Single Parent Adoption Effects & Process

single parenting articles,adoption pros,benefits of single parent adoption

Single Parent Adoption has shown a steady, sizable increase in the last 20 years. Some people even feel that it is the fastest-growing trend in the adoption field. Parenting style and parenting responsibility are important factors for adopting the child.

We will discuss some of the questions that you may ask as you begin the adoption process as a prospective adoptive and single parent. We will explore, too, some of the issues you are facing as a single adoptive parent.

What is the present condition of single parent adoption?

The tendency of single-parent adoption is increasing recently as it becomes broadly acknowledged. In a survey, there are 13.7 million singles currently raising their children in the U.S., approximately 25 percent of the adoptions of children with special needs are by singles, and it is estimated that about 5 percent of all other adoptions are by singles.

A big issue is the mixture of feelings when you are considering adoption. Fear, hope, and excitement are primary, being a single parent. You are wondering that you are not sure that adoption will work for you, although you are longing for a child.

You might not often think of being a single parent family as a bonus for your future child. There will be many sacrifices along the way, and plenty of times when you wish things were different.

However, there are some positive effects of single parenting that you should bear in mind when questioning yourself whether or not adopting a child:

Positive Effect of Single Parent Adoption

1: Developing Strong Bonds:

Spending quality one-on-one time with your child allows you to develop a unique bond that may actually be stronger than if you were not a single parent.

Certainly, this is true for many custodial parents, but it’s also true for several non-custodial parents who have the opportunity to play a unique role in their kids’ lives. Never diminish the importance of your role.

2: Experiencing Community:

we’re all familiar with the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, children raised in single-parent families are often raised by a village of supporters. Singles with toddlers or pre-school aged children may find it difficult to handle their child all by themselves.

Due to their work commitments, they may not be able to spend quality time with the child. In many cases, the extended family members will step up and play a significant role in children’s lives.

Those single parents who don’t live near family may choose to participate in community groups – including single parent support groups, churches, and synagogues. This is really something to bear in mind at forehand!

 3: Shared Responsibilities:

Children raised in single-parent families don’t just have “token” chores to do to earn an allowance. The authentic need for their help and assistance helps the children recognize the value of their contribution and develop pride in their own work.

4: Seeing Real-Life, Balanced Priorities:

Children raised in successful single-parent families know that they are the main priority in their parents’ lives, yet they are not treated as though they are the center of everyone’s universe. This healthy approach helps to prepare your child for the “real world.”

Ten Important Tips for Single Parent Adoption:

  1. Make sure you have a support network of family and friends, also for daily ‘crises.’

2, Participate in one or more local support groups or communities

  1. Make child care arrangements
  2. Be aware of the role models and influences within the family and community
  3. Make plans in case of your own health emergencies and/or deaths
  4. Respite care
  5. Be aware of attitudes about members of the opposite gender
  6. Plan your “self-care.” Having a child as a single can be tough, so also take good care of yourself in this process
  7. Find out everything about the possibilities of financial support
  8. Despite the attitudes of people around you about single and adopting, if you have made your choice, then focus on all the positive effects and possibilities

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