Is Psychology a Social Science?

Is psychology a social science

Psychology is a science that investigates human perception and thinking in a social situation. Is psychology a social science? It isn’t apparent and cannot describe in a single word. Different experts show their diverse opinion and logic. We will try to identify the central theme and connection between these two brought concepts.

What is psychology all about?

Psychology is the discipline of behavior and cognitive process. The cognitive function indicates human perception, thinking, reasoning, motivation, attention, memory, emotions, etc. That comes from the Greek word psyche means soul and logos. So, psychology is also an investigation of the soul. Psychology concerns how people think, act and why they behave the way they think.

Social science definition

Social science is the scientific study of human society and human social behavior. It represents and observes human behaviors according to social rules maintained by human relationships. Psychology studies human behavior in responding to physical and social stimuli.

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Can psychology be considered a branch of social science?

As we know, psychology is the science of the mind. The mind belongs to the individual, and the individual belongs to society. People show their perceptions, thinking, and other social actions by belonging to the culture. Some psychological areas are more connected with natural science, whereas others are social science. Consequently, we can say psychology is a branch of social science.

How are psychology and social science related?

The beginning of psychology starts through Wilhelm Wundt. He established the Laboratory for human psychology in Leipzig, Germany 1879.

The laboratories are mostly linked to physics or biology. Psychologists follow the scientific method of experimentation, hypothesis testing, and observation. Psychology encompasses various fields; for example,

  • cognitive process
  • language acquisition
  • human development
  • neurodevelopment
  • childhood mental disorder and
  • other acute and chronic mental illnesses.

These investigations continue through society or social science (natural or physical science). As a result, we can say both psychological and social science concepts are interrelated.

Why is psychology considered a social science?

Psychological research accumulates by scientific methods for data collection to interpretation. The data are collected objectively rather than through subjective interpretation (or formation of scientific theories). This is also the main characteristic of social science. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the impact of the socio-cultural and physical contribution to psychological research.

People belong to biological science. And behavior means the adaptation to a unique physical and social environment. So, we can say people are social beings, and psychology is a social science.

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Last update on 2025-03-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

3 thoughts on “Is Psychology a Social Science?”

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