decks. It Happened that if I didn’t buy it now, it might be unnecessary later.
David Brodeur, Collect 150+ Tarot Decks.
I bought my first tarot deck ten years ago and now have about 120 separate decks. I was aware of the Ryder-Weight-Smith decks, their clones, and the Thoth deck from my initial interest in camouflage and espionage. Although I was not interested in cartomancy or prophecy in general, I was fascinated by my first contact with Tarot de Marseille. I liked the bold, simple graphics and vibrant colors and was keen to claim that this deck (Jodorovsky-Camoun) restored the original, accurate Tarot.
How did you draw yourself to the symbolism and visual language of the Tarot?
I have also acquired the Devant Moon Deck as an RWS, a Thoth, and a representative contemporary Tarot to symbolize me as a Tarot and to be attracted to visual language.
Ten years later, my collection can be roughly divided into historical card decks, tolls, artistic interpretations, and personal philosophy. I continue to collect because I am interested in these uninterrupted ways that can be extracted from this sheer card pack and sometimes code for the industry.
Desmond Robins, B.C.C. Physics and Mathematics, University of Queensland (1980).
I own two tarot decks and three oracle decks.
The enduring rider-weight Tarot and the brand-new Guilded Tarot deck are the two tarot decks. However, rider-Wait is still my favorite because I can easily recognize the images – these are the ones I used.
The Gilded Tarot is a beautiful deck; the artwork is fantastic and eye-catching. But it’s almost useless to me because the cards are so beautifully made; they have almost no friction and slip towards each other at the slightest provocation, scatter when the opportunity arises, scatter when the opportunity arises, and usually don’t call the worst when I call them Try to be random, and they go anywhere just too many for the ‘quad card’ method.
I’m hoping with time and the ones I can use that; they stop being so slippery, hopefully, before I destroy them, before I try to stop them from flying all over the place.
Glenn Overby II is a veteran game collector, tournament director, and occasional contestant.
I have 12 tarot decks. Some dates in the eighties and nineties when I actively explored spiritual matters and threw my net rather broadly. Others were just an extension of my game collection.
All packs are standard 78 cards (22 large arcana/trump plus 56 minor arcana/suit cards), not to mention otherwise. Where submitted, I list both the painter and the creator.
- Austrian star, Gaming (54 cards).
- Hanson-Roberts Tarot, 2nd ed 1994, Mary Hanson-Roberts.
- The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Card Game, 1997, Peter Proconic Eyelashes.
- Masonic Tarot, 2016, Patricio Diaz Silva.
- Norse Tarot, 1989, Clive Barrett.
- Robin Wood Tarot, 1991, Robin Wood.
- Sicilian Tarot, 1981, Gaming (64 cards).
- Silicon Valley Tarot, 1998, Thomas Scoville (70 cards).
- 78 Cartes in Tarot de Lux, gaming.
- Tarot Maonnik / Masonic Tarot Deck, 1987, Jean Bouchard. Leon Schulingin Translator.
- Whimsical Tarot, 2000, Mary Hanson-Roberts Division., Dorothy Morrison.
- Julian Tarot: Maya Tarot Deck, 1976, Peter Balin.
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# | Preview | Product | Rating | Price | |
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![]() | KLEDERY Tarot Cards for Beginners, Classic Tarot Cards with... |
$9.99 | Buy on Amazon | |
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![]() | XSYLOHXL Tarot Cards with Meanings on Them for Beginners... |
$6.99 | Buy on Amazon | |
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![]() | Tarot Cards with Guide Book & Linen Carry Bag, 78 Classic... |
$8.54 | Buy on Amazon |
Kayla Powell
The three most common decks in esoteric Tarot are the Tarot of Marseilles, the Ryder-Weight-Smith Tarot Deck, and the Thoth Tarot Deck. Alastair Crowley, who made the Thoth Deck with Lady Freda Harris, said of Tarot: “The origin of the cards in this packet is very unclear.
This is the standard modern tarot deck. Even Venetian or Pidcothen was made based on Tarot.
It consists of 78 cards divided into two groups: the main arcana, which has 22 cards, also known as Trump, and the secondary arcana, which has 56 cards. Kayla Powell.
Why do I need different tarot decks, or do I have different tarot decks?
It is a way of creating variability in tarot reading and practicing in various ways. Because the cards are all the same but in different industries, experience gives me ways to see or interpret other cards to get an idea about the cards.
Those who are experienced tarot readers have their types of tarot decks. They purchase decks and read them to clients based on different situations and practices. As a result, they have an idea of what a tarot deck can do.
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