The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck Review

How Many Tarot Decks Should I Have

The Orginal Rider Waite Tarot deck is one of today’s most popular decks. The deck was designed by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. The deck is notable for its use of traditional tarot symbolism, its simple illustrations, and its easy-to-understand instructions.

The Rider Waite Tarot deck is excellent for beginners and experienced tarot readers. The deck is easy to use and provides a good foundation for understanding tarot symbolism.

The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck Card Meanings:

The Rider-Waite tarot deck is a classic and for a good reason. The images on the cards are incredibly evocative, and the symbolism is easy to understand. The deck has been used by novice and experienced tarot readers for generations and is still one of the most popular decks today.

Learning the original Rider-Waite deck’s meaning is worthwhile if you’re thinking about reading tarot for yourself or others. Doing so will give you a better understanding of how tarot works and how to interpret the cards.

The Original Rider-Waite® Tarot Set
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • C. Smith, Pamela (Author)

About Author

Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith

Arthur Edward Waite was commonly known as A.E. Waites. He was an American-born British who was also a scholarly mystic. He wrote mainly on occult and esoteric matters and was also a poet. He was also the co-author of the tarot deck Rider-Waite Tarot. He was born on 2nd October 1857 and died on 19th May 1942. His biographer was R.A. Guilbert. Waites was widely known and remembered for his specific contribution to attempting and studying a systematic history of Western occultism. As occultism was viewed as a spiritual tradition rather than a proto-science approach, Waites was the first to discover its pathological side with religion.

Pamela Colman Smith, also widely known as Pixie, was a British Tarot artist and writer. She was born on 16th February 1878 and died on 18th September 1951. She was also an occultist like Waites. Her creation of the Smith-Waite Tarot deck became a standard among the tarot reader and remains the most widely used one today. She illustrated over 20 books and edited two magazines in her career and lifetime. Even though her early life was based in Manchester when her father was transferred to Jamaica for work in the West India Improvement Company, her family moved there, and inspired by her time spent there; she wrote two collections of Jamaican Folklore. She also ran a small press solely focusing on women writers called Green Sheaf Press.

Let’s check out more on The Original Rider-Waite Tarot Set

The Original Rider-Waite Tarot Set Review

In 1909, Arthur E. Waite encouraged the illustrator Pixie to create an innovative and revolutionary tarot deck, rivaling all the tarot decks created before them. The result was the creation of the legendary Rider-Waite Tarot, which is still loved and respected among the tarot community today. It is still relevant for readings and works as an inspiration for creating many other decks. Modern tarot decks follow the pattern of the original Rider-Waite Tarot, and it has become a tradition for 20th-century tarot designs. The original facsimile was destroyed during the bombing of London during World War 2.

Features and Specifications:

It is available in paperback and cards version on Amazon in English. It was published on 23rd May 2012 by U.S. Games Systems Inc. It weighs about 12 ounces and has a dimension of about 5.5 x 1.25 x 6.25 inches.

  • The deck has 78 cards.
  • It comes with a 160-pages guidebook and has a few extra illustrations from its illustrator Pixie.
  • It includes the minor 56 Arcana.
  • It also includes a Celtic cross-spread guide.

User Experience:

  • This tarot deck is undoubtedly an indispensable and refined addition to any tarot collection.
  • It is a perfect item for using and collecting for tarot enthusiasts.
  • The cards and the booklet do justice to the original version of the Rider-Waite Tarot and include a broader context and historical information.
  • The tarot is perfect for both beginners and experts in the tarot, and they can connect to it easily.
  • The deck is also exciting and intriguing.
  • The deck has very detailed and straight information and mesmerizing designs.
  • The details and authentic information of the deck are the founding force of tarot decks and cards.
  • The artwork by Pamela Colman Smith conveys profound meaning and symbolism.
  • This tarot deck serves a broader context of tarot and history.
  • The edition of the Rider-Waite Tarot is distinguished and unique for its muted tone and color palette.
  • This new edition also includes vital points like explaining the history, symbolisms of the deck and proper instructions on how to use them for divinatory purposes.
  • Pamela Colman Smith restored the card illustrations and backs to their original tone and design.
  • The deck is a newly printed version of the original version and has a problem resurfacing the exact details as the authentic version.

Use the original Rider-Waite Tarot deck as a collector or usable item. It can help you define and decide your life’s path and reflect on your actions better.


In sum, the Rider-Waite tarot deck is a classic that, even without the accompanying book, could be understood by a beginner. The Rider-Waite tarot deck’s symbolism is well executed without being too esoteric. The Rider-Waite tarot deck’s imagery is familiar and appropriate for divination. The Rider-Waite tarot deck’s imagery is modern and timeless. The Rider-Waite tarot deck is one of the most widespread tarot decks. The Rider-Waite tarot deck isn’t as accurate for new tarot fans as for other decks.

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Last update on 2025-02-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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