Unlocking the Tarot: Beginner’s Guide to Reading Tarot Cards in 2024

How To Read Tarot Cards For Beginners

How To Read Tarot Cards For Beginners? If you have this question, think you have already started researching to become a tarot reader. The origin of the Tarot is somewhat mysterious. Some sources say the cards originated in Italy in the 15th century. Others were around from the middle of the 18th century. The fact is that the cards were invented by scholars in the 18th and later 19th centuries. They linked the cards to Egyptian philosophy, Kabbalah, alchemy, and other systems.

Arthur Edward Waite, however, is widely regarded as the father of the modern Tarot. He commissioned artist Pamela Coleman Smith to create a “modified” tarot in the twentieth century. The version of his cards has been widely adopted as the standard and is by far the most popular deck – and the easiest to learn tarot with its rich symbolism and simple artwork.

I can remember when I got my first tarot card. It was adventurous to me. My soulmate was gifted my first tarot deck. She provided the enthusiasm to be a tarot Adviser. First, I learned about the tarot card from Carl Jung’s video. As a professional psychologist, I always have a curiosity about spirituality and mysterious matters.

Today, I will tell you all about what I have noted from my beginning learning. If you read mindfully, you will get clear concepts and steps to be advanced in tarot master. Let’s check my journey in tarot reading.

What do different types of tarot cards mean?

Although the amount of design varies in different ways, all Tarot decks are identical in a few ways. Each includes cards divided into two groups: the main and secondary arcana. The main arcana is the 22 trump cards on the deck and usually implies larger effects and revelations when pulled while reading. These cards do not have a suit and instead stand alone, representing important life events and images in a person’s life.

Secondary Arcana, in contrast, refers to more everyday topics and effects. These 56 cards are divided into four suites: sticks, swords, paints, and cups (occasionally, tarot decks will use other terms such as “coins” for paintless but replace them directly for the four main sections). Each case presents a different aspect of life.

Typically, sticks symbolize creativity and passion, swords symbolize intelligence, pentacles symbolize work and money, and cups symbolize emotion. There are other groupings here; Each case is also associated with a group of astrological signs, such as = fire, sword = air, paints = earth, and cup = water.

These meanings can come into play where the cards represent people and their zodiac signs, but since we are spiritual here, the meaning you often draw is the functional definition. For example, a three-card spread with three pencil cards strongly suggests making money. (More on the type of expansion in a moment).

What do you need to read a tarot card as a beginner?

First, you need a tarot deck. The Rider-Waite is the most popular and well-known deck, drawn by painter Pamela Coleman Smith and published in 1910.

These cards are known for their public image, general color scheme (large yellow, sky blue, and gray), and symbolism.

The cards’ meanings are often intuitive – and many people recommend a rider-weight deck for beginners, as plenty of explanatory guidebooks and descriptive guides are available online.

Many deck cards, including Rider-Waite, bring a sheet of short paper for the most general interpretation.

Although it is the most familiar deck, the Rider-Waite is far from the only option for the first reader. The unknown wild deck is particularly beautiful, though – a fair warning – somewhat intuitive for newcomers.

Somewhat like Rider-Waite on Morgan Gray Deck Steroids: The symbols are the same, but the faces are bigger and bolder, and the colors are more vivid and varied.

There are modernization, variegated decks, and Game of Thrones-themed decks. The most important thing is to pick a deck with images that interest you, including symbolism that you can explain. You will be the one who is using them, so they need to fit your personality and style.

How do you need to prepare the deck?

Much of this depends on the deck owner and what seems right to them, but most tarot readings have a few habits.

If you’re reading cards for someone else, you’ll want to ask them what they’re passionate about, and remember that question when clearing the deck – this is also known as “clearing” the deck from pre-asking and reading. (Examples may include: “When will I find love?” “Am I on the right career path?” “How do I finish my author block?”)

Then call the person you are reading for (also named “quarantine”) again, and focus on their question. We like this variant because it thinks the current is connected to the deck, but some readers will cut it for quirting.

Either way, you’ll then draw as many cards as you need for your expansion, arranging them between you and Quirent – or just in front of you if you’re reading for yourself.

