Six of Coins Meaning, Guide And Review

Six of Coins or commonly known as Six of Pentacles are a part of what tarot card readers call Minor Arcana. It is a card used in Latin suited playing cards including tarot decks; across Europe, these cards are largely used for divination purposes. The interpretation and meaning of this card are derived from the original Rider-Waite tarot.

The Six of Coins tarot card is one of the most common tarot cards in the tarot deck. The term is used to indicate the end of something that has been worthwhile, such as a project or an endeavor. The card also describes how to end something that was bad, such as a relationship.

Tao Oracle: An Illuminated New Approach to the I Ching
  • Padma, Ma Deva (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Six of Coins Keywords

Upright Keywords:

Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity, gifts, donations, money, community, assistance, support, employment, kindness, prosperity, power, authority, control, investing, gratitude, being valued, being well-paid, rewards for hard work, fairness, equality, material help, balance.

Reversed Keywords:

Debt, one-sided relationships, desperation, dependence, self-harm, one-sided charity, lack or abuse of generosity, abuse of power of position, gifts with strings attached, subservience, inequality, lack of charity, scams, fake charity, extortion, unemployment, lack of investment, underpaid, undervalued, poor financial decisions, greed, meanness, gullibility, kiss-ass, power dynamics, desire, cupidity, envy, jealousy, illusion.

Six of Coins Descriptions

Six of Coins card shows a man dressed in red or highlighted colored robes, a scale in one hand and he’s distributing coins to the poor and beggars who’re kneeling at his feet. His scale refers to balance and equality. This imagery alone can express the simple yet vast message of this card.

The indicates a state of financial security and generosity in which one can easily utilize their wealth or abundance for the wellness of others. It can also suggest receiving the much-needed assistance and the feeling of relief followed after. Overall, the card shows us both end of the process of kindness; it’s a card of giving and receiving. Sometimes, you’re at the giving end and sometimes, it’s you who’s receiving. It’s the circle of life and it is this circle by which life goes by.

But the card also serves as a cautious reminder that any problems between both parties can cause an immediate imbalance. The situations can change at any time. Although you’re surrounded by wealth today, there’ll be times when you’ll require the assistance of others. That’s why you should be generous and mindful of your resources as you might need the support of others.

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General Interpretation of Six of Coins (Upright & Reserved)

Upright Meaning:

In the upright position, the merchant or wealthy man giving away his wealth is a symbol of the importance of redistribution of wealth and gratification. The card indicates the fair and even distribution of resources and money so that there aren’t any dire situations among the poor. The card speaks of equality which is an act of charity as well as gratitude.

If you get this position in a card reading, it’s an indicator for you to open up your heart and wealth for the welfare of the poor. Only by distributing your wealth and privileges, you’ll be able to restore balance and equality in society.

On the other hand, you should be doing this by the gratefulness of your heart. You’re lucky enough to be living in abundance and it’s time for you to spread that happiness among those who’re in need of it. If you’re the one on the receiving end and you get this card position. It’s a suggestion that you should welcome help and support needed for your life with open arms and use that resource to develop your life. We all need assistance to live our lives peacefully.

Reversed Meaning:

The card in the reversed position speaks of the darker and more complicated side of the act of giving and receiving. In charity, who’s the real beneficiary? Who’s having the most profit in this act? The act of charity faces trial here as the card questions the motive and the sheer process of this generous act.

Sometimes, the rich can attach strings and conditions to the most selfless acts like giving away money to the poor. They may not want their money back but they might have other hidden agendas to profit off of the money they gave away for their own benefit. This crooked way of thinking makes everyone doubtful and uneasy with this generous act.

Malice tangled with a charity can accelerate the greed of the rich and powerful. They try to shift the power dynamics to their own palm by showing their generous side to the common public. That’s why the reversed meaning of Six of Coins is a controversial one. It makes us wonder, who should be grateful and who should be mindful in the act of giving and receiving?

In case of receiving a reversed meaning, you should be careful in your future life decision, especially the ones regarding money, career, and finances. In the case of giving, be careful that the act of charity shouldn’t carry any hidden motives or agenda. If you’re on the receiving end, you should be careful not to give in to any malicious act of generosity and lose your self-worth. Avoiding scams and fake charity can highly benefit you.

Six of Coins- Yes or No

In the matter of answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, Six of Coins or Six of Pentacles show a ‘yes’ as it represents both personal wealth and generosity. As it is a financial card, it may suggest that you’re soon to come into some money and you’ll be wealthy enough to distribute it to others too. Besides this, if you’re wondering about going with an investment, or furthering a deal with money, this card gives you a positive sign to go with the decision.

Numerology & Astrology of Six of Coins


Six of Coins or Six of Pentacles are connected to the zodiac sign Taurus. This zodiac sign is the indicator of finances, stability, and abundance. On the other hand, Taurus is ruled by the planet called Saturn which is the indicator of beauty, attraction, and abundance.


The numerology of Six of Coins or Six of Pentacles is 6.

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Six of Coins & Some Important Card Combination

Six of Coins or Six of Pentacles is a card that supports the idea of balance, prosperity, support, and generosity. But its upright ad reversed meanings are very different and clashing. The surrounding cards and the way it’s placed in a reading may change its meanings and interpretation in many ways. That’s why it’s important to know how its meaning bends and changes according to its surroundings cards.

  • Six of Coins & The Sun:

    Six of Coins represent the act of ‘giving’ and when joined with the card Sun, its focus shifts to a certain group of people; children. Supporting children or being generous to children can mean a lot of different things such as adoption, fostering, becoming a teacher, or simply becoming part of volunteer groups that help children financially. You might want to take a look at your local charity organizations regarding children in need of volunteers or donations.

  • Six of Coins & The Empress:

    Six of Coins indicates a state of abundance and when combined with the card Empress, it suggests that you shouldn’t be ashamed for being surrounded by wealth as you deserve it all. Though you should have a grateful heart for receiving all these and you should embrace the spirit of charity and develop a habit of giving to the poor. You have to think about what you can do to be a part of the greater good.

  • Six of Coins & The Ten of Wands/ Five of Pentacles:

    This combination refers to a situation where you feel inadequate with the amount of work you do and feel guilty and restless for not doing enough or more. It can also indicate a state where you’ll have to accept the reality of a situation without focusing on what you don’t possess. You should set your goals and priorities in order so that you can alleviate yourself from one of lack to abundance.

  • Six of Coins & The Four of Swords:

    Although Six of Coins heavily focused on the act of giving, when paired up with Four of Swords, it means that the one of the other end receiving is you. It suggests that you’ve been focused on other people’s needs so much that you’ve been neglecting your own. Maybe it’s time to accept other people’s support and generosity to focus on self-care.

  • Six of Coins & The Tower:

    This pair indicates that maybe you’re hesitating to take a major decision about restructure and reform, wondering about all the changes it’ll bring. But fret not, as this pair highly suggests that you should go along with what your heart tells you to do. Changes won’t be possible without an initiative or big step in society.


Money, wealth, success, and happiness are intertwined and connected. The act of charity and restoring balance also plays a very important part in our society and its structure. As Six of Coins or Six of Pentacles is a card that represents and addresses these important issues, the significance of this card os Minor Arcana is enormous in tarot card readings. Understanding its various meanings and utilizing the messages we receive from this card in our lives can develop the way of living for us.

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