Best online psychotherapy services in Bangladesh

Best online psychotherapy services in Bangladesh

Are you searching for the best Online Psychotherapy Services in Bangladesh? Online Psychotherapy and Therapy in Bangladesh is a popular way for people suffering from emotional and mental health problems to get help from a professional therapist.

The advantages of online therapy include its flexibility and convenience. The latter is because this kind of therapy can be done from any location with an internet connection.

Online therapy is also useful for people who cannot visit a therapist due to various reasons.

Online therapy can be a wonderful method for providing counseling to people who cannot meet with their therapist in person, such as those who are geographically isolated, have experienced mental health problems for many years, or have experienced trauma.

If you search best Online Psychotherapy in Bangladesh, then we can help you. We provide a safe and effective way to help clients reach their goals and meet their life challenges. At present, we provide Online Counseling or Psychotherapy and other psychological Programs.

Best online psychotherapy services in Bangladesh

What are Online Psychotherapy Services in the Bangladesh system?

Online counseling, or online counseling systems, are a type of distance-learning system that uses online tools to provide psychotherapy over the internet.

The University of Chicago’s Project Zero (PZ) was a pioneer in this field. However, the popularity of online counseling systems is increasing day by day.

Online psychotherapy is a relatively new form of treatment, and while there are some risks associated with this form of therapy, there are also many benefits.

Online psychotherapy is the process of communication between a licensed mental health professional and his or her client via the internet. Because of the nature of online therapy, there are many benefits to type therapy.

For some clients, discussing issues via the internet is the best and simplest option. This isn’t just for those who can’t travel to a therapist’s location but also for anyone who may not feel safe discussing certain topics in person. Online therapy can help you deal with whatever’s brought up, from depression to anxiety and everything in between.

Is there any free online counseling?

Can you truly succeed at therapy without paying a fee? There are online and phone counseling services, but most of them charge a fee to join. (If you don’t want to pay, you can use a service like Zocdoc to find a mental health professional in your area.)

On the other hand, there are no-cost online counseling services where you can chat with a professional therapist without paying a fee or making an appointment.

Many of these services offer various topics to chat about or allow you to schedule a session in advance.

Is online therapy legal?

In a recent study Mental Health America, it is shown about 93% of psychotherapists are providing their services online.

It’s a great way to maintain long-distance relationships and is beneficial to those who live in rural areas where it isn’t easy to find a therapist.

Internet therapy is a form of online mental health treatment that some people use to deal with depression, social anxiety, and other issues. The biggest concern about internet therapy is whether it is legal in the U.S. Many therapists believe that the law does not cover online therapy.

However, an attorney recently told me that he believes online therapy can be considered therapy under U.S. healthcare legislation.

The popularity of this method is likely because it’s an inexpensive alternative to face-to-face therapy and provides the same kind of treatment.

Best Psychologist for psychotherapy in Bangladesh

If you’re looking for the best psychologist in Bangladesh, a good place to start looking is on the Internet. The Internet is the place to go for all kinds of information. But you will need to research and check their previous reputation practically.

We are “new hope psychology,” a professional psychotherapy and counseling center. Our main objective is to give peace of mind to our clients during their most vulnerable times.

However, it is not just about providing a spot of therapeutic advice. Our services have been designed to help you with all your life issues. We are a team of experts in the field of psychology who have a combined experience of over ten years.

How do I attend online counseling?

Online counseling provides a great alternative to traditional face-to-face counseling for many people who prefer to do it online. Effective online counseling helps people deal with their issues in a safe, convenient and anonymous environment.

After taking the schedule, a client and counselor can meet for the sessions over smart devices like mobile, computer, tablet, etc.

Can an online psychiatrist prescribe medication?

When a patient writes a question to an online psychotherapist, they may be met with a denial of their request or face an argument defending the validity of the therapist’s skills and expertise. However, this doesn’t seem to apply to those asking whether online psychiatrists can prescribe medication—and the answer is yes.

How much does counseling cost?

You could save money by finding the cheapest therapist you can, but that may not be the best option. Many people who consult a therapist can spread their sessions out over a longer time period, which can cut down on the total cost of therapy. However, it’s important to do some research before you find a therapist you’re comfortable with.

Counseling costs may vary from country to country or place to place. For example, in Bangladesh, online counseling maybe starts from 500-7000tk, wherein in any western country, it might be $60-$250 per 45min-60min. It also depends on counselors’ experience and skills.

Following are some online counseling service providers in Bangladesh and also the details about how they work.

Kaan Pete Roi

Kaan Pete Roi, Bangladesh’s first volunteering mental support and suicide prevention helpline, is functional since 2013. Thanks to the alarming condition of people’s psychological state amid this pandemic, it’s extended its operating hours of tele-counseling service with the assistance of the SAJIDA Foundation.

The most objective of this helpline is to supply a well-being platform where people fighting against disappointment, mental pressure, loneliness, and suicidal tendency can share their psychological state issues without the fear of being judged.

Enough trained and empathetic volunteers work seven days every week to help people with all kinds of psychological, mental, and emotional issues.

Anyone with psychological problems starting from small emotional issues like ‘casually not feeling good’ to dangerous conditions like ‘being suicidal’ can invite help here.

There’s no appointment or charge required for this online service. Only a normal call charge is applicable. Currently, their service is out there from 3 pm to three AM over the phone and 9 pm to three AM on WhatsApp. Their website is or Their FB page ‘Kaan Pete Roi.’

Moner Jotno Mobile E

Apart from its counseling activities, Kaan Pete Roi is functioning with BRAC and Psychological Health and Wellness Clinic (PHWC) to take care of a tele-counseling platform, ‘Moner Jotno Mobile E,’ which has been launched in April 2020.

This service is exclusively introduced to assist people handling anxieties associated with Covid-19 or thanks to Covid-19. Under this initiative, there’s a team of 28 counselors and psychologists who are generally trained in counseling and psychotherapy.

If you turn in their hotline number a counselor will directly answer the decision to assist you out. You’ll share your issues within a confidential space.

The responsibility of tele-counselors is to listen to out people sympathetically and support them with well-being tips and suggestions to ease their anxiety. This tele-counseling service is out there from 8 am to 12 am.

Moner Bondhu

Since 2016, it’s succeeded in 800,000 people through online platforms and over 100,000 people on different offline events. In addition, quite 1500 people have received their one-to-one counseling services thus far here.

To make sure social distancing and other safety measures, all the activities of Moner Bondhu are made available online, for free. Moreover, They receive 100 calls a day on Facebook and WhatsApp during this global crisis, posing for psychological state assistance.

And recently, they need to launch their psychological state care services on Imo, which is popular among migrant workers and RMG workers, to be more inclusive in terms of helping people.

Besides tele-counseling services, they provide video counseling through Skype and WhatsApp video calls. They’re available for twenty-four hours. Their website: or their FB ‘Moner Bondhu’ for more information.

Moner Daktar

MonerDakter provides psychological support. It can provide people with psychological state assistance with 72 psychologists from the Clinical Psychological Department of Dhaka and BCPS.

These psychologists are working voluntarily in this regard. To urge any service from MonerDaktar, one must register on the website:

Anyone can choose whether or not they want to possess audio or video consultations with the psychologist they like. First, however, fOne must download the app for a few specific facilities out of their live Store.

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