How can you start tarot card reading if you don’t know anything about it?

? Open your tarot box.

Hold the cards in your hand. Take a few deep breaths and ask your spirit guide (or someone you trust to speak for you) to be with you as you read. Ask your guides for clear messages that will benefit you the most on your way to the destination.

Call “Knock” a few times or tap the pile of cards to release your power by calling while holding the cards in your hand.

  • Replace the cards completely.
  • Cut the cards into three piles and then pile them up again.
  • Now that you have jazzed the cards, you are ready to start reading.
  • Spread the table or floor cards.
  • Choose your drawing cards.
  • Guidebook and your intuitive advice!

Note: If the cards are brand new, or they are renewed to you, which means they have been given to you as a gift or have been used by someone else before, you must call and clear them! You want to remove the other person’s energy and synthesize it yourself. Use age smoke first to clean the cards. Then I touch each card on the deck. I look at the picture on the card and meditate on it for a minute – repeat with each card.

Use the following steps to read tarot cards for the first time:

Following these steps will help you to start your first tarot reading journey: These steps will help you begin your tarot journey:

Ground yourself. It’s important to learn how to rest your energies so that your insights and the universe can be grounded enough to communicate with what it can tell you. Try to meditate and use aromatherapy to calm yourself down.

Look for a comfortable place. Looking for a peaceful, well-ventilated place where you feel comfortable (in your home or where you plan to study) is best. This will help you focus on your intuition.

Choose your deck. It is best to pick the most attractive deck for you in strength. The more you fall in love with your deck, the cleaner you will be. And yes, it is absolutely fine to be attached to an unusual deck!

Spend time with your chosen deck. You should know about the power of your calls and their cards. Spend it to change it, observe the images, and try to exploit its power. Often, just by spending time and observing the cards, you will get a preliminary idea of what the card suggests. It will also help to simplify the process of learning meanings.

-Continue Research and sturdy to get touch inheritance meaning of tarot reading-

Tarot Books /Tutorials: Usually, there is a Tarot book with a Tarot deck with all its meanings and explanations. It is better to start with this. When you read all the meaning, start watching other tutorials on YouTube to understand it differently.

Learn spreads: You know all the meanings. Start learning simple spreads. The easiest spread is 3 card spreads – past, present, future and answer, problem, and solution. By drawing a card in a spread, you will learn what it means to draw a card in a certain place.

Start connecting cards: Now you know the meaning of each card, the meaning of the card that agrees with the spot. Finally, you can now start connecting one card to another card. You will be able to explain the meaning of each card with the next card, which will feel more or less like a story.

Some effective tips: Try to focus on the answer according to the main Arkansas.
  • If you feel that the cards are not becoming intelligent or feel too strong, clear the deck until you feel light.
  •  Before reading, invite the universe, and angles to help guide you with your Spirit Guide and Answers.
  • Keep your cards in the suit with age when needed. It cleans your deck.
  • You may want to keep the amethyst crystal or clear quartz crystal with you as you read for more concentration.

I hope this helps you. And relax; you may be a little anxious at first, but believe me, it’s all going to be pretty—many blessings.

After reading the tarot cards, how to interpret the meaning?

It is important to consider each card’s meaning and the vibe and symbolism in the spread. Especially in larger spreads, as much information as can be gathered from the overall image as a piece of it is an opportunity to work with them if you are reading for someone else – the more stress you put into reading, the more challenging it will be.

Reading Tarot doesn’t make you psychological, which should be a relief: it’s okay to ask questions about the cards and brainstorm how they can be applied to their real questions.

Sometimes the cards don’t match at all – Quirent asks about the money, but you pull out two cups of cards and “lovers.” This may mean what they wanted to ask you about their love life.

 Example of the interpretation of tarot meaning:

This is your section if you ask for the “three-card spread” key. There are plenty of ways to read terry cards, and often the directions that come with your cards include pictures of the most popular spreads. These include the usual three-card spread, the Celtic Cross, and the seven-day spread, but you’ll soon learn that there is a spread in any situation, and you can always create your own.

