The Hanged Man Meaning, Guide, Review

Tarot Card Meaning

In a reading, The Hanged Man can represent a time of self-reflection, change, or even a self-imposed break from the status quo. He can also suggest that you’re in the midst of some kind of transition. If you’re feeling a little lost or uncertain about the future, The Hanged Man can be a reassuring sign that things will eventually work out.

Major Arcana:– 

In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the card known as The Hanged Man is often seen as a symbol of sacrifice. This is because the image on the card shows a man suspended upside down from a tree, seemingly without any way to escape. To many, this looks like a position of vulnerability and helplessness. However, The Hanged Man can also be seen as a symbol of strength and courage. After all, it takes great strength and courage to put yourself in a position of vulnerability willingly.

 The Hanged Man Description

The Hanged Man is a tarot card of the seventy-eight cards of a regular, common tarot deck’s Major Arcana or trump cards numbered 12, twelve. In the imagery of The Hanged Man, there is a man suspended or Hanging from a T-shaped cross made of living wood. That person is hanging upside down. That man is looking at the world from a different perspective; though he is in that kind of situation, his facial expressions of that man are so calm, unclouded, and firm.

It indicates that he is probably there in his own decision or choice. A halo around that person’s head shows new clear-sightedness, awareness, and inspiration. His right foot is tied to the tree in The Hanged Man tarot card’s imagery.

On the other hand, his left foot is free, arched at the knee, and stitched behind his right leg. The man’s arms are tied, with his hands held behind his back. This position forms an upset or destroyed triangle.

The man in The Hanged Man’s tarot card’s imagery is wearing red colored pants, which indicates human passion and, at the same time, physical body. He is also wearing a blue colored vest which means knowledge. The Hanged Man tarot card is a card of conclusive subscription of being seized in time and of martyrdom, sacrifice for the most significant, noblest good.

The Hanged Man Keywords

 Upright Keywords:– Immolation, waiting, concession, anticipation, doubt, ambiguity, indeterminacy, imprecision, prospect, concern.

 Reversed Keywords:– Cease, unconcern, pull up, apathy, firm, incursion, motionless, eliminate sacrifice, conceal, disobey, unmoved.

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The Hanged Man Upright Meaning

The Hanged Man tarot card Upright side is telling one person who is reading The Hanged Man tarot card that sometimes one person has to cease everything before he can take any next steps, or otherwise the universe will do this on that person’s behalf.

The Hanged Man tarot card is inviting him to salvation, the old sane or psychic model and also a behavioral form that no longer distributes him so he can see his world from a new and different prospect and take up new chances which would have otherwise been hidden from that person if he did not hit the brakes.

If the person is true to his intuition, he will know when it is high time to stop. But suppose the person is entirely out of classification and obvious to those intuitive signals. In that case, the universe will most probably thrust things on hold for him in the form of the composition or appearance of continued interruption and obstruction, physical sickness, or disruption.

When this tarot card arrives in any person’s tarot card reading, his works, projects, and activities will come to an unexpected and sudden halt. He should not keep himself pushing forward. But instead of it, that person should surrender himself to the chance to pause his movement and then view that as his opportunity to reassess and evaluate which place he is in his path.

The Hanged Man tarot card tells him that something miraculous or big is outgoing, but he will miss that if that man does not allow the right time and space. The Hanged Man tarot card also shows that he is immobilized and restricted. It is the best time and chance for him to change up his ongoing daily routine and start to shift his energy,  flow that energy easily and spontaneously to him.

The Hanged Man Reversed Meaning

When The Hanged Man tarot card’s Upright side is telling one person who is reading this tarot card to pause for some moments and observe things from a different prospect, then The Hanged Man tarot card’s reverse side is telling him that he has to know to hit a pause button, but he is resisting that.

Instead, the person fills all his days with many different tasks and projects, keeping himself busy and distracting himself from all of the main and major issues that need his total concentration. He is being asked to slow down by his inner spirit. By ignoring that, he may end up destroying. Maybe he is already in this condition where everything has been halted, much more to that person’s frustration.

He will face obstruction, restriction, and being stuck because other people or situations have left him on a halt. In that case, he should surrender himself. If that person is already in a paused epoch, then this tarot card’s reverse side tells him to move forward with a new motive and allow all changes. He has to accept new and different prospects in the mint sense of energy.

The Hanged Man tarot card indicates to the person reading The Hanged Man tarot card reverse side that the person is halting or ceasing a decision or action. He is most probably thinking that he is not ready to move onward. But The Hanged Man tarot card’s reverse side gives him hints or signals to drop all kinds of hesitation or confusion and take steps to move forward.

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The Hanged Man Love Meaning


When it is about a love reading with The Hanged Man tarot card Upright side, then The Hanged Man tarot card is telling one person who is reading this tarot card that that person may not be happy with the way his relationship is going in this period of his life.

Most probably, that person or his love partner is thinking it is time to take a step back from this ongoing relationship to count his options or how he wants to lead his love relationship with his partner. In that case, The Hanged Man tarot card tells him to cease making any decision. All he needs to do is release any stiff superstition about the ideal partner of his love relationship to open his inner self.

(Reversed )

When it is about a love reading with The Hanged Man tarot card, the reverse side is telling one person who is reading this tarot card that if that person is single, then maybe he is repeating the same mistake or negative relationship form.

Since he is rushing, he should slow down. On the other hand, if the person who is reading The Hanged Man tarot card reverse side is already in a love relationship with someone, then this tarot card is telling him maybe at this moment, his relationship is not working since he and his partner are halting on to fright of being alone.

The Hanged Man Career Meaning


When it is about a career reading with The Hanged Man Upright side, then The Hanged Man tarot card is telling one person who is reading this tarot card that maybe he is feeling uncertain about his career, working life, or his business. He is not even clear about where he can take steps to move forward.

Since he is struggling to make a decision, The Hanged Man tarot card tells him that it will become clear with time. Financially, something positive will happen if he is not too focused on money and dropping all kinds of anxiety.


When it is about a career reading with The Hanged Man tarot card reverse side, then this tarot card is telling one person who is reading The Hanged Man tarot card that things on his working project, business, or career may not be going so well because he is not any kinds of will or even inclination to treat with the issues involved.

This tarot card shows him that it is high time and the best chance to regain control over his career by figuring out what he wants to do. Financially he is wholly incapable of moving by the fright of financial difficulty and anguish. He is struggling to cope with his surroundings.

In conclusion, The Hanged Man is, above all else, a symbol of the vulnerability of all humans. Trusting in the wrong people for your safety and wellbeing is a risk – but taking that risk is another aspect of life and one that we must all embrace.

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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