Music Oracles Deck Review & Buying Guide

This article involves Music Oracles Deck Review with the pros, cons, sayings from the previous users and product features and specifications.

The Music Oracles Deck, designed by Timba Smits, is an innovative tool that allows you to channel the wisdom of your favorite musicians into your everyday life. Each card is paired with a quote or line of music and provides you with a unique piece of inspiration.

Music Oracles: Creative & Life Inspiration from Great...
  • Ellcock, Stephen (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

About the Author:

Stephen Ellcock, one of the most well-known digital artists in the industry, offers a compilation of naturally gorgeous and challenging photos that are supposed to promote.

Timba Smits is a versatile graphic artist with a strong affinity for mid-century visual design and painting techniques. This designer is originally from tropical Australia and now lives in the gloomy city of London. His art is characterized by a flowing manner. Timba bestows an incredibly analytical mind and comedy on each item of his artwork.

Music Oracles: Creative and Life Inspiration from 50 Musical Icons Review

Laurence King’s divination cards portfolio includes Music Oracles, a collection of delightful and entertaining card decks created to educate and encourage music fans. Horoscope lovers, astrology devotees, and drop-dead music fans can consult the Music Oracles for guidance on mindset, culture, and motivation from history’s greatest musicians.

Do you have a case of writer’s block? Are you having trouble making a difficult life choice? Discover what the legendary artists would have done if they had the chance. Merely choose a card from the deck and use the oracle’s advice on mindset, culture, or motivation to overcome any challenge.

  • The Music Oracles’ guidance has all been influenced by their performance, behaviors, and dispositions.
  • Except where quote signs are used, there are no direct quotations.
  • The set includes 50 oracle cards as well as a guidebook with profiles of the artists and instructions on how to utilize the cards.

This deck was published by Laurence King Publishing on July 23, 2019. There are 50 pages written in English. The item weighs 13.4 ounces and its dimensions are 5.13 x 2.13 x 6.38 inches.

Previous Users’ Experiences:

  • Many consumers may be looking for something different and unique from other decks.
  • Each card has three simple phrases that correspond to who the individuals are or were.
  • There is a fair mix of past and present artists and musicians who contribute to the music.
  • When shuffled, the cards are large and quickly distort.
  • Some users say that this deck is in excellent condition, comes in a high-quality storage box, and is ideal for entertainment and media connoisseurs.
  • Excellent, high-quality artwork that is also quite amusing.
  • Very contemporary.
  • It’s ideal for music fans.
  • Simple to comprehend.
  • People who are lost in the world of music will find this educational.
  • It comes in a sturdy storage container.
  • As a gift, it’s fantastic.
  • It’s simple to shuffle and has a lot of energy and positive vibrations.
  • To comprehend some of the words and phrases, you’ll need a lot of insight.
  • A little handbook is given; however, it only contains information about the individual on the card.


Simply amazing artistry, a superb collection of musicians, likely to inspire and delight everyone, and a reasonable price. Please get excited and purchase this.

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Last update on 2025-01-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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