Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) provides holistic healthcare to people living with traumatic injuries and their families. It is a non-profit organization. It is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals committed to providing the highest quality of care to its patients.
Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) is a pioneering NGO working to rehabilitate trauma victims. It was established in 1992. BRCT was selected for implementing medical treatment, legal support, and rehabilitation to the victims on 25 February 1992 with backing from foreign doctors.
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Primary objectives:
The primary objectives of the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims are to: Ensure the physical and psychological state of torture survivors through an Integrated Rehabilitation Approach [IRA].
Prevent torture by educating, informing, and sensitizing professionals and other members of the community. Reduce the number of torture incidences or prevent suffering by forming the Task Force against Torture [TFT] in local districts.
The BRCT has introduced a holistic treatment package at its center to supply torture survivors with the necessary treatment and rehabilitation programs under an Integrated Rehabilitative Approach [IRA], which incorporates doctor examinations, Counseling, leCounselingling, phCounselingy, psychotherapy, and follow-up.
The BRCT also provides services to you, such as torture survivors, home visits, mobile treatment camps, economic rehabilitation, and legal support.
The foremost common sorts of torture experienced by torture survivors include:
- beatings with roller sticks or rifle butts,
- kicking/pressing with police boots,
- blows/slaps,
- electric shocks,
- chopping,
- bamboo rolling,
- dousing in hot/cold water,
- wooden bar,
- pricking needles through fingernail beds,
- falanga,
- kicking with boots,
- verbal abuse,
- being forced to observe the torture of others,
- aerial suspension,
- forced kneeling for long periods of your time,
- cigarette burns,
- being engaged with a rope,
- not being allowed to satisfy relations,
- isolation,
- threats of torture/death and
- deprivation of food/sleep.
Common sequelae of torture include:
- backaches,
- general complaints,
- musculoskeletal problems,
- chest complaints,
- gastrointestinal complaints,
- neurological complaints,
- dimness of vision,
- genito-urinal complaints,
- physical disabilities,
- hearing disorder,
- general weakness,
- insomnia/nightmares,
- Depression and anxiety,
- phobias,
- loss of memory,
- sleep disturbances,
- lack of concentration at work,
- feeling lonely,
- lack of confidence and
- inability to figure.
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The BRCT regularly organizes training programs for professionals [including doctors, lawyers, journalists, and teachers], NGO staff, youths, and union leaders.
The BRCT researches the human rights situation in Bangladesh and publishes annual reports supporting information gathered during a database at the BRCT center.

The BRCT regularly and systematically documents relevant medical information [including history, treatment profile, follow-up, monitoring, and evaluation], both in client files and electronic.
The entire process is completed consistently with a standardized format. All of the individual client’s reports are recorded here very carefully. These statistical data will be used for any research purpose in any socio-economic condition.
The BRCT also regularly maintains legal documentation within the legal section, which incorporates legal documents, case proceedings, BRCT initiatives, etc.
The BRCT maintains a Documentation Centre [library], which incorporates 2,158 books, reports, journals, newsletters, 1,160 pamphlets, and 150 audio-visual materials. The materials are cataloged and classified by subject.
The formation of an area Task Force against Torture [TFT] in local districts may be a key element in BRCT’s preventive activities.
At the district level, TFT may be a locally-based platform for execs [doctors, lawyers, journalists, and social workers]. The members of the TFT are trained in several aspects of human rights and, therefore, the prevention of torture.
Other prevention activities conducted by the BRCT include fact-finding missions; leading local and international urgent actions; organizing programs for exchanging views; lobbying for the reformation of local laws; implementing international conventions; managing signature campaigns; producing various publications for raising public awareness; and conducting awareness-building seminars for professionals, NGO staff, union leaders, teachers, youths, etc.
The BRCT also publishes the research module and technical manual for the treatment as the doctors and other professionals can get help.
Information and advocacy
The BRCT releases a monthly Bangla newsletter, ” Anushandhani.” for information and advocacy.
There are no specialized rehabilitation centers for people suffering from critical injuries such as road accidents, industrial injuries, and trauma from violence in Bangladesh. There are few such centers in the whole world. Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims is one of them.