The current will change a three-card spread to pull three cards from the deck after handing them in half (something more in a moment). The first represents the drawn past, the second usually represents the present, and the third usually represents the future.

How these timelines are interpreted depends on reading and asking questions – “future” may be tense, or it may mean 10 years from now.

Another common use for tarot cards is a daily card reading, in which a single card is drawn from the top of a random deck and used as a reminder or guideline for the day ahead. This can be a beneficial practice for anyone looking to familiarize themselves with the meanings of tarot decks and cards.

I followed a way to draw tarot cards when I was a beginner:

Always do regular practices to enhance your capability from various online or offline sources. I always keep paper and pencil to note down any new information. Now, I am sharing a few tips that help me get the skilled and intuitive meaning of tarot cards.

  1. Keep it simple

It’s easy to get lost in the complex, mysterious system of tarot making, but if you try to learn all these systems at once, you will find yourself quickly overwhelmed.

Instead, commit yourself to simple promises. Stick to simple spreads, easy money, and simple strategies. Your confidence will increase immensely when you keep it simple.

  1. Make a personal connection with Tarot

I started learning tarot cards by reading dozens of books and memorizing meanings. Not helpful! I just forgot all the money. I had no personal or intuitive connection to the cards.

But when I begin to relate to tarot cards personally, my intuitive insights stop!

Take a look at your daily life for personal examples of tarot cards. Which day best describes your day? Which card represents your best friend? Make it personal.

  1. Swap the Celtic cross for a 1-3 card spread

Almost every tarot starter book includes a Celtic cross tarot spread. It’s a nice spread, but on 10 cards, it’s not a great place to start a Tarot beginner.

Instead, use simple 1-3 card tarot spreads. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much insight you can gain from just reading one card.

  1. Draw a tarot card a day

The best way to learn tarot and make a personal connection with tarot is to draw a card a day.

Ask Tarot daily, “Which energy should I focus on today?” And actively express that energy throughout your day.

Or, ask Tart, “What experience can I have today?” Match what happened throughout the day and what you match with the tarot card you draw.

Over time, the ‘bank’ of your experience with the Tarot will grow.

  1. Read the picture on the card

One of the easiest ways to understand what a tarot card means is to look at the picture. What’s going on? Why is this happening? What is the moral of the story?

Then, re-associate it with what you are experiencing. What can the story on the card tell you about your life right now? What new lessons can you learn?

The best thing about this strategy is that you don’t have to memorize any money! You can only go with what you see in each bar card picture.

This technique is so powerful that I spend almost the entire class on it in my whole program, Master Tarot Card Money.

  1. Tune your underlying

I know, easy work and said! Most tarot beginners struggle with knowing how and when to go through their insights.

My advice? Write down the books and carry the power of the tarot card in front of you. From what the books say, you are not considering connecting to any other card meaning. What you’re doing is connecting to the intuitive reading of your card – which is often more powerful than reconstructing the book’s purpose.

  1. Read tarot for yourself

Tarot is a powerful tool for personal development, and one discovers it by inventing it. When you start reading the Tarot, you are your best client!

Take time each day to read a small tarot for yourself. You will learn more about Tarot and yourself and make your tarot readings easier. Bonus!

Steps to Read your own tarot card online platform.

You can easily access a few websites to get your tarot reading. For example, Free tarot reading. I initially learned about a few basics of tarot reading from this site. There are a few steps to follow to get your secure and easy online reading. All other sites have a few common steps, which are given below.

  • Log In Online Tarot Card Maker.
  • Choose your card stock as smooth or linen.
  • Select the number of cards you want and finish.
  • Add an alchemy box to your deck.
  • Drag and drop the uploaded image files onto the front and back of the card.
  • Preview and add to cart.


Tarot card reading is not the dark psychology of black psychology to manipulate people. Rather, it is a gift of psychology. There are many ways to read tarot, but they all need practice. It takes time to learn 78 individual cards, especially when many have multiple possible meanings.

It’s easier to use as a tool to understand yourself and others better. The more cards you read and touch, the more familiar you become.

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Last update on 2024-10-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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